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Why have we banished our own brethren? Indian Apartheid

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Mods please make this thread sticky.. heading to change, Dalit abuse in India - news and discussions

i agree it should be a sticky to remind you not to abuse the weaker in society
If you cannot distinguish between a letter to the newspaper and a opinion piece or an editorial, its not my fault. Every Tom Dick and Harry has an opinion. Just like you. Not everyone's is relevant.

It does not show any side of India which isnt already known. That piece of literary horse manure is simply embellishing some 'facts' while claiming to quote figures from a book which isnt peer reviewed nor critiqued properly.

Oh, btw, a Pakistani staying in Britain who has never visited India knows a lot about India than an Indian who visits his homeland often! Yes mate, makes sense.

Like I said, nothing worthwhile, moving on....

And so called care takers of Indian society not want to discuss "what happened to those who broke the law "
There is a kind of theory in psychology and it says in state of shock the subject goes through five stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and finally acceptance. Those subjects who do not go through and reach acceptance remain psychologically ill for life. These dudes need to be careful.

the sad thing is that the dalits must be the ultimate example of Stockholm's syndrome
Puhleese... we condemn this in more than words in our country. Associations raise hell especially if the victim is a woman. These galy level news never reaches out because it is not having "masala" according to the over-independent media that we have. So they don't report it and people get the idea that nothing is being done about it.

Evils exist in all countries and all we can do is learn to change and try to find out a solution. And we are doing that.

This is the kind of post that i wanted to and expected to see. Not these apologists that I have seen today
Indians accept it is happening that is dalits are being abused. Admit that you and your govt is only paying lip service to eliminating this abuse.

I beg to differ sir,indian govt have done much to eliminate this menace-It is a criminal offence even to verbally cause a dalit because of his cast,education is completely free and there is reservation for dalits in all sector,aimed at their economic upliftment.As a result this cast based discrimination has seen drastic reduction in last 65 years.It is non existent in my state.Yet the incidences you posted show that we still have a long way to go to completely eliminate social menace.
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