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Why is India so insensitive to our affairs?


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Why is India so insensitive to our affairs?


Barrister Harun Ur Rashid

In December 2010, New York based Human Rights Watch in a report described the Indian border guards as a "trigger-happy" force and documented hundreds of extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detention, torture, and ill-treatment by the BSF.

On February 7, the chief of Border Security Force (BSF) UK Banshal reportedly came made a chilling statement that "it would never be possible to totally stop firing; for so long the criminal activities continue along the border, we shall have to prevent the offenders."

Again, on February 23, one day before the Bangladesh home minister's visit, the chief of BSF reiterated his view that his soldiers at the border with Bangladesh would fire on criminals who dared them. In simple language, killing of Bangladeshis will continue along the border.

These statements of the BSF chief go directly against July 2011 statement of his boss, the Indian Home Affairs Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram, who said that Indian guards would no longer shoot people crossing the porous border from Bangladesh. Instead, the guards would use rubber bullets after giving warnings.

The people Bangladesh are puzzled that the Indian home minister remained silent on the reported statement of the BSF chief. Do we assume that home minister's July statement was not meant to be what he said? Was it only a political statement meant for Bangladesh people to assuage their anger at the killings along the border?

On February 9, Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dr Dipu Moni said the killing and torture of Bangladeshi nationals by Indian Border Security Force (BSF) along the border was not acceptable. She told journalists: "The government has long been protesting the border killing. India has also agreed to stop it."

On February 14, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina reportedly noted with regret that despite the assurance of India's highest political level that the killings along the border would end, stray incidents of killing and torture of Bangladeshi nationals by the Indian BSF personnel continued.

On February 24, at a meeting with the Bangladesh home minister in New Delhi, the Indian home minister assured her Bangladesh that efforts were on to bring down the incidents of firing along the border to zero level.

The senseless torture and killing of Bangladeshis by BSF has led an overwhelming section of people in Bangladesh to believe that India did not care about the loss of lives of Bangladeshis.

It is not understood why the Indian government remains so insensitive to the sentiments of the people of Bangladesh. New Delhi is a long distance from Dhaka (1,424.20 km) but that does not mean that Bangladesh affairs will be neglected or sidelined.

Some analysts say there are several reasons why is India insensitive to affairs of Bangladesh? Some are mentioned below:

There is a saying in the diplomatic circle in South Asia that India considers Pakistan as its only "neighbour" in South Asia, and does not deem others as "neighbours" because their relationships do not weigh much in India's concern.

In October last year, India's former foreign secretary Muchkund Dubey wrote: "Attitude of most Indian political leaders, senior officials, business magnates and strategic thinkers towards Bangladesh has been one of disdain and apathy. Very few of these people either understand the dynamics of the domestic politics of Bangladesh or have grasped the full import of Indo-Bangladesh relations." (The Daily Star: Forum -- October 2011)

A similar position is reflected in the book The Jamdani Revolution by Krishnan Srinivasan, another former Indian foreign secretary, in which he writes: "The political will and attention span have been lacking in New Delhi even though the bureaucracy has been willing to give a shove in the right direction -- which has not always been the case. In other words, the Indian government has tended to allow the hardliners and Hindu chauvinists to set the agenda for its policy towards Bangladesh."

Another eminent Indian journalist Sunanda K. Datta-Ray writes in July 2009 in Kolkata's The Telegraph: "Bangladesh may sizzle but it sizzles on a back-burner of Indian priorities."

From time immemorial, the behaviour of powerful and weak states has engaged many historians and political scientists, and was aptly summed by Greek historian, Thucydides (460-395) when he wrote: "The strong do what they have power to do; the weak accept what they have to accept."

India is a "rising power" regionally and globally, and some observers say many of its policy-makers may believe the above doctrine of Greek historian, with regard to Bangladesh.

Empirical evidence suggests Bangladesh has relied too much on Indian promises in the past, and even now. There have been many instances where India had been found deficient in fulfilling the pledges it made to Bangladesh.

Currently, the delay in implementing the promised deals with Bangladesh is causing serious misgivings among most people in Bangladesh about India's commitment and sincerity, and the existing behaviour will only demonstrate the repetition of its past conduct. To Bangladesh, federal-state conflict in India's politics cannot be an excuse for non-implementation of India's pledges.

On February 15, the Times of India warned the Indian government to rectify its policies before it was too late. New Delhi failed to deliver on big-ticket issues and risked losing most of the goodwill it had previously garnered, it added.

While Dhaka has moved quickly to address Delhi's concerns about cross-border terrorism and connectivity to the North-East, it appears that implementation of the bargain by the Indian side has been lost, especially in water-sharing of the common rivers.

Time is of the essence in implementation of the agreed deals with Bangladesh, and India must realise that its failure is not helping the government of Sheikh Hasina.

Furthermore, India is creating an environment in which the Sheikh Hasina government will be unable to respond positively in future to Indian requests. It is a pity that India does not appear to have appreciated, or has taken for granted, Bangladesh's quick actions to meet its vital interests.

Goodwill cannot be imposed as it is built on principles of mutual respect and trust, which are created when promised deals are translated into action with fairness and justice. Self-interest demands that India pay more attention to the sentiments of the people of Bangladesh.

The writer is a former Bangladesh Ambassador to the UN, Geneva.
Same question to Bangladesh, why are you so insensitive to our problems.

So rooting out ULFA from Bangladesh's territory isn't enough for you eh? And as far as the apparent 'illegals' go, it's your territory and your responsibility.

"Attitude of most Indian political leaders, senior officials, business magnates and strategic thinkers towards Bangladesh has been one of disdain and apathy. Very few of these people either understand the dynamics of the domestic politics of Bangladesh or have grasped the full import of Indo-Bangladesh relations."

"The political will and attention span have been lacking in New Delhi even though the bureaucracy has been willing to give a shove in the right direction -- which has not always been the case. In other words, the Indian government has tended to allow the hardliners and Hindu chauvinists to set the agenda for its policy towards Bangladesh."

Now why am I not surprised?
So rooting out ULFA from Bangladesh's territory isn't enough for you eh? And as far as the apparent 'illegals' go, it's your territory and your responsibility.

We are Thankfull to Gheekadesh to rout out ULFA but it is the responsibility of your soldiers to stop People getting inside India and don't interrupt India from constructing Barbed wire.
To the bharatis those who constantly raise illegal migration issue I would like to say to them... "India is the worst place to be born in" even it is said by Indian media itself. Why should Bangladeshis will go to poor bordering states to be a maid, hawkers, rickshaw puller or to live in slum? N the refugee or other hindus those who have gone to to India in and around 1971 is no longer our liability as hardly most of them are alive and their descendent are now 2nd or 3rd generation of them who born n get up in India so they are Indian citizen and your headache. If you have illegal migration issue ask your government to raise it officially with proof. Else just shut the f@@k off. No body gives a damn care of what the extremist radical hindu groups think.

After reading the following article hope no Indian will raise the issue of Illegal migration again.

Updated: Thu, 01 Mar 2012 13:41:24 GMT | By Ritika Chopra, Mail Today
Social welfare: India worst place to be born in

Social welfare: India worst place to be born in

The fastest growing "free market" economy is no competition to its neighbours.

New Delhi: India shines in its malls but slips badly when it comes to ensuring the well-being of its millions.

India may well be the world's fastest growing "free market" economy, but it is no competition to its neighbours when it comes to the social well being of her people.

A comparison with the neighbouring nations shows that besides Pakistan, all others like Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and China are far better off in terms of various social welfare indicators.

Even as India's positive growth story makes headlines, it is the second worst performing country in South Asia when it comes to female literacy. At 74 per cent, India is ranked just above Pakistan where 61 per cent of the women are educated. Even Bangladesh fares better. And it gets worse.

Among South Asian countries India is probably the worst place to be born in, as the chances of survival till the age of five are much weaker than the chances in Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and China. Yet again, we are better off than Pakistan, albeit slightly.

The revelation is not too surprising when 28 per cent of children in India are born underweight as against three per cent in China, 17 per cent in Sri Lanka, 21 per cent in Nepal and 22 per cent in Bangladesh.

This embarrassing performance has come to the fore with the release of a UNICEF report in the Capital on Wednesday. The study highlights the state of poor children growing up in cities. Statistics on child survival, development and protection paint a very sorry state of India in comparison to its neighbours as well.

Not everyone in India, however, is unfamiliar with this scenario.

The Human Development Report 2011 released by the Institute of Applied Manpower Research (IAMR) (an autonomous body under the Planning Commission) last year had made some shocking revelations on the levels of food insecurity, malnutrition and the dismal health infrastructure of the country.

In January, the Prime Minister called malnourishment among children a "national shame" while releasing a report on hunger and malnutrition.

"It's a shame that in some states of our country the levels of hunger and malnutrition are worse than some sub-Saharan countries. A lot needs to done in terms of social welfare of our children and women," Shantha Sinha, head of the National Commission for protection of Child Rights, who was present at the launch of the report said.
Well it's true we have ignored our neighbour, GOI should have acted more matured manner towards the Bangaladesh. But govt and it's foreign policy has always ignored them.
Those BSF personnels should be asked to show restrain you cannot just kill a human being even if they are crossing the border its immoral.
We are Thankfull to Gheekadesh to rout out ULFA

Somehow I kind of doubt it.

but it is the responsibility of your soldiers to stop People getting inside India and don't interrupt India from constructing Barbed wire.

And neither did any request come from your government over the issue of illegal immigration.

If you issued a request, and that the problem or dilemma is real, then we'd happily look into it.
Why is India so insensitive to our affairs?

Bangladesh is an issue for only west bangal ,assam etc.

why should a punjabi like me who is 1000s kms away should be sensitive?

---------- Post added at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 PM ----------

Why is India so insensitive to our affairs?

Bangladesh is an issue for only west bangal ,assam etc.

why should a punjabi like me who is 1000s kms away should be sensitive?
Indian media reported it even not by foreign media. If you have any issue with that, go n deal with it. Without any logic keep your bullshit chussu sort of stuff to you.

You guys are trying to hide your shame of illegal immigration, your slums, your high population density, much lower per capita income by projecting on the poverty of India. What a joke even poorest Bangladeshi think themselves like Europeans. :lol: :lol:

The fact is you are immigrating in India in large number and you can't hide your shame by referring to bullshit chussu lollypop article.
Bangaladesi guys…Pls stop infletration and call back all your near dear Bangaladeshi who entered into our country...And say them Come back to Amar desh Aamar Maati.
You guys are trying to hide your shame of illegal immigration, your slums, your high population density, much lower per capita income by projecting on the poverty of India. What a joke even poorest Bangladeshi think themselves like Europeans. :lol: :lol:

The fact is you are immigrating in India in large number and you can't hide your shame by referring to bullshit chussu lollypop article.

And as usual, your posts prove nothing short of rants coupled with disdain and apathy right from the start ever since you joined.

No Bangladeshi here is comparing Bangladesh to Europe. Stop spreading lies.
Somehow I kind of doubt it.

And neither did any request come from your government over the issue of illegal immigration.

If you issued a request, and that the problem or dilemma is real, then we'd happily look into it.

Because your newspaper keep you in dark.
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