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Why india has to ally with US

A decade ago all they saw Indians as were cheap labour. Today they still see you as cheap labour when they call your call centers for assistance.

Also I assume you forgot about when Obama came to India and Indians were kissing his butt to say anything negative about Pakistan, and all of your boot-licking bore no fruit.
Ofcourse he didn't 'say' any thing bad about Pakistan but infact he did......see all the messes around Pakistan and you know.
China doesn't have a track record for Imperialism.

Since when Pakistan start for looking moral grounds for friendships with other countries? In my opinion neither China nor USA ( and no Taliban regime in Afghanistan) has very high stakes in moral things. But Nice to know that Pakistan looks for those qualities when it comes to friendships :P
Bl[i]tZ;2224863 said:

, At 1:30 India Growing military power=Shows photos of Bangladesh Army doing drill during Cricket World Cup

Expected better from Brookings Institute.
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Since when Pakistan start for looking moral grounds for friendships with other countries? In my opinion neither China nor USA ( and no Taliban regime in Afghanistan) has very high stakes in moral things. But Nice to know that Pakistan looks for those qualities when it comes to friendships :P

And here I thought Indians were smarter than playing with fire. I hope your bureaucrats aren't as eager as you guys, to get burned.

Ignore him- he only, as they say dumbs down a coversation
As long as it makes sense to you I don't mind.
maybe you dont get it. what you think does not matter - you know why? because nobody else thinks so...i.e. those countries and their foreign policy heads. so you can think India is a bully , is a devil what have you.... it don't matter. there is personal opinion driven by personal agenda

Was wondering how long it would take you to go into personal attacks. Am surprised it took you this long this time.

and then there is " lo behold- every country is on India's side practically" -reality. the day I hear other countries speak of India's aspiration of being the sole asian power, dictating terms to all in the region , intends to threaten US, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, taiwan, philippinnes, australia - is the day we can talk again okay?

Nobody is on "India's side".

The reason nobody talks about Indian hegemony is because nobody outside the West takes India's rise seriously. It is only the Western media that props up the Indian ego to goad it into brash moves like the Vietnam-India oil deal. The West has India's psyche figured out to a T.

psst- it aint about going to war... you need to read my posts here. post #37 talk about it .

Here's how you started out this thread:

"China's strategic objective is over time to reduce US military influence and, as a consequence, US alliances in East Asia and the Pacific."

What, pray you, is the point of military alliances, if not a willingness to go to war?
India wants to work with United states in certain areas (geo political space), works with China in other areas. There is nothing black or white about our relations with any country. India is an emerging global power and it has its interests and it is best for India to play the way it knows best. It does not have to sit on Uncle SAM's lap for sure.
Nobody is on "India's side".

The reason nobody talks about Indian hegemony is because nobody outside the West takes India's rise seriously. It is only the Western media that props up the Indian ego to goad it into brash moves like the Vietnam-India oil deal. The West has India's psyche figured out to a T.

How is your Indian hegemony theory related to India partnering/not partnering with USA in future ?
Was wondering how long it would take you to go into personal attacks. Am surprised it took you this long this time.

Nobody is on "India's side".

The reason nobody talks about Indian hegemony is because nobody outside the West takes India's rise seriously. It is only the Western media that props up the Indian ego to goad it into brash moves like the Vietnam-India oil deal. The West has India's psyche figured out to a T.

Here's how you started out this thread:

"China's strategic objective is over time to reduce US military influence and, as a consequence, US alliances in East Asia and the Pacific."

What, pray you, is the point of military alliances, if not a willingness to go to war?

How badly Pakistan wish this is true. Dream on, a chicken under a chopping board cant do much.
From my perspective India has never really needed the US to become what it is today. India has one thing going for it. Economy. You can keep relations cordial with US, but why get dragged into their geo-political schemes. You can make US your slave economically. If you don't believe me, ask CHINA!

I write this without any bias, but Indian trolls are just trying to hate..
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