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Why india has to ally with US

China is a global super power (in my opinion) and if it has its way, India has more to lose from China than to gain going by its growing assertiveness. China has an eye on Arunachal Pradesh and keeps fanning it to needle India from time to time. China uses Pakistan as a counter weight to India in order to keep India engaged and preoccupied with Kashmir. Example : Stapled Visas, No Visa issued to Arunachal Chief minister, etc.

We're not a global super power. :wave:

Anyway, you have seen the results of the "containment" of China. It only makes us stronger.

Though to be honest, if I was in India's position, I probably would attempt to get a security guarantee from the US via a formal alliance.
good arguments with whom? someone who is baised and comes into a debate with absolute statements that US is bad , US treats all its allies like crap and leaves them hanging? thats Baghdad bob lingo. Present some critical thinking and you will get an apt reply.

I never said crap about America, it depends on how you perceive my posts.

The US is smart enough to exploit others, but it is eventually the nations that get exploited that are responsible for their state, not the US. I guess you are not in a mood to discuss logically a thread that was created by no one else but you. Well done.
We're not a global super power. :wave:

Anyway, you have seen the results of the "containment" of China. It only makes us stronger.

Though to be honest, if I was in India's position, I probably would attempt to get a security guarantee from the US via a formal alliance.

So what ? I have my opinion and you have yours. [Period]

Only time will tell the results of a marathon. We are really just warming up. Get some pop corn and watch as things unfold. India is better off on its own but works with other countries when its interests converge with others. After all interests is what drives every country and not emotional attachments that Pakistan get into and it is either love or hate. The later in most cases.
I never sad crap about America, it depends on how you perceive my posts.

The US is smart enough to exploit others, but it is eventually the nations that get exploited that are responsible for their state, not the US. I guess you are not in a mood to discuss logically a thread that was created by no one else but you. Well done.

You never said anything. are we in the twight zone LOL. You basically called america a third rate lier and one with no integrity- one could not demonize and insult a country any more . quoted you below

India has full right to get screwed over by the US, as they (the US) have done to every other country they've 'allied' themselves with throughout their course in history. The US is no one's friend (& certainly not India's), & will stoop down to unimaginable levels to prove my point.
India and China have a better chance of resorting to a France-Germany type relationship than India inviting outsiders to counter China. Making peace with Pakistan should be India's first and foremost priority. Pakistan was involved in America-China talks, and can also be the catalyst to an Indo-Chinese friendship. With US presence in the Pacific(Japan, South Korea, Taiwan) India will only shoot itself in the foot. By allying itself with the US, India will bring war upon itself, or become an American servant. If India has a breakthrough with China, I can honestly see a golden age for Asia.
China is a global super power (in my opinion) and if it has its way, India has more to lose from China than to gain going by its growing assertiveness. China has an eye on Arunachal Pradesh and keeps fanning it to needle India from time to time. China uses Pakistan as a counter weight to India in order to keep India engaged and preoccupied with Kashmir. Example : Stapled Visas, No Visa issued to Arunachal Chief minister, etc.

US has its interests in the South China sea given that it is an established super power. US interests to contain China converge with India's interests in standing up for its core interests including the energy corridors to the east through South China sea. I can go on and on. But that should suffice.

Yes, the US wants to prop up India, to keep it engaged with China. The region as a whole will suffer. This military arms race between China & India (& Pakistan as well) does little good for these countries if you look in the overall sense. It doesn't care about India, or anyone else but itself.

The US will try to leverage its influence (through military arms sales, & other means) in India (in all of its affairs), just like it's done in Pakistan & other nations, & will stick like a leech. When India will be on 'the same page' as the US, things will remain fine. When the US & India take conflicting stands, that is when India will feel the pinch.
good arguments with whom? someone who is baised and comes into a debate with absolute statements that US is bad , US treats all its allies like crap and leaves them hanging? thats Baghdad bob lingo. Present some critical thinking and you will get an apt reply.

here ramu above ( and I quoted below) gave you some great arguments/ critical thinking- lets see your critcial thinking on the reply.

After Japan/South Korea, where has the US brought prosperity? Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq? Yemen? Libya? :rofl:
We're not a global super power. :wave:

Anyway, you have seen the results of the "containment" of China. It only makes us stronger.

Though to be honest, if I was in India's position, I probably would attempt to get a security guarantee from the US via a formal alliance.

are not is not a guarantee of your aspirations. every indication tells us otherwise. your last statement is frankly brutally honest, thank you for showing that " critical thinking" .
By all accounts,The United States is already treating India as one of it's prime allies.Whether it be the civilian nuclear deal,offering top-of-the-shelf military equipment like the F-35 and the P-8 platform(ignoring we are a non NATO country with an anti-US past)or mostly ignoring India out of the trade wars clause knowing fully well we have competing interests too.

The quintessence rather is India blowing off any form of reciprocity America's way.The reasons for keeping the United States at bay is varied from the staunch opposition from hypocritical political entities to silly illusions of mending ties as advocated by many here.Yet what good does it do to New Delhi's ambitions to deliberately ebbing away on any influence she could wield with Washington? In my opinion,India should throw caution to the wind and make nice with the United States before the opportunity evaporates and becomes irreversible.
your last statement is frankly brutally honest, thank you for showing that " critical thinking" .

Hahaha so when I agree with you, it is suddenly "critical thinking"? :lol:

The bottom line, is that India is in a very bad position vis-a-vis the Sino-Pakistani alliance, and they have admitted as much. The Indian Armed forces have constantly been talking about a "two-front war", that is frankly unwinnable by India without outside help.

So from an Indian viewpoint, it does make a LOT of sense to have a formal alliance with the USA. Since currently, there is no country willing to fight the Sino-Pakistani alliance directly on their behalf.

They would have to give up their dreams of an "independent foreign policy", but perhaps that was never India's destiny in the first place.
Yes, the US wants to prop up India, to keep it engaged with China. The region as a whole will suffer. This military arms race between China & India (& Pakistan as well) does little good for these countries if you look in the overall sense. It doesn't care about India, or anyone else but itself.
Just as China is doing to Pakistan ?
By all accounts,The United States is already treating India as one of it's prime allies.Whether it be the civilian nuclear deal,offering top-of-the-shelf military equipment like the F-35 and P-8 platform(ignoring we are a non NATO country with an anti-US past) or keeping India out of the trade wars clause knowing fully well we have competing interests too.

The quintessence rather is India blowing off any form of reciprocity America's way.The reasons for keeping the United States at bay is varied from the staunch opposition from hypocritical political entities to silly illusions of mending ties as advocated by many here.Yet what good does it do to New Delhi's ambitions to deliberately ebbing away on any influence she could wield with Washington? In my opinion,India should throw caution to the wind and make nice with the United States before the opportunity evaporates and becomes irreversible.

The problem with Indians is that they are selfish and instead of thinking collectively, they think only about themselves. A prosperous Asia would be in the benefit for the entire region.
Yes, the US wants to prop up India, to keep it engaged with China. The region as a whole will suffer. This military arms race between China & India (& Pakistan as well) does little good for these countries if you look in the overall sense.

The US will try to leverage its influence (through military arms sales, & other means) in India (in all of its affairs), just like it's done in Pakistan & other nations, & will stick like a leech. When India will be on 'the same page' as the US, things will remain fine. When the US & India take conflicting stands, that is when India will feel the pinch.

thats your critical thinking reply to his post. US bad bad but just in longated sentences. US will be a leech and US wants to sell military supplies- is not now? is anything stopping it from submitting an interest? and lets not forget US will leave you in the lurch- Psst- India and US dont see eye to eye on many things that has not caused an issue. US and NATO does not see eye to eye ( how many countries from NATO refused to go into Iraq, voted for palestine in the UN?)

Same thing recycled from your orginal thought.
The problem with Indians is that they are selfish and instead of thinking collectively, they think only about themselves. A prosperous Asia would be in the benefit for the entire region.

Umm,did Pakistan think about the consequences on South Asia when they first invited the United States into the region? I think not.Suddenly sprouting a conscience when global isolation is imminent could be termed as some as hypocrisy.
The problem with Indians is that they are selfish and instead of thinking collectively, they think only about themselves. A prosperous Asia would be in the benefit for the entire region.

Every country is selfish and just by saying that is a problem makes me pity your reasoning. :cheesy:
A prosperous Asia is good but what is Pakistan's contribution to this selfless cause ?
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