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Why doesn't Lebanon buy some modern air defense systems to deny its airspace to Israel?


Jan 1, 2021
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Why doesn't Lebanon shoot down Israeli military jets violating its airspace? Why do they allow Israel fighter jets to fly over their airspace? I have Lebanese friends and they keep telling me how Israelis keep harassing Lebanons airspace and sovereignty. They say that Israels air force fly over Lebanon on a daily basis. Why doesn't Lebanon buy some modern air defense systems to deny its airspace to Israel?
Probably for the same reason why Iraq doesn't buy any weapons that changes the current balance of power in the mideast, the US has probably secretly threatened Lebanon with sanctions if they buy something like S-300, HQ-9, S-400 or whatever other weapon that allows these countries to defend themselves against US allies in the region, the only thing they can buy is tanks or APCs or rifles or things like that.
Heck they could have even threatened the leaderships in these countries with assassinations if they disobey.
Probably for the same reason why Iraq doesn't buy any weapons that changes the current balance of power in the mideast, the US has probably secretly threatened Lebanon with sanctions if they buy something like S-300, HQ-9, S-400 or whatever other weapon that allows these countries to defend themselves against US allies in the region, the only thing they can buy is tanks or APCs or rifles or things like that.
Heck they could have even threatened the leaderships in these countries with assassinations if they disobey.

The USA goverment sounds like a mafia.
Probably for the same reason why Iraq doesn't buy any weapons that changes the current balance of power in the mideast, the US has probably secretly threatened Lebanon with sanctions if they buy something like S-300, HQ-9, S-400 or whatever other weapon that allows these countries to defend themselves against US allies in the region, the only thing they can buy is tanks or APCs or rifles or things like that.
Heck they could have even threatened the leaderships in these countries with assassinations if they disobey.

But regarding Iraq. Does Iraq really have "enemies in the region? In Lebanon's case its different considering they have a enemy (Israel) next door. Iraq and Iran relations seems to be good. Iraq and Turkey also seem to be good friends. Syrias has its own problems and cant really threaten Iraq. Jordan is also no threat. Same with Kuwait. Saudi Arabia also seems to be no enemy to Iraq? Hopefully the US soldiers will soon leave Iraq.
Why doesn't Lebanon shoot down Israeli military jets violating its airspace? Why do they allow Israel fighter jets to fly over their airspace? I have Lebanese friends and they keep telling me how Israelis keep harassing Lebanons airspace and sovereignty. They say that Israels air force fly over Lebanon on a daily basis. Why doesn't Lebanon buy some modern air defense systems to deny its airspace to Israel?
What difference does it make if they can't defend their airspace as they have every luxuries for their people. There are drinking bars, dance clubs, youngsters can sleep around with anyone they want, so life is all bloom and gloom for them. A mere airstrike on religious lunatics is actually good for their people. Who cares about sovereignty when they have a uber Western lifestyle.

P.s: this is not my voice. This is the voice of this forum
These days Lebanon is facing an economic and political crisis, their currency has lost about 80% of its value. So spending billions of $ on Air Defence systems would be the last thing on their mind.
Probably for the same reason why Iraq doesn't buy any weapons that changes the current balance of power in the mideast, the US has probably secretly threatened Lebanon with sanctions if they buy something like S-300, HQ-9, S-400 or whatever other weapon that allows these countries to defend themselves against US allies in the region, the only thing they can buy is tanks or APCs or rifles or things like that.
Heck they could have even threatened the leaderships in these countries with assassinations if they disobey.

Lebanon is broke IADS is the last thing on their mind. The US has secretly threatened Lebanon!! lolz...
It's not about why lebanon didn't get advance air defense. They don't have the money to get the system or not to mention train the crew to competent level.
Well technically there is an embargo of high quality weapons supply in region

>To Nations like Labnoon
>Jordan is given watered down weaponry
>Egypt also has some dud missiles ranges and capabilities

Since 2005-2010 focus was to dearm/weaken Iraq
Since 2010 focus was to dearm Libya and Syria

Objective is to have Israel as a a defactor technological power who at the right time once their population rises will make a move for greater land in region

When will it happen 5 years , 10 years from now 20 years from now ?
But it does operates a large fleet of weaponry x2 times more advance then any airforce in region

In Last 3-5 years Israel is no longer fearful of claiming all of lands belonging to Palestinians and US also openly supports the forceful stealing of land

The current cycle is running to weaken Turkey and some how figure out how to weaken Iran :coffee:

Black Mail Game is strong in region

a) Turkey Blackmailed with Genocide claims
b) MBS (Saudia) Blackmailed with reporter's death , and Blackmail to pay victims of a past event. MBS was not even born than
c) Iran is blackmailed for random acts attributed to them
d) Syria is blackmailed for some crimes by it's head of state

Long Story short , every one who is anyone is blackmailed , mean while Israel is generally shown as an angel in region

It is a complex play but many people predicted 25 years ago Israel will be a problem in region at that time no one predicted
Iraq would have no strength or Libya would be a push over rattled nation or that Syrian people will be walking in desert or dieing in ocean

Classic divide and conquer

The moves are spread out over 25-30 year period so it is difficult to spot it , but when you view it over span of 50 years
You can clearly see a decay of power balance in region
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Inflation is over 100% there now.. but they have just signed 3 defense agreements with France..
Lebanon does not function as a state but rather is composed of a number states within, many or all with competing interests. Of these internal states/factions, not all of them see Israel as a hostile entity. Maronite factions have in the past colluded with the Israelis. On top of that their economy is a shambles at the moment and the Saudi-Iranian proxy war is leading the country to an economic disaster.
As others have said, Lebanon is more of a collection of different religious/ethnic factions than a state. I don't think any of them particularly cares about Israel at this point, except for maybe the risk of incurring Israeli retribution for something. In that case, they've gone for the 'solution' of not being a threat at all.

Also, as a word of warning, Lebanon is the kind of future awaiting Pakistan if certain trends -- e.g., establishment interests and ethno-regional-centrism -- go unabated. The less Pakistanis care about the idea of Pakistan, the closer Pakistan will get in simply becoming a bigger Lebanon.
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I have lived in Beirut. It is really a fragmented society with fragmented political allegiances where many of the things do not necessarily make sense to outsiders. Which fragment of the many Lebanese political factions will control the assumed air defense system must be determined first before they can go out for the procurement process. As it is very difficult to reach consensus over this issue like many other, they don't have a meaningful air defense system now. Money alone has never been an issue there.
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