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Why is a non-Muslim mass murderer not a 'terrorist'?

Yeti said:
First go read the Gita before you open your pig mouth donkey

Ye Caiva Sattvika Bhava Rajasastamasasca Ye
Matta Everti Tanviddhi Na Tvaham Tesu Temayi

God is the only source of all good (satva), obsessive (rajas) and dark (tamas) elements still, they are not within the God nor the deity is within them.
To the topic at hand, as all posts should be.

In that case, let me present my views.

Shouldn't a terrorist be someone who terrorizes?

My view is the same, a terrorist is someone who terrorizes or commits acts leading to intense fear among the populace.

The problem with the definition you're proposing makes for a very skewed terrorist - almost always just fitting a Muslim. All the causes around the world are mostly pro-Muslim - the losing side usually has causes.

I don't know whose definition you are referring to, so I will leave that part alone. The definition of a terrorist that I gave earlier in my opinion can fit anyone that partakes in terrorist activities.

I wouldn't say that Muslims are the losing side though, some Muslim countries are prospering, while others aren't. All of them reap the rewards of their own efforts.

You won't see an American movement within its population to go bomb Islamic countries... Its government is already doing so... They are doing it effectively. Instead of a cause, they have a foreign policy to do the same.

The only cause remaining to them is immigration (which was enough to resort to violence in Europe).

I have heard of some anti-war movements in the United States. However, they weren't successful after 9/11 because the majority of their populace assumed that the war would be fought for what is primarily revenge. In fact I really doubt that they have been successful often.

I deem it fit that anyone who tries to or commits violence on a massive scale is termed as terrorism.

I gave my views on the subject earlier on, & for the most part, your views seem to be similar to my own.
Haseebullah said:
woah woah woah..my man when did i abuse someone here,i asked a very simple question which he thought best to answer with another question and i knew it was going to become a war on religion so i did not reply any further. As far as the roza goes, i understand it's true spirit and you should not be judgmental.

I dont Judge i just observe and give interpretation.Its you who being judgmental with your mischievous question for which you got the reply in another mischievous question.Does it look great on your behaviour?i leave this question to you to answer yourself.

Anyway my last post on this otherwise thread will go OT on religious discussion here.
Well peoples have vague definition of terrorism.Terrorist is someone who kill innocent peoples irrespective of whether he is army men, religious man or politicians. It don't matter you kill innocent in defending your land, religion etc but terrorist is simply the ones who spread terror by killing civilians and this definition qualify many peoples as terrorist

We see IRA were freedom fighters for Irish but they were terrorist for English peoples. We see bhagat singh was hero and freedom fighters for peoples of sub continent but he was terrorist for Britain and similarly those who are struggling to get freedom in Kashmir are freedom fighters for those who want to make independent state of Kashmir but they are terrorist for India which don't let them free. Hamas is freedom fighters for Palestinians but they are terrorist for Israel. Israeli army can kill as much civilians as they want but it will not considered terrorism because here terrorist is wearing a Army uniform which give him right to kill whoever he wish. Thats how we views terrroism and terrorist . If William Wallace was Kashmiri then would he be freedom fighter for Indians?.. guess not :D
The United States Department of Defense defines terrorism as “the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.” Within this definition, there are three key elements—violence, fear, and intimidation—and each element produces terror in its victims.

The FBI uses this: "Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

According to their own definitions the U.S. is the leading terrorist state on earth.
Well peoples have vague definition of terrorism.Terrorist is someone who kill innocent peoples irrespective of whether he is army men, religious man or politicians. It don't matter you kill innocent in defending your land, religion etc but terrorist is simply the ones who spread terror by killing civilians and this definition qualify many peoples as terrorist

We see IRA were freedom fighters for Irish but they were terrorist for English peoples. We see bhagat singh was hero and freedom fighters for peoples of sub continent but he was terrorist for Britain and similarly those who are struggling to get freedom in Kashmir are freedom fighters for those who want to make independent state of Kashmir but they are terrorist for India which don't let them free. Hamas is freedom fighters for Palestinians but they are terrorist for Israel. Israeli army can kill as much civilians as they want but it will not considered terrorism because here terrorist is wearing a Army uniform which give him right to kill whoever he wish. Thats how we views terrroism and terrorist . If William Wallace was Kashmiri then would he be freedom fighter for Indians?.. guess not :D

1998 Wandhama massacre: 23 Kashmiri pandits were murdered on 25 January 1998.

2003 Nadimarg Massacre 24 Kashmiri pandits gunned down on the night of March 23, 2003

Freedom to shed innocent blood?
Not all snakes are poisonous but human fears all because of some

Similarly in the present scenario out 100 terrorist captured u will find 70 of them belonging to a particular religion
Whole community is defamed and its followers are discriminated because of the few who interpret the religious teachings in a different manner
Batman shooter: Mentally ill, not a terrorist


People like Holmes are slaughtering innocents because they were inspired by some fictional character who dresses up as a clown. PHOTO: REUTERS


If you are a Muslim, or have Muslim friends, chances are that you’ve seen the gem above doing the rounds on social media websites like Facebook, where the caption states that had Holmes been a Muslim, he would have automatically been labelled a terrorist by the American media.

Heck, you only have to visit video coverage of Holmes’ violent shooting spree on YouTube, or read the news reports on websites like CNN, to find random comments from outraged Muslims asking why he wasn’t labelled a ‘terrorist’.

But let’s just backtrack a little, in case you aren’t familiar with the situation.

On July 20, 2012, in Aurora, Colorado, James Eagan Holmes, during a debut screening of The Dark Knight Rises, walked into a theatre armed to the teeth, and horrifically, started firing indiscriminately at the audience. Although many escaped with their lives, 12 people were killed, while 58 were injured during the harrowing killing spree.

The incident shook the nation, even affecting the film’s business at the box office, where it was once expected to near The Avengers opening weekend record of USD 207.4 million.

In the end, this final Batman film in director Christopher Nolan’s trilogy made a lower than expected USD 160.1 million on its first weekend, even though on the opening night, it had made nearly twice as much as The Avengers had in the same period. Of course, this was clearly before the incident had taken its toll on the sentiments of cinema goers.

Holmes, who was later discovered to be a huge fan of comic books, especially Batman, had dyed his hair orange, and had apparently announced that he was the deranged Batman villain, ‘The Joker’, to victims during the shooting. Obviously, this is a man who wasn’t in control of his mental well-being, so why do Muslims insist he be called a terrorist, rather than the murdering psychopath that he is?

Very quickly, here is how the dictionary defines what the word terrorist means, and what terrorism itself stands for:

Terrorist: “A person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.”

Terrorism: “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.”

Clearly, this man is not a terrorist. He has no organisational affiliations, nor was he in any way through his actions attempting to dictate government policy (though hopefully his actions will inadvertently affect gun control in the United States). While the American media without doubt is a biased group, they can’t be blamed for labelling Muslim killers as terrorists, when these misguided extremists so publicly state that their actions are in the name of their twisted version of Islam.

Besides, is being a terrorist really worse than being a psychotic killer?

While most terrorists are vile people, their actions are dictated by their own demented logic. They believe that they are fighting a war, and that their actions, even when they kill civilians, are just. For terrorists, there is a reason behind the madness.

On the other hand, people like James Eagan Holmes are simply out of their minds. They aren’t terrorists – they are mentally ill. While Muslim extremists are killing people in some false sense of furthering their ideology, people like Holmes are slaughtering innocents because they were inspired by some fictional character who dresses up as a clown.

A great example of what I am saying, are the terrorist rehabilitation programs in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, where former Muslim extremists have turned their lives around, and are preaching a moderate version of Islam to youngsters on the wrong path.

The other image making the rounds on Facebook is this one:


As you can see, it very similarly insists that the media has a bias against minorities, stating that had Holmes been black or Latino, the media would have painted a sorrier picture; instead they have made him out to be a genius.

Again, it is a ridiculous image designed to play on the sentiments of the simple minded. Of course the media isn’t reporting that James Eagan Holmes was a drug addicted gang member, and of course they aren’t reporting that he was an illegal alien.


Because he wasn’t any of those things.

The fact is that he really was an intelligent student, who showed no obvious signs of containing such madness. If he wasn’t an illegal alien, or if he wasn’t a drug abusing gang member, is the media supposed to skew the facts in some false attempt at equality? And as I have asked before, how is this providing Holmes a more positive public image?

When there is violence, involving drug addicted gang members, or illegal aliens, poor social economic backgrounds are often seen as the reason.

What reason did Holmes have?

If you are looking at things in terms of ethnicity, you can argue that certain blacks, Latinos, and Arabs of particular backgrounds are more likely to commit violent crimes.

But what if there is a race whose people randomly commit violent crimes without any clear indicators, as in the case of James Eagan Holmes?

Is that not more frightening?

At least you can try to heal a terrorist.

Batman shooter: Mentally ill, not a terrorist – The Express Tribune Blog
Very quickly, here is how the dictionary defines what the word terrorist means, and what terrorism itself stands for:

Terrorist: “A person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.”

Terrorism: “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.”

Clearly, this man is not a terrorist. He has no organisational affiliations, nor was he in any way through his actions attempting to dictate government policy (though hopefully his actions will inadvertently affect gun control in the United States). While the American media without doubt is a biased group, they can’t be blamed for labelling Muslim killers as terrorists, when these misguided extremists so publicly state that their actions are in the name of their twisted version of Islam.

Besides, is being a terrorist really worse than being a psychotic killer?

While most terrorists are vile people, their actions are dictated by their own demented logic. They believe that they are fighting a war, and that their actions, even when they kill civilians, are just. For terrorists, there is a reason behind the madness.

On the other hand, people like James Eagan Holmes are simply out of their minds. They aren’t terrorists – they are mentally ill. While Muslim extremists are killing people in some false sense of furthering their ideology, people like Holmes are slaughtering innocents because they were inspired by some fictional character who dresses up as a clown.

Well here are the thought-provoking views of Ex US marine Ross published in the guardian

Impossible to enact until we define just what constitutes a terrorist. Now I know according to the official definition offered by the United States government a terrorist is someone who kills innocents for a political end. But is it really that simple? If is it, than by our own admission, waging wars against civilian populations is indeed a terrorist act as well. So basically we're guilty of our own accusations and acts.
there is no such thing as a smart bomb.

There is no such thing as laser guided accuracy. When bombs are dropped on cities, innocents die, plain and simple. Because we have no clearly defined noble political efficacy in our actions are we not being terrorists ourselves? Every excuse given since the beginning of the Iraqi War has been shot to hell. WMD? Nope, all we have found have been the ones we knew about from the beginning and more than likely supplied to Saddam ourselves. Removing a brutal dictator? Nope, not when we once supported him and continue to support numerous tyrants around the globe. Installing democracy? Bull, not when as political scientist Norman Solomon says, "the US has subverted some of the few democracies in the Middle East (Syria in 1949 and Iran in 1953) and continues to support repressive regimes in the region." Let us not kid ourselves any longer my fellow Americans. There is no noble cause. I know we wish to tack one onto this debacle for the sake of so many things: our national pride, our belief in our moral superiority, and perhaps most importantly our belief that the troops did not sacrifice their lives in vane. Believe me, I am a former marine and wish just as much as any of you to believe that, but unfortunately I just cannot fool myself any longer. There is no cause. There is no nobility. There is no honor.

Our so called leaders are guilty of murder with their actions. President Bush and his cohorts should be tried for over 4000 counts of murder and over 30,000 counts of aggravated assault for the wounded, and that's just for the Americans who've died and suffered. I won't even get into the rest.

As Americans we love to believe that we are always right, always just. But how would you feel if some foreign power dropped a bomb on your house and killed your family? Would you not be enraged and take up arms against that aggressor?
I surely would. Well, that pretty much sums up the war in Iraq. We're not fighting an army on the battlefield. We're barely fighting al queda. We're fighting regular people who we've pissed off by killing their families. Oh sure there is al queda in Iraq, and they must be met with force, but they were not there until we decided to invade that weak country.

We've redirected most of our resources from Afghanistan to Iraq for, well who the hell knows what reason? If you think about it there really is no good explanation. We were going after the Taliban right? Anyone even remember that? You know, the crazed lunatics who were killing woman for showing a little ankle, and oh yeah, supporting bin Laden and his crew. What the hell happened to that? Well in one of the greatest redirections of all time, one that would give David Blane a 12 inch hard-on, President Bush was able to superimpose bin Laden's face over Saddam Hussein's, and we as a country we bought it hook, line, and sinker.

So as to the question of stopping terrorism, well maybe we would be better served if we didn't allow our insane nationalism to allow us, so easily, to discount the well-being of others, ie non-Americans, at the hasty behest of our counterfeit leaders who've always proven to be liars and lackeys of the corporations, regardless of political affiliation. But we can't seem to see that far. When every history lesson available tells us otherwise, still we follow these empty suits into hell, well actually that's false because the grand majority of them do not allow their kids to die for what they know to be a crap cause. But what about your kids? Do you truly believe they give a hair about them? If you do, then you're as blind as Stevie Wonder, but lack his perception.

It's imperative to disassociate our government with our country. The two are not the same. Our country is great. It allows economic opportunity that people still risk life and limb to obtain. It allows freedoms still unbeknown to a large part of the world, and it's people are a largely caring, hard-working, charitable lot. But the government is so corrupt, disgusting, and evil that to compare the two stains our national image beyond cleansing.

Is terrorism our biggest problem? Absolutely not! Our biggest problem is our own government, and if you think about it for even a minute you'll see it. Sure, we've enabled them to nearly destroy us, and given enough time and apathy on our parts, they surely will, but it's not too late. If you truly wish to defeat terrorism then take a more active role in governance here at home. I know it's a big no-no to question your government, you're patriotism will be doubted, your loyalty will be suspect, and you'll be branded with the oh-so dreaded "liberal" label. But do not be fooled, that is only how they divide us. Liberals and conservatives alike, in our government, are not that different at all. They both support an overly aggressive foreign policy, which enables terrorism. So back to the point, if you wish to do something about terrorism, start right here at home. Because until we do, there is no defeating it. It will flourish and continue until WWIII.

Really silly thread. What's the point?

So what if one mass murderer is called terrorist and other is not.

Does that lessen the impact on the loved ones of those who perished?

It is time to quit this victim attitude among us Pakistanis.

If one of ours commits mass murder, we will be the first to call him terrorist.

Let other nationalities deal with their mass murderers. Let them call whatever they want to.

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