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Why have we banished our own brethren? Indian Apartheid

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Its as stupid as saying "Islam is not your religion .. it is a terrorist philosophy"

Well that shows you do not know anything about Islam. Anyway stop derailing the thread lets talk about the abuse the institutional abuse of Dalits in India
Yeti our misdemeanors in no way excuses the abuses suffered by Dalits mate

Agreed but isn't a bit rich from Pakistan knowing what you did during the flood to point the finger at India?
Well that shows you do not know anything about Islam. Anyway stop derailing the thread lets talk about the abuse the institutional abuse of Dalits in India

there is no such thing as institutional abuse as our constitution provide equal rights to everyone.
Well that shows you do not know anything about Islam. Anyway stop derailing the thread lets talk about the abuse the institutional abuse of Dalits in India

Which Institution are you referring to??
EVERYBODY calm down, stop fooling around, now lets get back to the topic.

the topic is about Apartheid system in india, now express yourself.
I tried and failed, we used to be good buddies when we both joined the forum, now every thread I see bad about INDIA, he has been the most contributer with his infinite loop of same kind of comments.
In the thread where achivements of Pakistan is talked about I have given great comments complimenting their achivements but in return i see daily bashing and supporting for SL Army for killing Tamils(Human being). Now I have made my heart like a stone to digest this ill posts.

yep blame your mates on here. I used to be ok about Indians until I saw the venom that the majority spew on our forum. There are only 3 Indians on the forum that are worth even giving a moment to. Check my friend list and you will find out which ones. back to topic it is disgusting the treatment of the dalits in India. Enough to make anyone sick how you lot treat the weakest in your society just cos they are born to a particular family
Well that shows you do not know anything about Islam. Anyway stop derailing the thread lets talk about the abuse the institutional abuse of Dalits in India

And yet, without understanding Hindutvavadi, you claim that it is a racist philosophy? Hindutvavadi is as racist a philosophy as Islam is a fundamentalist ideology.

And yes, what institutional abuse of majority Dalits by minority others do you want to talk about?
there is no such thing as institutional abuse as our constitution provide equal rights to everyone.
how many times you try to prove us correct, he will not even listen or understand it. he has a selective amnesia to such information. its like every second all that you explain get wiped clean of his brain. So as i saids its wise to add certain people to the ignore list, they deserve it.
Well that shows you do not know anything about Islam. Anyway stop derailing the thread lets talk about the abuse the institutional abuse of Dalits in India

It was you who commented on Hindutva first and tried to derail the thread.. Now Dont try the holier than thou cr@p ;)

btw, my wife is a Muslim and she didnt have to convert to marry me.. So I know more about Islam than you would think..
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