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Why Pakistan shouldn't and doesn't need to fight US/Nato? Wake up!!!!


Aug 25, 2009
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Stop being so irrational and soaked in emotions. Your mind is clouded with war hysteria that the western and your own media has created.

Violation of sovereignty via land and air are nothing new, these are things of the past, had been happening for 300 years by major super and imperial powers. British and Russians had done it before, both covertly and overtly. Where were you back then?

Honour, dignity, pride, nationalistic sentiments and attachment are things of the past. New wars are fought economically and through the media and through democratic institutions.

And the lone and *only* democratic institution is the Pakistan Military Establishment. They are very well established and based on a meritocratic system with checks and balances in place. and they're being targeted relentlessly both covertly and overtly by foreign intelligence agencies and the militants coupled with media. It's incredible we are not reading into their game plans. So SUPPORT THE MILITARY, ESPECIALLY IN THIS TIME OF DESPERATE NEED. THEY NEED YOUR SUPPORT NOW MORE THAN EVER.

So, how can you stop the Nato from their trecherous plans of controlling this part of the world politically and economically by capturing natural resources?


1) Democracy...Unite and elect honest and right people i.e. Imran Khan
2) Support the Military and the ISI....yes there may be bad apples, but still the overwhelming majority are good hearted people, and need your support ...the NATO wants to disintegrate the army by humiliating them by their own people

3) Capture more Raymond Davis's frequently: Seriously,...that was the biggest setback to CIA and the whole Obama's administration...they got humiliated by their own public...Kerry/Clinton/Obama are all chronic liars as they were caught lying to their own people, and trust me, Americans hate nothing more than liars...blatant liars...so capturing them will expose their nefarious designs and erode credibility and tarnish their imagies, as it will generate tremendous BAD NEWS HEADLINES all over the World LOL...

4) Defeat Al-Qaeda/militants in Pakistan that is fighting our Army ...and Cease operations in NW and south waziristan...buy out the militants fighting against PA....pull out some border posts and let the non-anti-Pakistan militants slap the stupid afghan army and their foreign comrades every now and then lol...

5) Patience and Preservation: this war can only be won by being patient...10 more years and the US will almost go bankrupt, they are not here to win or lose, winning or losing makes no difference, they're here to stay and capture strategic assets i.e. nukes and natural resources...so we have to make sure they don`t succeed in acheiving their game plans....if they dont succeed in their plans, that would be an automatic win for us!:tup:

6) Don't shoot their helicopters violating our airspace, instead force them to land and arrest their soldiers and handcuff them and imprison them for 3 months... and parade them around like Raymond Davis in pak prison uniforms....lol...that will be enough public humiliation via media and the US public will realize how corrupt and liars their political and military leaders are...and that would discredit and erode american`s trust in their own democratic institutions...thats how wars are won and lost in this era

Thanks for reading, lets hear what you say :tup:
Yes wake up! Fight us and you'll be down on the floor again faster than we captured Osama.
Yes wake up! Fight us and you'll be down on the floor again faster than we captured Osama.

Read it again. Thread starter is asking for patience and vigilance, not war.

Anyway i liked your threat. Typical American mentality. Always think of war to solve problems.

We are not that stupid to indulge in a war with a superpower. We know our limitations. No matter how much angry we are, we always think realistically.
I think he is asking for the exact opposite. Read it again. Thread starter is asking for patience, not war hysteria.
Defeat Al-Qaeda/militants in Pakistan that is fighting our Army ...and Cease operations in NW and south waziristan...buy out the militants fighting against PA....pull out some border posts and let the non-anti-Pakistan militants slap the stupid afghan army and their foreign comrades every now and then lol...
This is the exact bull crap that your media has been feeding you. You guys are incompetent of capturing a man living in a mansion right next door to your capital. And now you want to defeat Al qaeda and the other militants alone? :lol: If you were to have done exactly what you were told, there wouldn't be all this mess.
Patience and Preservation: this war can only be won by being patient...10 more years and the US will almost go bankrupt, they are not here to win or lose, winning or losing makes no difference, they're here to stay and capture strategic assets i.e. nukes and natural resources...so we have to make sure they don`t succeed in acheiving their game plans....if they dont succeed in their plans, that would be an automatic win for us!

Yes the US will go bankrupt and everyone will go home. Keep repeating that mantra.
Read it again. Thread starter is asking for patience and vigilance, not war.

Anyway i liked your threat. Typical American mentality. Always think of war to solve problems.

We are not that stupid to indulge in a war with a superpower. We know our limitations. No matter how much angry we are, we always think realistically.

xLancex is a indian living in the U.S.
Yes the US will go bankrupt and everyone will go home. Keep repeating that mantra.

What happened on 9/11 was also an intelligence failure of American agencies. ISI is not as resourceful or powerful as CIA is but still they have captured many AL-Qaeda leaders. They want cooperation or not. Not our problem. We have to fight militants anyway. No matter how much limited capabilities we have, our war will continue.
I understand where you're coming from Mehru and I do think the same. Play the waiting game, let America collapse of the back of an unwinnable war.

However what if that doesn't happen and they end up coming very close to destroying Pakistan? Then what, we are in an even weaker position to respond if at all.

Its time to stop being passive, reactive, its time for pre-emptive action for the good of the nation by any means neccessary by the armed forces!
I understand where you're coming from Mehru and I do think the same. Play the waiting game, let America collapse of the back of an unwinnable war.

However what if that doesn't happen and they end up coming very close to destroying Pakistan? Then what, we are in an even weaker position to respond if at all.

Its time to stop being passive, reactive, its time for pre-emptive action for the good of the nation by any means neccessary by the armed forces!

I know it's annoying but tell me what better option do we have? Fighting with NATO will mean our total destruction and this will also divert us from our WOT. So let's see if we could manage this relationship with NATO. However, if they pushed us too far then perhaps we will have no other option than to fight them.
USA is a super power the only one left but super powers make mistakes its happened in the past and this is not the 1900's America is no longer a rising giant but a setting star. China is the up and coming power and is fast closing the gap and a mistake now could be fatal for the USA. History books wont read how Pakistan got its butt kicked by the states but more like how David bought down the Goliath. Just a thought peace to all.
I know it's annoying but tell me what better option do we have? Fighting with NATO will mean our total destruction and this will also divert us from our WOT. So let's see if we could manage this relationship with NATO. However, if they pushed us too far then perhaps we will have no other option than to fight them.

There is a better way, here i will try to give some steps:

  • UN is there as an organization to look after comparatively weaker nations, register your protest there. (Max 3 in total, not even one registered yet)
  • Increase your relations with other power, going to Russia was a good idea, but rely more on China. If possible, make some commercial contracts with Chinese in Baluchistan, they need hot waters and we need deterrent. Chinese people in Baluchistan would be a deterrent for any invading power.
  • Speak with FATA leaders and ask their help in solving the terrorists problem there, they are locals and have honest followers with them, if they agree to help, which they already are, it will be pretty easy to do operation clean up as people know each other in every area.
  • Inform the UN that any invasion in Pakistan's Air Space will be considered and responded accordingly, If someone, invade the Air space and is shot down, it should not be considered as Pakistan's fault, as every sovereign country has that right under UN laws.
  • Inform US that whole of the nation is against any kind of drone attack and being a Democratic country, the Govt. cannot go against people's wish.

These steps are but just a few, a start, build on them, you don't need war against NATO forces, If US still insist on its path of drone attacks alone, then take the extreme measure, Pakistan's case in International court is already cleared, Pakistan tried to sort it Politically, they were warned and International community didn't listen.

Another thing which US planners are not keeping in view is Russia, it was broken down with the help of USA and other western countries, it would like to have a chance to return the favor.. Along with China's and Pakistan nation's full support, this task is not impossible..

Just my two cents..
....China is the up and coming power and is fast closing the gap and a mistake now could be fatal for the USA. ....

Let China start the duel with USA then.

As Paks we must keep our mouths shut and eyes focused on developing our nation.

Perhaps it will be wise to follow Chinese example of hard-work, hospitality, and global cooperation.

Unfortunately we are following the pathetic tribal monkey attitude and turning our beautiful country into the cesspools like Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, or Somalia or yemen.

I know it's annoying but tell me what better option do we have? Fighting with NATO will mean our total destruction and this will also divert us from our WOT. .....

NATO and Pak army are not enemies.

Both of them are facing the same destructive force called Taliban and Qaida.

....e if we could manage this relationship with NATO. However, if they pushed us too far then perhaps we will have no other option than to fight them.

NATO wants Pakistani army to join them. How can they push us too far? I fail to understand your assertion here.

The NATO forces & the US just want to irk Pakistan to do something stupid so they can have an excuse to attack it, but that won't be happening I guess. The West is getting exposed for its activities as it is. Pakistanis need to be strong & resilient.
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