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Why Israel fears a free Egypt

^^^ Maybe/May not be.

Equal chances.

This Gas pipeline hysteria was created for people with tendencies like you who will believe in it because it toys with the same school of though as most of others paranoid anti Islamic people do. For most of you its either in your support or its just radical Islam. Why cant the wish of the people be respected that is one. And I hope you have not forgotten the sh!t that Mubarak and his goons tried to pull off with sending charging horsemen and camel riders into the crowd that had been relatively peaceful. And then he said in his speech I will leave but then there will be chaos now I wonder what kind of hysteria was he trying to create. It was and is the same line of bs that every other western country along with the jews like to play with, I will go and then there will be radical Islamic forces taking over. So there is a very big chance rather then the 50-50 that you want to believe in that it was either Mubarak or some others who dont want him.
so basicly what us-israel wants is to be top 2 countries.
and watch over every single country.
they are capitals..
its normall.. they want to have the leader of every country.
otherwise they are afraid they are gonna get invaded or whatever.
they dont trust anyone.
geuss what.. you made the world do this.
- - Anyone who wants to know why Israel fears Egypt can be seen in a statement by a youth over there, who said: " We will inshAllah make Egypt an Islamic state and then we will free Palestine; we will destroy Israel. . . Israel beware". . . (Sorry could'nt find this on internet but I saw this on news. I think it was CNN)
- - Anyone who wants to know why Israel fears Egypt can be seen in a statement by a youth over there, who said: " We will inshAllah make Egypt an Islamic state and then we will free Palestine; we will destroy Israel. . . Israel beware". . . (Sorry could'nt find this on internet but I saw this on news. I think it was CNN)
But according to what the media has been saying, all this revolt against Mubarak is due to inflation, unemployment and economic problems that a common Egyptian is finding. It has nothing to do with religion since Egyptian majority is Muslim.
- - Anyone who wants to know why Israel fears Egypt can be seen in a statement by a youth over there, who said: " We will inshAllah make Egypt an Islamic state and then we will free Palestine; we will destroy Israel. . . Israel beware". . . (Sorry could'nt find this on internet but I saw this on news. I think it was CNN)

It mean plot is ready within year to take control of Sinai Peninsula & Suez canal.

Plane to expand territory of Israel to Great Israel



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arab world get independence and becomes 100% democratic.
but this worries and they dont want it us and israel.
i mean what are they thinking?
another dirty double game?
This Gas pipeline hysteria was created for people with tendencies like you who will believe in it because it toys with the same school of though as most of others paranoid anti Islamic people do. For most of you its either in your support or its just radical Islam. Why cant the wish of the people be respected that is one. And I hope you have not forgotten the sh!t that Mubarak and his goons tried to pull off with sending charging horsemen and camel riders into the crowd that had been relatively peaceful. And then he said in his speech I will leave but then there will be chaos now I wonder what kind of hysteria was he trying to create. It was and is the same line of bs that every other western country along with the jews like to play with, I will go and then there will be radical Islamic forces taking over. So there is a very big chance rather then the 50-50 that you want to believe in that it was either Mubarak or some others who dont want him.

Unlike you, I dont have sort of relation/kinship with Egyptians and so devoid of the bias I said it may be a case of terrorist act against Israel or simply a propaganda by pro-Mubarak supporters.

No one knows the truth as yet and so lets not discount either.
Unlike you, I dont have sort of relation/kinship with Egyptians and so devoid of the bias I said it may be a case of terrorist act against Israel or simply a propaganda by pro-Mubarak supporters.

No one knows the truth as yet and so lets not discount either.

Well unlike u I know 3 Egyptians very goo friends of mine, of whom 2 have brothers serving in the Egyptian military and the MI, so lets say I do know more then u.
Well unlike u I know 3 Egyptians very goo friends of mine, of whom 2 have brothers serving in the Egyptian military and the MI, so lets say I do know more then u.

So convinient, isn't it.

Well who cares what happens in Egypt - hardly has any bearings on Indian policy.
Yes im crazy.
my god.. i just cannot stand that relationship.
its like when i see a gay guy walking in the netherlands.
im look at him like o.o
then im like o_O
and then im like O.O
then im like this @#%^#$&$%&#@#!@!@$%^&

Yes im crazy.
my god.. i just cannot stand that relationship.
its like when i see a gay guy walking in the netherlands.
im look at him like o.o
then im like o_O
and then im like O.O
then im like this @#%^#$&$%&#@#!@!@$%^&

what you smoke today dear :D:rofl:
Doesn't matter who comes to power in Egypt. Their neck is firmly held in the hands of US.

1.) They import 80% or so of their food.
2.) They cannot even process their own petroleum and import gasoline.
3.) Egypt is completely unindustrialized and has no significant manufacturing industries. Their GDP/capita is worse than the Congo.

This means that whatever government forms, it WILL be US friendly, or else.

The current US regime is anti-Israel. Destroying Israel is the #1 priority and goal of Obama's foregin policy. The steps are:

1) Put in place Muslim Brotherhood as the gov of Egypt.
2) Rearming Egypt and provide support to Hamas and Hezbollah.
3) Create an crisis in Gaza and allow Egypt to use this excuse to rearm Sinai.
4) Once the troops are in place in Siani, create another crisis to allow Egypt to invade and destroy Israel.

Obama would provide intel and supplies to Egypt once there is a war while withheld support to Israel. Obama is hell bend on destroying Israel.
look at our size now and our growth.
do you really think jewish state with its 7m million people can last longer then a century?
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