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Why india has to ally with US


Nov 18, 2010
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before you go nationalistic on me and give India is king rah rah replies - read the entire thread and quoted material. Stop think before you reply :)

I have a opinion that says India has to ally itself with the US or lose its influence in its back yard. This based on several articles, even the recent one here posted about Australia needing to get close to India- have all unanimously agreed that china has plans to be the only dominate power in Asia. It is single mindedly after the goal to remove all US influence and military might in this region( Asia). Its building its military at break neck speed and the lethality of which is only going to get astounding.

Auz's PM Rudd for example stated that - their closeness to US is going to increase as well as military spending because of what they see as dangerous Chinese ambitions for this region. You are seeing portions of that ambition and tone in South China Sea today.

This means India has two options-

One is meet china head on, risk spending it itself into a USSR kind of situation -especially in military strength


Two- ally with US and both use their influence to curtail china. Else India risks loosing on both fronts - influences to take on china diplomatically in Asia ( and world) and also in terms of military strength. I know that India cannot match China's military ambitions- so its option one clearly for me.

Read the quoted material below:It is very compelling

In a truly fascinating section Rudd listed what he saw as China's strategic ambitions in the next decade. Rudd cited various of China's aims, but among them was one that government ministers seldom advert to in public. Like Richardson, Rudd was admirably straightforward.

He said: "China's strategic objective is over time to reduce US military influence and, as a consequence, US alliances in East Asia and the Pacific."

Later in the speech Rudd identified a key Australian objective as maintaining and strengthening our alliance with the US. Rudd is certainly right in his analysis and he serves the cause of public debate by putting it on the record. But he also makes it clear that China's strategic objective -- diminishing US alliances and the US military presence in the region -- is in direct contradiction of Australia's strategic objectives.

In the same speech, Rudd further stated that another strategic objective of China was to "protect (its) sea lines of communication right out to the sources of China's long-term energy supply, across the Indian Ocean to the Gulf where most of its oil supplies come from, but also its land-based supply lines to various other countries in terms of delivery of natural gas as well".

This means that Rudd has concluded, rightly in my view, that China's massive military build-up is destined to go on for a long time and to reach extremely lethal capabilities to project military force over long distances.
Why not discuss peace with china and pakistan? Why not our political leaders get together and create an EEC of asia. Why we need outside interference. In this i am as critical of pakistan as of india for being freindly with americans. If a nuke goes off in china pakistan or india our entire neighbourhood will be affected. America will not,
China has problems with most of its neighbours and is becoming more and more agressive in pusuit of what it thinks is in its national interest. India should try to work with China but should make every effort to face the situation if things go wrong. We have seen some active diplomacy at the highest levels of our govt. to engage with Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam, Bangladesh etc. We should try and engage with Pakistan too.

Our engagement with US comes very handy here. US has unmatched dimplomatic capital in the world. If they throw their weight behind us which they are more or less, then we can be successful in our maneouvers.

We must not allow a unipolar Asia. An alliance with east asian nations especially Japan, which will remain a power in the long run will be the right thing to do. US can help us expediate these matters.
I second Aryan..... Isn't it possible for India to co-exist with China peacefully and vice versa? Why is there confrontation looming in all options? Ozzes don't share boarder with china, they have pretty different strategy when it comes to China.
In words of Hilary Clinton - the future" of US will not be decided in Iraq and Afghanistan but in Asia Pacific. "The world's strategic and economic center of gravity is shifting east, and we are focusing more on the Asia-Pacific region."

In a new article in Foreign Policy magazine, she calls for "a substantially increased investment—diplomatic, economic, strategic, and otherwise—in the Asia Pacific region." Ac
Why not discuss peace with china and pakistan? Why not our political leaders get together and create an EEC of asia. Why we need outside interference. In this i am as critical of pakistan as of india for being freindly with americans. If a nuke goes off in china pakistan or india our entire neighbourhood will be affected. America will not,

Because nuke going off is not the only scenario and is certainly is not what educated mindset thinks is the “sole threat" . You have to understand this and get it through your head- the threat perception and influence does not live and die by NUKES! - just because you love to throw "Nuke you!" claims .. its does not mean it is realistic.

There is no peace that is being risked. Just having peace is not a diplomatically policy or resolves China's ambition. . China's goal of being the sole regional power will still be persistent with or without peace. The US is in “peace" with many countries still it exerts its influence and military strength.

Secondly Pakistan is not in this equation, as evident from India's foreign policy heads. Because again you having Nukes , just having them is not a threat for India. Your influence being dimished or next to none- makes paksitan not a risk / threat vector in it( india's) ambitions . We can have peace with pakistan but they will not like or allow India's influence in afghanistan. Should we nuke you then? ...obviously not.

If china comes and plays mischief in south china sea- there will be no Nukes going off. This is not about going to war. US again to exert its vast influence does not go to war with everyone.
Aryan and Emmie,

Countries are not humans - their relations are based on profit and loss equations. You'll see more competition in diplomatic, economic and militarily in Asia Pacific which according to Hilary comprises of India and Indonesia.
One of the core strategic beliefs of the Obama administration has been that their Bush predecessors overreacted to the attacks of 9/11 and became obsessively focused on the greater Middle East at the expense of East Asia or the “Asia-Pacific,” where the rise of China and India presages a new constellation of global great powers. This, perhaps more than Russia policy, has been Obama’s idea of a strategic “reset” for the future.

Now, with the decisions to retreat in full from Iraq and to begin to retreat in Afghanistan, the killings of Osama bin Laden, and the buck about passed on the “Arab Spring” – and let’s not talk about those Iranians – the administration is talking up this supposed shift in American strategy. The campaign will climax, no doubt, with President Obama’s trip to Australia in November.

India US partnership.

Why nuclear weapons don't make you a global power?

What India has to offer to the world?

Indian Economy.

Military strength.

Relations with major powers.

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Bl[i]tZ;2224840 said:
Aryan and Emmie,

Countries are not humans - their relations are based on profit and loss equations. You'll see more competition in diplomatic, economic and militarily in Asia Pacific which according to Hilary comprises of India and Indonesia.

So you value Hillary's opinion more than any other in Asia, anyway call is all yours.

Lets keep this in mind also - US will definitely review its policy after withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq.
HA!!!What a joke we were born enemies..india-pak,india-china

Thats the crux..

BTW here's the right equation - India-Pak, India-China whereas Pak-India but not Pak-China
Why the heck India can't be independent but rely on some other country!

Hello! Do you have a spine?

Is that the mentality of majority Indians?

Always think the Indians should be wiser or smarter than this, at least.

So disappointing… :disagree:
Bl[i]tZ;2224863 said:
India US partnership.

Why nuclear weapons don't make you a global power?

What India has to offer to the world?

Indian Economy.

Military strength.

Relations with major powers

Question is why does India need to ally with US?
Well some members think that if name of the thread is why India needs to ally with US it means that India will not ally with other countries in particular China or Russia. Lets focus on this part and if you guys want to discuss China or Russia, please open other threads.
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