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Why india has to ally with US

Greed will consume India and that will be their down fall. The outright anti-Pakistani and anti-China attitudes of many Indian members assure us that India will implode, before reaching the status of even a regional power.

So you wish. Btw, remove some dust off that crystal ball. May be you can see better. Also get rid of those sun glasess. They dont work in the dark :)
India doesn't kiss a$$ and rely on one nation for everything or isn't the slave of any country we are a sovereign republic we are not anyone's lapdog i wish i could say the same for our oligarchic neighbor
Yes, we made our bed, of being the fastest rising major power in the world. Not a bad bed. :azn:

The USA of course had a big role in that, by investing in our economy, and by even today being our number #1 customer and our number one debtor.

Every single year, hundreds of billions of dollars are flowing from the American economy into the Chinese economy. We should definitely be grateful for that, and I am.

Great and it is making you spend 100 x more in return on your military and regional aspirations. Someday your reliance on its dollars for trade will stop - given your antagonistic stance towards it. They can turn that tap off and go elsewhere in time... but you can’t turn your enormous military spending. ‘critical thinking'.
what national polls? polls in pakistan? ...

Views of US Continue to Improve in 2011 BBC Country Rating Poll - World Public Opinion

The China section:
Global views of China improved in 2011 from 2010.
In Asia, significant improvements in perceptions of China are seen in Indonesia (63%, up 20%) and Pakistan (66%, up 10 points). Filipino views also got warmer (62%, up 7 points), confirming the firm improvement of views towards China noticed in 2010.

Views of China also markedly improved in Russia, as a majority of 52 per cent is now rating Chinese influence positively (up 10 points), while negative views (18%) dropped 13 points.

In Australia, opinion shifted a bit: only 36 per cent took a positive view in 2010, but this has gone up to 43 per cent in 2011. Australia is now divided on its views towards China, whereas a plurality of Australians was negative in 2010.

However, the picture is less favourable in the other Anglo-Saxon countries polled
Opinions of China's influence are negative everywhere in Europe
In Asia, negative views are found in South Korea, Japan, and India. The Japanese public has become more unfavourable, with a majority of 52 per cent saying that Chinese influence is negative, compared to just 38 per cent in 2010. Positive ratings have dropped six points to just 12 per cent. Negative views increased in India (52%, up 14 points). South Koreans still lean negative as well, but not so much as in 2010 (53% negative, down 8 points).

heh. and who said anyone in asia looks to India to save them. the topic is about India looking out for it's interest. Jeez. you are in your zeal to argue for sake of arguing not reading the topic at hand!

You said most countries in Asia are on "India's side". Now we can understand that you want to backpeddle.

I never claimed NATO was not a militray alliance , I said not just military alliance but like NATO stopped russian influence.... influence is not just military ... and US allying is not just military but strategic. Like afghanistan bore fruits. again you are getting too excited, stop read what was I said.

No, you are dancing all over the place which betrays your confused 'argument', if there ever was one.

The topic from the get-go has been about 'US military influence' in Asia and China's attempt to weaken it. Your claim is that Asia is lining up against China and on "India's side". A nonsensical self-delusional proposition that has no connection to reality.

As for NATO, it kept Russia in check precisely because it was an alliance with teeth, i.e. a military alliance where members were committed to go to war to protect each other.

finally Yes I said no amount of peace will stop their single goal of being the only dominating power over asia. I never said US -India allying = going to war. Critical thinking old chap... australia is not planning to go to war, it is allying to avoid war and being dominated. so are other countries.

A military alliance is predicated on the willingless to go to war. It doesn't mean someone is actually preparing to go to war at that moment. You don't understand the basic concept behind alliances, yet propose to make some point about grand alliances on "India's side".

You don't have a cogent theme even in this thread, bouncing all over the place. When one idea is struck down, you backtrack and switch to another track.

Other than blindly hating China, there is no logic or coherence behind your posts and arguments.
The irony of your statement is staring in your face. You are a Pakistani living in the US ?

Pakistan is the biggest and most important ally of the US in its war against terror. US strikes Pakistan with drones and the strong defence of Pakistan looks clueless.

India on the other hand is talking about working with US on areas of mutual interest as already pointed out. India signed a nuclear deal with US that Pakistan so desperately wanted. India reject F16s and F18s for European fighter aircrafts but Pakistan has to whine and nudge US to get F16s.

Anyways, we all know were ghulams of US voluntarily and now have changed masters and hail China.


---------- Post added at 10:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------

And here is an example :azn:

When it's obvious that people of Pakistan's hearts have always been with PRC in terms of foreign policy, it's funny you would make that statement.

Here is how the average Pakistani feels about America.

Yes I live in America, but when I refuse to support Imperialistic agendas of the United States, does that make me less American?

Indians will forever live in ghulami, till there is a revolution. This ghulami has been ingrained in you, since the British.
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So you wish. Btw, remove some dust off that crystal ball. May be you can see better. Also get rid of those sun glasess. They dont work in the dark :)

why do bother ... let him be- ignore it. He about pakistan's interest. let him post away to kingdom come
So you wish. Btw, remove some dust off that crystal ball. May be you can see better. Also get rid of those sun glasess. They dont work in the dark :)

That is my baby cousin in my avatar. No need to get personal.
seriously whats with you Pakistanis thinking you broke up the Soviet Union? learn history seriously the Afghanistan war did nothing but add to the economic disparities of the USSR at the time but that is nothing compared to the even bigger 1989 revolutions and the August coup many historians attribute the collapse of the USSR to the August Coup but i guess Madrassa teachers and your brainwashed propaganda spitting historians say so otherwise

Pakistan played a major role in the breaking up of the Soviet Union. If the Mujahideen had not been created, & facilitated by Pakistan, the Soviets would never have seen those kinds of economic losses from the war, or the resulting separatist 'revolutions' in the Soviet Union (similar to the ones seen in Russia in the form of Chechnya today).
When it's obvious that people of Pakistan's hearts have always been with PRC in terms of foreign policy, it's funny you would make that statement.

Here is how the average Pakistani feels about America.

Yes I live in America, but when I refuse to support Imperialistic agendas of the United States, does that make me less American?

Indians will forever live in ghulami, till there is a revolution. This ghulami has been ingrained in you, since the British.

so who colonized you guys MARSIANS!!!
No wonder you are puking such trash with so much jealousy guess those experiments went wrong huh!!!!!!!!!
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All hail the future slaves of the US. Jai ghulami! :coffee:

There is no ghulami .. its working on mutual benefit and working on economics and working on things of mutual interests.

Ghulami is what you seek, ghulami is what you are experiencing right now due to the old decisions, we have seen plenty around , not to fall on that trap.

We , unlike you will stand tall on the country's benefit be it US, be it Israel, be it France or be it Russia. We dont fancy titles like country brotherhood, country allies etc.

For us country is ultimate and countrymen the most valuable asset.
Indians will forever live in ghulami, till there is a revolution. This ghulami has been ingrained in you, since the British.

Wake up, the revolution happened a few months back when Anna Hazare forced to Parliament to adopt a sense of the house to pass a strong and effective Lokpal.

About ghulami, I work for a British company and had an excellent life in UK. I have come back to India to be a part of rising India and a new revolution and reverse brain drain that is unfolding.
When it's obvious that people of Pakistan's hearts have always been with PRC in terms of foreign policy, it's funny you would make that statement.

Here is how the average Pakistani feels about America.

Yes I live in America, but when I refuse to support Imperialistic agendas of the United States, does that make me less American?

Indians will forever live in ghulami, till there is a revolution. This ghulami has been ingrained in you, since the British.

LOL wtf we can say the same for you then and if you want to put in that perspective we can say the same about you guys but you guys have been "ghulamis" for much longer the piece of land known as Pakistan prior to 1947 never ruled itself for 1,000 years foreigners like Arabs Persians Greeks Turkics Afghans ruled you and they impressed there religion on you we have never said anything about that have we? the people of the Gandhara civilization (your ancestors) were turned into ghulamis by the peoples mentioned above yet today your nation a corrupt failed state with a weak gov't and fake democracy calls us slaves? when you can protect your people from other countries aircraft then talk otherwise don't be a hypocrite
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( see highlighted)how can you say that w/ a straight face? they have economically stamped on you already. what rock are you living under- many of your local industries are all wiped out. Allies does not mean that people don't disgaree. US disgarees with NATO and vice versa. Your situation w/ China is not on equal or remotely equal footing. they come into your country say we are building this project- you will give us high rates of royalty/ interest. we will only use chinese to run the projects and will have chinese companies provide the raw materials and not allow your industry folks to bid on it. Thats not condusive to your claim made..

The NATO are hand-in-hand pretty much all the time (or should I say that NATO is in the hands of the US). And yes, you are right: the US-India "alliance" is not comparable to the Pakistan-China one.
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