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why pak cannot launch their own sattelite

majid mehmood

May 10, 2015
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Saudi Arabia
can anybody tell me that why pakistan supraco could not launch sattelite on their own
just see our neighbor they have reached mars at a such low cost and have launch their own shuttle in just 14 million that too less we can also spend that much amount of money
so wht is hindering our process our r&d scientist are just enjoying or what has happened, why we just keep taking help from china just see india they did developed missile for launching sattelite in just 15-20 years
i want all pakistani to share their thoughts
@Windjammer @Horus
can anybody tell me that why pakistan supraco could not launch sattelite on their own
just see our neighbor they have reached mars at a such low cost and have launch their own shuttle in just 14 million that too less we can also spend that much amount of money
so wht is hindering our process our r&d scientist are just enjoying or what has happened, why we just keep taking help from china just see india they did developed missile for launching sattelite in just 15-20 years
i want all pakistani to share their thoughts
@Windjammer @Horus
I am sure the infrastructure required for that(both physical and intellectual) is much , much more than 14 million dollars.

In my opinion we need to spend whatever money possible on dams. They are long term assets.
They provide electricity and store huge quantities of water which is very strategic.
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can anybody tell me that why pakistan supraco could not launch sattelite on their own
just see our neighbor they have reached mars at a such low cost and have launch their own shuttle in just 14 million that too less we can also spend that much amount of money
so wht is hindering our process our r&d scientist are just enjoying or what has happened, why we just keep taking help from china just see india they did developed missile for launching sattelite in just 15-20 years
i want all pakistani to share their thoughts
@Windjammer @Horus
It's not priority for Pakistan. Money required for constructing a launch vehicle can be spent on some other equipment\research.
1. Don't try to be your neighbor! F*ck them!!! Chart your own course and your own path.

2. Not even sounding rockets and microsats:undecided:?


Or balloon launched satellites (Balloon rockets)?



A networked constellation of microsats can form an effective and resilient communications or ISR platform that's less costly then large-dedicated, high-orbit satellites for regional coverage.


These options are well within Pakistan's technical capabilities and represent lower-cost options to larger rockets.

And for monitoring space assets, a joint station with China's never off the books.

the overall cost of building that satellite and/or RLV is much more than $14 million. think of all the time and effort for all the steps going into the previous developments. Ask Elon Musk - he will tell you how much it costs him for SpaceX launches.
can anybody tell me that why pakistan supraco could not launch sattelite on their own
just see our neighbor they have reached mars at a such low cost and have launch their own shuttle in just 14 million that too less we can also spend that much amount of money
so wht is hindering our process our r&d scientist are just enjoying or what has happened, why we just keep taking help from china just see india they did developed missile for launching sattelite in just 15-20 years
i want all pakistani to share their thoughts
@Windjammer @Horus

Very nice thought bhai, at least you are talking something constructive and genuinely appreciating your neighbors achievement.

Hope pakistan will achieve satellite launch capability very soon. Just focus on your economic development and peace.
It's not priority for Pakistan. Money required for constructing a launch vehicle can be spent on some other equipment\research.
Ahaan and strategic forces have informed you ,Right !. Real problem was Sparco remained ignore for man reason as most of our strategic policies are Indian centric so rest assure in coming days you will see restarted work on Satellite launch vehicle
Fack them? A bit uncalled for, for a few likes if you ask me.

Context my friend, context. Read the whole part, not just the one sentence.

I'm not saying, "Screw India! India sucks!!"

I'm saying that Pakistan doesn't need to base its course off of India's and should do "its thing" irrespective of what India does. Not everything in the India-Pakistan dynamic has to be a versus thing.

We know Pakistan can't compete with India's space program. It doesn't have the money, facilities, expertise or experience. But that doesn't matter because it shouldn't be competing against India anyway. When India does something, Pakistan should clap and congratulate and let it motive them, but they should stick to their own path and their own programs regardless of what India does.

Launch their own microsats and sounding rockets, not trying to hit Mars just because India does. Build up their program through a slow and steady approach, being ambitious but also realistic, and not falling into the trap of, "Because they do it, we must too"

That's what I mean by "F*ck them." Do your own thing, don't worry about them.

Pakistan has to start small:


If it wants to realize big dreams:


India did the same with its space program.

Started small, and without competing against the big boys:


And now because of that it's realizing big dreams:

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Launching a satellite shows ICBM capability. If you can launch a satellite into space, it means you can drop a nuclear weapon anywhere on the planet.The west; US and the EU, would go into absolute panic mode, the resulting sanctions don't bear thinking about.

It must be a policy decision not to have that capability now.
1. Don't try to be your neighbor! F*ck them!!! Chart your own course and your own path.

2. Not even sounding rockets and microsats:undecided:?


Or balloon launched satellites (Balloon rockets)?



A networked constellation of microsats can form an effective and resilient communications or ISR platform that's less costly then large-dedicated, high-orbit satellites for regional coverage.


These options are well within Pakistan's technical capabilities and represent lower-cost options to larger rockets.

And for monitoring space assets, a joint station with China's never off the books.

Just a piece of information, Pakistan lanuched its first sounding rocket Rehbar-I on 1962 and it was a two-stage rocket but we have regressed we did not prioritised space program despite having one the most advanced ballistic missile program in South Asia which have a lot of commonality with a satellite launch system.
1. Don't try to be your neighbor! F*ck them!!! Chart your own course and your own path.

2. Not even sounding rockets and microsats:undecided:?


Or balloon launched satellites (Balloon rockets)?



A networked constellation of microsats can form an effective and resilient communications or ISR platform that's less costly then large-dedicated, high-orbit satellites for regional coverage.


These options are well within Pakistan's technical capabilities and represent lower-cost options to larger rockets.

And for monitoring space assets, a joint station with China's never off the books.

Pakistan was the First Nation in SA/region to test sounding rockets back in 1962;



@OP.. SUPARCO has been developing SLVs but limited budget has put the project on the back burner ...

Official model of SLV exhibited in early 2000s at IDEAS expo;


Do you know what SUPARCOs budget is ? Govt allotted them 500 million PKR... with 300 million supposedly to come from Foriegn "aid"...

500 million alloted = 4771675.0000 US $
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the overall cost of building that satellite and/or RLV is much more than $14 million. think of all the time and effort for all the steps going into the previous developments. Ask Elon Musk - he will tell you how much it costs him for SpaceX launches.
I dont think cost is a problem; our PM alone can afford 100 satellites worth 14 million.
can anybody tell me that why pakistan supraco could not launch sattelite on their own
just see our neighbor they have reached mars at a such low cost and have launch their own shuttle in just 14 million that too less we can also spend that much amount of money
so wht is hindering our process our r&d scientist are just enjoying or what has happened, why we just keep taking help from china just see india they did developed missile for launching sattelite in just 15-20 years
i want all pakistani to share their thoughts
@Windjammer @Horus

Reasons in the following order of importance (with relative importance in my OPINION in parenthesis):
1. Lack of will. (55%)
2. Lack of money. (35%)
3. Possible international repercussions. (10%)

Lack of Will
We don't produce satellites in any significant numbers and therefore have no need to invest millions of dollars into an SLV just to launch one or two satellites 4 years down the line. It makes more sense to hire someone to put it into orbit.

Lack of Money
We don't have the kind of money allocated to SUPARCO each year that will allow it to do the R&D, bring up the needed workforce, build the needed setup. We also don't think we can afford to enter the space launch business like India has because we lack the capital to begin such an endeavor.

Possible international repercussions
We don't have the international standing/clout or respect to say we're developing an SLV and its not an ICBM, trust us. It will give all the hawks another reason to come attack us.

Bright Side
Rest assured some key technologies needed to have an SLV are worked upon constantly and designs exist. Some small scale tests of propulsion systems are also done. If there is a strong will from the top, the technological base is there upon which the program can be built.
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