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Why india has to ally with US

India doesn't kiss a$$ and rely on one nation for everything or isn't the slave of any country we are a sovereign republic we are not anyone's lapdog i wish i could say the same for our oligarchic neighbor

Lmao, here is an Indian reporter getting brushed aside by your new ally.

---------- Post added at 01:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------

Dude is your baby cousin holding a gun?????????
ain't it dangerous........
Pakistani culture. It wasn't loaded.
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All hail the future slaves of the US. Jai ghulami! :coffee:

look who is talking , the biggest ghulam u.s has ever had is pakistan , U.S is pakistan's second biggest military supplier and largest economic aid giving nation . so who really is the ghulam ?

we just do pure business with usa , nothing more than that , remember we don't have u.s troops in our country ......


Lmao, here is an Indian reporter getting brushed aside by your new ally.

ha ha ha forgot OBL, Drone strikes and Latest Hillary statement about Animal Kingdom issue in Pakistan....
Which is the only country to compromise sovereignty so much inspite of being the most allied ally!!!!!!!!

---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

Lmao, here is an Indian reporter getting brushed aside by your new ally.

---------- Post added at 01:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------

Pakistani culture. It wasn't loaded.

Our culture doesn't allow this that is why we don't have gun culture among the major masses of our community.
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Views of US Continue to Improve in 2011 BBC Country Rating Poll - World Public Opinion

The China section:
Global views of China improved in 2011 from 2010.
In Asia, significant improvements in perceptions of China are seen in Indonesia (63%, up 20%) and Pakistan (66%, up 10 points). Filipino views also got warmer (62%, up 7 points), confirming the firm improvement of views towards China noticed in 2010.

Views of China also markedly improved in Russia, as a majority of 52 per cent is now rating Chinese influence positively (up 10 points), while negative views (18%) dropped 13 points.

In Australia, opinion shifted a bit: only 36 per cent took a positive view in 2010, but this has gone up to 43 per cent in 2011. Australia is now divided on its views towards China, whereas a plurality of Australians was negative in 2010.

However, the picture is less favourable in the other Anglo-Saxon countries polled
Opinions of China's influence are negative everywhere in Europe
In Asia, negative views are found in South Korea, Japan, and India. The Japanese public has become more unfavourable, with a majority of 52 per cent saying that Chinese influence is negative, compared to just 38 per cent in 2010. Positive ratings have dropped six points to just 12 per cent. Negative views increased in India (52%, up 14 points). South Koreans still lean negative as well, but not so much as in 2010 (53% negative, down 8 points).

You said most countries in Asia are on "India's side". Now we can understand that you want to backpeddle.

No, you are dancing all over the place which betrays your confused 'argument', if there ever was one.

The topic from the get-go has been about 'US military influence' in Asia and China's attempt to weaken it. Your claim is that Asia is lining up against China and on "India's side". A nonsensical self-delusional proposition that has no connection to reality.

As for NATO, it kept Russia in check precisely because it was an alliance with teeth, i.e. a military alliance where members were committed to go to war to protect each other.

A military alliance is predicated on the willingless to go to war. It doesn't mean someone is actually preparing to go to war at that moment. You don't understand the basic concept behind alliances, yet propose to make some point about grand alliances on "India's side".

You don't have a cogent theme even in this thread, bouncing all over the place. When one idea is struck down, you backtrack and switch to another track.

Other than blindly hating China, there is no logic or coherence behind your posts and arguments.

what are opinions of people have to do with stances of a govt? americans have the lowest opinions of pakistan - does it stop american govt from sending aid or allying on the WOT?

Most people I spoke off -was in terms of countries. we are talking about foreign policy and not what citizens think. Every country is coming to India to forge economic relationships and calling it very important ally, opening its markets and forging never before trade deals. if you somehow are convinced that is not true- then have it bud. Like I said your opinion does not matter in the face of facts. back pedal on what? your people to people feelings claim?

topic is at hand is not what you have mentioned. I started the darn topic! I would know- its about India's need to ally with US to keep china's regional and dangerous aspirations in check. yes it includes others in region , I have quoted them and we have read half dozen countries that seeing this influence as troublesome too. Is japan, vietnam, Philpinnes , australia, S. korea, Taiwan not allying with the US? you think thats nonsense then - have it . again your opinion but not fact based.

if you think it is about going to war and insist with the thread starter that it is- then have it champ. As I said your opinions dont matter because foreign heads of countries in the region see it my way. so keep screaming it's about going to war ... LOL

you have contributed zero to the topic at hand and are just upset that India would be allying with the US. and thats the truth... what is your point to the topic at hand. That I hate china? is that your sherlock moment? My opinions espobe used are opinions of many countries in this region and I quoted one and stated 6 others. you want to be China thakedar , then be it man. Nothing to do with the topic at hand. Go read the OT I started..
All I can see is licking of boots from the video I posted. If US confronts China you think there won't be bases in your country. :yahoo:
Lmao, here is an Indian reporter getting brushed aside by your new ally.

Compare that to your President and tell me how many reporters in Pakistan are proud of him ? None I assume !
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Lmao, here is an Indian reporter getting brushed aside by your new ally.

---------- Post added at 01:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------

Pakistani culture. It wasn't loaded.

can't expect anything better than this troll
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All I can see is licking of boots from the video I posted. If US confronts China you think there won't be bases in your country. :yahoo:

like the Drones in an airbase of Pakistan used to hunt Pakistani yet Pakistan army not doing anything.
Guess who is licking the boots!!!!
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