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Why many Pakistanis view Indians as the monsters across the border

Not taking "Pangas" with suicidal people has nothing to do with, having or not having b@lls. It's sheer common sense :azn:

When I was 7 years old, my father was bringing me back from school.. A drunken man suddenly came in front of the car and started cursing and abusing and challenging my father to run him down if he had the guts. Instead, My father simply took the car a few metres in reverse, turned a bit and silently went around the man and off to home.. I wonder if that makes my father a “Coward" ? :confused:
When I was 7 years old, my father was bringing me back from school.. A drunken man suddenly came in front of the car and started cursing and abusing and challenging my father to run him down if he had the guts. Instead, My father simply took the car a few metres in reverse, turned a bit and silently went around the man and off to home.. I wonder if that makes my father a “Coward" ? :confused:
yes because he did't call the cops to arrest trouble maker.
yes because he did't call the cops to arrest trouble maker.
Oh come on.. It's Patna we're talking about here.. Its the Peshawar of India. Here we had Jungle-Raaj 10 years ago. A drunken man was not a abnormal occurence on the streets. I bet the cops wouldn't have come sober too.. LOL :drag:
Oh come on.. It's Patna we're talking about here.. Its the Peshawar of India. Here we had Jungle-Raaj 10 years ago. A drunken man was not a abnormal occurence on the streets. I bet the cops wouldn't have come sober too.. LOL :drag:
Your dad is a man suppose if a single lady walking same road alone after your dad and he rap s that lady...if u have balls dare it either peshawar or patna and believe me no one can dare this in Peshawar.
Oh boy..!! Now you're taking it to the extreme. A drunken man is a nuisance. A rapist is a criminal. Both are not the same. Both shouldn't be treated as the same. You're simply throwing extreme possibilities in the air now. If we go by that logic, there was just as much probability of him raping a lady that very same day as of him getting himself raped by fellow inmates in prison.. No??
Your dad is a man suppose if a single lady walking same road alone after your dad and he rap s that lady...if u have balls dare it either peshawar or patna and believe me no one can dare this in Peshawar.
Oh boy..!! Now you're taking it to the extreme. A drunken man is a nuisance. A rapist is a criminal. Both are not the same. Both shouldn't be treated as the same. You're simply throwing extreme possibilities in the air now. If we go by that logic, there was just as much probability of him raping a lady that very same day as of him getting himself raped by fellow inmates in prison.. No??
Sir you throw a logical question i am just answering the possibilities...did u r father fullfil the responsilbilty of being a good citizen NO if the drunkan man was not a threat and being drunk and threaten others acceptable fact in u r society then u r father must take this man or escort him to his place...in any condition u r father just save him and u for any problem by ignoring the whole society.

u r father act upon Mr Gandhi's doctrine

khud ko bachao baqi jayen bhaad mien.
Sir you throw a logical question i am just answering the possibilities...did u r father fullfil the responsilbilty of being a good citizen NO if the drunkan man was not a threat and being drunk and threaten others acceptable fact in u r society then u r father must take this man or escort him to his place...in any condition u r father just save him and u for any problem by ignoring the whole society.

u r father act upon Mr Gandhi's doctrine

khud ko bachao baqi jayen bhaad mien.

1). I told you already Bihar was in the grip of the infamous “Junge-Raaj" at that point of time. And my father might or might not have fulfilled the criteria of being a good responsible citizen, but he did prove to be a good father that day by not getting into a scuffle with the drunkard. He was with his 7-year old child at that time and it was his moral obligation as a father to get me home safe and sound. and that, he did.

2) The point I was trying to make with this example was that just because someone challenges you and goads you into doing something stupid, and you decline, it doesn't mean that the provoker is very brave or you're a coward. Our dear friend @hussain0216 tried to put exactly that point of view.

3). Plz don't bring Mahatma Gandhi into the discussion. And if you do, then at least don't associate false attributes to him. He had many faults, but “cowardice and indifference to others' plight” wasn't one of them. He would've lived his life as a successful lawyer instead of a half-naked hermit if he had been oblivious to people's plight.
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