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Why don't we show our real face ?

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Zarvan, why do you cut moustache all the way to skin?
There was one companion of Prophet who heard Prophet say "keep mustache short" & he cut it too short, that skin of upper-lip became visible. But he over-did that. That's how jews cut their moustache. Do you want to follow sunnah of jews???:-)

A jewish American boxer "Dmitriy Salita":

Also Abraham Lincoln had shaved-moustache beard:

When Prophet said "keep moustache short" he meant just trim it so it does NOT hang below lip-line. Doesn't mean you have to shave it altogether:

Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said that Said ibn al-Musayyub said, "Ibrahim, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was the first to give hospitality to the guest and the first person to be circumcised and the first person to trim the moustache and the first person to see grey hair. He said, 'O Lord! What is this?' Allah the Blessed, the Exalted, said, 'It is dignity, Ibrahim.' He said, 'Lord, increase me in dignity!' "

Yahya said that he had heard Malik say, "
One trims from the moustache until the edge of the lip appears, that is the rim. One does not cut if off completely so that one mutilates oneself."

Muwatta Malik:Arabic reference : Book 49, Hadith 1677, Online English reference : Book 49, Hadith 4



This is me Zarvan
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I see only few Pakistanis posting their pictures as opposed to many Indians! Same trend has been followed by previous threads also where members post their own pictures!!

Sorry my idea of nordic blue eyed Pakistanis busted once again!!
I bet some people in PDF is actually trying to get political power in their real life, so they hide their identity to avoid any international condemnation (because in here we sometimes said something bad to other nation and become so aggressive and arrogant :sniper:), if they end up success and famous .....:partay:
Coming home from the gym:

Getting in touch with the wilderness. /not-tensing-at-all


Okay my mate put an instagram filter on that ^ I'm not that faggoty.

For godsake start doing some Squats otherwise the difference between your legs & those of your better half would only be the amount of hair on them ! :hitwall:
aare tame odia. mu bi odia. ghara kauthi tamara bhai ? Mora ghara ta bhadrakh . he he he

You forgot I introduced you to @Dash who was a x-student of Bhadrak autonomous college?

I am from PMI, KPD(short form)
Ok, that's me from about 1.5 years ago when I was back home wearing some traditional clothes.


Which also happens to be my avatar when I am not in a trolling mode.

@Zarvan bro you could fit right into Najd nearly. Hunting those Najdi sheep. Looking good.

Or hunting for those::whistle:



Come on people. Post a photo. Just a old one like mine. Want to see the faces behind the users that I troll and who troll me.:lol:
For godsake start doing some Squats otherwise the difference between your legs & those of your better half would only be the amount of hair on them ! :hitwall:

I do squats, but I don't go to the gym nearly enough, or eat enough. So I haven't actually gotten any bigger since about mid last year. :(

I do squats, but I don't go to the gym nearly enough, or eat enough. So I haven't actually gotten any bigger since about mid last year. :(

What about stretch-marks? When I lived in France I was working out a little but I was fearful of getting stretch-marks. I "grow" pretty fast. What is the "cure" against that if there is any? It is the only thing that is really holding me back from starting to workout for real and keeping myself in shape. I do run though but not as much as I would have wanted to.

I think that I can easily get those strech-marks because I am tall and I am not very "fatty" rather the opposite. I was quite thin when I was younger.
What about stretch-marks? When I lived in France I was working out a little but I was fearful of getting stretch-marks. I "grow" pretty fast. What is the "cure" against that if there is any? It is the only thing that is really holding me back from starting to workout for real and keeping myself in shape. I do run though but not as much as I would have wanted to.

I think that I can easily get those strech-marks because I am tall and I am not very "fatty" rather the opposite. I was quite thin when I was younger.

Can't really avoid stretch marks, got em all over my glutes, chest and shoulders. They do become less obvious with time though.

Okay I'll replace my Avatar with a 1-2 year old photograph of mine but only for a few seconds ! :)

Let's see dem leggs ;)
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