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Why is the Rafale outselling even the F-35? (since 2021)

Important is to think where/when/how these costly fighter jets will be used?
Why does dubai or doha need these type jets? Aren’t they already slaves of usa? Just handover your defence to usa and save that money…..

Can the pilots even understand the french menu in the cockpit? Lolz
Cheap? It's the third most expensive jet fighter.

Rafale is cheaper to maintain as it is less complex and capable than F-35.

Not everyone can afford and eligible to buy F-35s. So they end up buying Rafales.

Cheap? It's the third most expensive jet fighter.

Don't forget French are infamous for corruption and kickbacks. So it helps Rafales over Grippen and Eurofighter.
Don't forget French are infamous for corruption and kickbacks. So it helps Rafales over Grippen and Eurofighter.
And don't forget Americans offer cancel deals,don't sell you spare parts if you're fighting someone they like and are generally nagging a lot about how you use their equipment.
With the guarantee of the French Public Treasury, they have developed a very successful financial package model, which includes long-term loan financings, 70% to 80% of which are provided by France.

Those who have followed the project since the beginning will know that the aircraft lags behind in many tenders in the first period due to its high initial acquisition costs and life-cycle costs. The French Ministry of Defense and the French Public Treasury seem to have worked very hard on these disadvantages in this context.

The other issue is the import of political support. If you look closely at the geopolitical conditions, current regional problems and realpolitik of the buying countries, you can clearly see this.

The third issue is the diversification of the combat elements of the importing air force according to different logistics resources. An active role here is that it is the most important European resource due to the state of US policies in recent years and the financial package it currently has for countries that do not have the political conditions to buy Russian or Chinese planes.

Is the Rafale a failed jet? No way. When you look at the Internet archives, you see such titles 4-5 years ago, but this is not true. If a Rafale with the same systems used by the French air force can be obtained, its users have a very capable platform. Rafale is also very flexible platform that is constantly evolving.
And don't forget Americans offer cancel deals,don't sell you spare parts if you're fighting someone they like and are generally nagging a lot about how you use their equipment.

French will sell the same or superior equipment to your enemy.

With the guarantee of the French Public Treasury, they have developed a very successful financial package model, which includes long-term loan financings, 70% to 80% of which are provided by France.

Those who have followed the project since the beginning will know that the aircraft lags behind in many tenders in the first period due to its high initial acquisition costs and life-cycle costs. The French Ministry of Defense and the French Public Treasury seem to have worked very hard on these disadvantages in this context.

The other issue is the import of political support. If you look closely at the geopolitical conditions, current regional problems and realpolitik of the buying countries, you can clearly see this.

Is the Rafale a failed jet? No way. When you look at the Internet archives, you see such titles 4-5 years ago, but this is not true. If a Rafale with the same systems used by the French air force can be obtained, its users have a very capable platform. Rafale is also very flexible platform that is constantly evolving.

French are anti-Muslim fascists. Muslim nations should to ban and not engage with them.
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