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Why Pakistan's Mohammed Ali Jinnah Was No Nelson Mandela: Kapil Komireddi

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Its not a very difficult questions, if one answers the following question honestly.

Who is a better human being?

A person who divides people because they are different or a person who unites people despite their differences??

A Person who pull millions out of misery is much much better than they two you mentioned, God Forbid if there was no leaders like Sir Jinnah(R.A), Allama Iqbal(R.A), etc Pakistan would've been took over by india & we would be living a miserable life just like indian Muslims who cannot slaughter a cow on a festival known as Baqr-Eid(Baqr means Cow).

Pakistan Zindabad, Quaid e Azam Paendabad.:smitten::pakistan:
Author is a one pisssed off bhaarti. That is all i got out of it.
The one who divides people. You have issues with it. Good.

2 roti ziada kha laina.

Then it is apt that you guys, despite being homogeneous are still divided and fighting over, sect, language, region.
You never valued the strength of unity.
Freedom from what??

"From domination into independence and right to self determination."

Then it is apt that you guys, despite being homogeneous are still divided and fighting over, sect, language, region.
You never valued the strength of unity.

What we are today is our internal problem it has nothing to do with "you" or "your nation".

I would not blame Jinnah for partition. I feel he was forced into it by the communal politics of Gandhiji and his obsession to win over muslims by supporting Khilafat movement which Jinnah opposed. Also alternate opinions were not allowed in that Jinnah opposed total Satyagraha in the 1920 Nagpur Congress session. He kept away from politics for some more years before he came back as representative of muslims. If only Congress had allowed his opinion, history would have taken a different turn (not sure Gandhi's hand was there in supressing Jinnah's voice in 1920 session but there are couple of pointers which makes me suspicious - Gandhi stayed away from Congress when his candidate lost to Subash Chandra Bose in the Congress Presidential elections and later ignored the Pradesh Congress committee members' support for Sardar and had Nehru as PM)

So the fault lies solely with Gandhi -

1. For playing communal politics
2. For him or his supporters not allowing alternate opinions.

What partition? Indian had never been a unified state except under the rule of the fist before only twice in its entire history. We got what was rightfully ours.
All i can say is what a m0r0nic piece of $h1tty article i've seen in a while.

Calling Pakistanis & indians one itself is considered insult in Pakistan.

Long Live Pakistan & Long Live Sir Jinnah(R.A), haters can kiss painful death.

Land got divided and the people of 1947 got divided - not you and me - those people lived together - not you and me, you hate us and we hate you back, but that's because we are born and brought up in a generation when we have been at war and proxy war against each other. But the people of pre partition might have felt the pain of partition - not us - we are glad.

So there's no foolishness in that statement.
My question: 70 years after our independence,Why do Bhaartis still never get enough of questioning our existence?

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Land got divided and the people of 1947 got divided - not you and me - those people lived together - not you and me, you hate us and we hate you back, but that's because we are born and brought up in a generation when we have been at war and proxy war against each other. But the people of pre partition might have felt the pain of partition - not us - we are glad.

So there's no foolishness in that statement.

What people?. We never had been one people. We were just people of different backgrounds,beliefs and languages packed together by force.
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What people?. We never had been one people. We were just people of different backgrounds,beliefs and languages packed together by force.

What force? who was forcing our ancestors to live together? don't mistake me- I am way too glad that we are not from the same country but those people lived together by force or by choice and there had to be some judaai feeling.
He wanted Pakistan he had it but he shouldn't have tried accession of hindu majority Junagarh with Pakistan when he created Pakistan on two nation theory and Junagarh had no border with Pakistan. Jungarh crisis started 1.5 months before lashkar invasion and merger of Kashmir with India.
"From domination into independence and right to self determination."

Who's domination, independence from whom..As far as I know British were already giving India their independence.Exploiting and expanding a communal divide is still exploitation, does not become self determination.

What we are today is our internal problem it has nothing to do with "you" tor "your nation".

Your problems have nothing to do with us.. everything to do with you and the mentality on which your nation created.It has some how stuck in ...whereas we chose to stay united despite being diverse.

You chose divide people despite being a homogeneous group...first on the basis of religion(1947), then on the basis of language and ethnicity(1971) and now on basis of sect and region.
What partition? Indian had never been a unified state except under the rule of the fist before only twice in its entire history. We got what was rightfully ours.

If you look at the history, unified states were mostly established by the rule of the fist and gained acceptance later. So in 1947, it was the British Indian empire which was partitioned into 2.
What people?. We never had been one people. We were just people of different backgrounds,beliefs and languages packed together by force.

Pakistan was created only on religion basis , not language background but Pakistan could not accomodate all the Muslims of British India. Jinnah was a Gujarati,you can't differentiate majority of Indians and Pakistanis on language basis.
we aare thanking to our beloved Quaid-e-azam that he gave us separate land from majority hindus ..we the people are very different from indians in traditions,cultures and beleifs..we are monotheists while the hindus are polytheists that would affect in our life styles....
I personally has no opinion on Jinnah, but he was man of integrity. Partition happened for good for both countries. No need for such article now.
Pakistan was created only on religion basis , not language background but Pakistan could not accomodate all the Muslims of British India. Jinnah was a Gujarati,you can't differentiate majority of Indians and Pakistanis on language basis.
jinnah's father and mother were gujrati and he moved to karachi in 1875 so quaid-e-azam was born in karachi and lived in karachi .....
we aare thanking to our beloved Quaid-e-azam that he gave us separate land from majority hindus ..we the people are very different from indians in traditions,cultures and beleifs..we are monotheists while the hindus are polytheists that would affect in our life styles....

Jinnah was just a source, the real people who made Pakistan to serve them against the Soviets were the Brits and Americans.
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