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Why have we banished our own brethren? Indian Apartheid

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that's it resort to attacking the poster cos you don't want to be reminded of the cesspit that is your society where the majority are being abused under the caste system

Wrong information. You sir, are being misled by your personal preconceived notions and skewered opinions.

But you do amuse us. Good going.
Considering who the OP is, are you surprised ;) ?

Thats a given, half baked knowledge is worse than ignorance, Yes dalits have a few problems---but apartheid?, the OP by changing the thread title is gravely insulting the past real apartheid victims. This is a new low for PDF. Though I am not one but there will be a few dalits here on PDF. And the OP and his buddies are just going on and on without even discussing with reason with any of the Indian members here and those who know the actual situation.

The backward communities are being uplifted and reservations is the biggest tool and the second and third generation dalits after the advent of reservations live far more better lives than even the higher class people. There is no kind of discrimination in the cities. We travel, work eat and live with everybody not even bothering to know what caste or community a person belongs to.

Though its rampant in some catchment areas, but these areas will come under the fold eventually, when development reaches them. Such cases of discrimination when highlighted are given necessary punishments to the perpetrators. And the lowly attempt by the OP to give it a color of apartheid is a very lowly attempt at insulting the whole nation of India and its people.
the OP by changing the thread title is gravely insulting the past real apartheid victims.

For some very secretive reason, he and a very few couple of others seem to get away with it. Connections in the right place, I presume.
I am deeply saddened! This perhaps is the gloomiest face of a society. May this discrimination be eradicated soon.
why should we be even talking about this, the IPC says that any one performing caste based descrimination to be arrested under the non bailable offence category and today most people from the Dalit back ground are supported for education by the upper caste, a few isolated incidents will always get a hype and with Mr Aryan Bother, it becomes incredible.
Premium member = Money paid = extra privileges.. Plus it doesnt hurt to have a Think Tank as your brother ;)
Nah. Thats quite ordinary. There's much more to it than meets the eye. He aint no ordinary member ;). Connections connections...outside PDF?

For some very secretive reason, he and a very few couple of others seem to get away with it. Connections in the right place, I presume.

ok im back, now tell me what were u saying? oh yeah u said ur smart? sorry to break ur heart but guess what your not.
he has indeed been so incredible in his infinite for loop in bashing INDIA and INDIANS, trying to divide us live saying
1)We have to support Tamils for gaining their freedom from INDIA(He forgot the Tamils when they were oppressed in SL)
2) Dalits vs rest of INDIA
3) The dead movement Kalistan
4) Sikhs need a sepereate country out of INDIA, etc

and because of he being so Incredible I have added him to my Ignore list, you can to do it, the more he gets attention from sensible INDIAN the more he trolls, you can save your time by just going to his profile and adding him to your ignore list.

I remind you of a side of India that you dont want to be reminded of. I will continue that whilst you lot come out with your crap about Pakistan. Writing in big letters denotes shouting. This happens when you have lost the argument. we can read without you doing this,

So back to topic Indians get hot under the collar when you expose their cesspit of a society which is not shining at all in fact what the systematic abuse of a majority just cos they are unfortunate to be born Indian and dalits condemns them to abuse all their life. That's what India is really about and you lot can be critical of me as much as you wish it wont change me nor will it change the cesspit that is India.

I know why you come on here and its to be critical of Pakistan and make yourself feel better that you are not as bad off as we are. But truth be told no one is condemned in Pakistan cos they are born to a particular family as dalits are in India. Thanks a million to Allah that I was not born Indian. Thanks to Allah and the Quaid-e-Azam for sparing me and my boys being born in a society that condemns and abuses its weakest
Still your incredible country wants everything that India gets like a lil boy crying for lollipop like this
they even asked for Petrol and the Indian Government readily obliged to provide them with our fuel for their mobility but they will always have a instinct to bad mouth us.
I realy hate the Congress for framing forign policy that might be fatal to INDIANs.
As I have debunked the article and there is no more doubt regarding the incredible shining democracy of india.. I request the mods to take appropriate action and close the thread. Thanks people for your participation.
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