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Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

Kashmir is either Pakistan or Independent, india cannot and will never be able to beat the idea of Freedom, sooner or letter, its bound to happen !

What ever pleases you . Kashmir is not going any ware . We have plans for it dont worry.
I think no one said 'Kashmir Only Belongs to the Muslims' ! :unsure:

Kashmir is a Muslim Majority State & so naturally if the majority of the Muslims were asked to decide 'India, Pakistan or Independence' & were a Plebiscite to that effect be carried out, their vote would have the largest leverage in deciding the final fate of Kashmir.

But - the rights of the minorities can't be held hostage by the whims and fancies of the majority. Pakistanis of all people should realize - there would have been no Partition then if the idea of Pakistan was put to vote. Neither slavery nor segregation in the USA would have ended either.
Lol :D
You want to 'convince' Pakistanis by logic? Keep trying, but no one can succeed. As long as (political)Islam is the driving force of the struggle in Kashmir, no amount of CBM, or peace overtures will be enough. Regarding Kashmir or any other land - the policy is, was and will be clear - Not one step back.
But - the rights of the minorities can't be held hostage by the whims and fancies of the majority. Pakistanis of all people should realize - there would have been no Partition then if the idea of Pakistan was put to vote. Neither slavery nor segregation in the USA would have ended either.
Trust me - take it from me - there is no widespread movement in Kashmir. In the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir only the tiny area of the Valley is Sunni dominated. Secession sentiment is strongest there. Actually it goes beyond that. Radicals of the Valley are not content because they believe they are 'ruled by non Muslims'. That is the problem. No matter what you do, they will not love you back.

Kashmir is home to Shias, Buddhists, Bon, Hindus, Sikh, etc. They are all strongly pro Indian. Only some Sunni groups (which are considerable in number) are not. The entire struggle is completely tainted by faith.
There are significant minorities of Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists in Kashmir so why should only Muslims decide the fate of Kashmir. I highly doubt that the minorities in Kashmir want to join Pakistan or have an independant country. I think the logic of most Kashmir secessionist supporters(Pakistanis) is flawed.
How did Khairpur, Bahawalpur and Chitral acceded to Pakistan? same way signing the accession paper like Maharaja of Kashmir.

With muslim majorities,public support n no military intervension... unlike junagarh,hyderabad,kashmir etc...

Love you too.
If Pakistan can claim Kashmir calling it the jugular vein of Pakistan, the whole world can claim Middle East calling it the jugular vein of world as it contains oil and hence the whole world should annex the Middle East and deprive the local residents there of any citizenship rights and drive them into other Muslim countries where there is no oil.

There are 15000 mosques in Indian Kashmir for just 7 million Muslims constantly blaring Arabic chants on loudspeakers. If that is oppression in the eyes of some people, India should dismantle all but 1000 mosques in Kashmir and make the people of Kashmir truly liberated from constant noise and jihaadi pollution by incomprehensible Arabic language. Turkey is 99% Muslim but even the Turks do not allow Arabic for call to prayer in Turkish mosques.

India is a very soft state and too complacent and tolerant of certain religious fanatics and hence is paying the price for its perceived weakness.

You have a woman known as Black Widow Andrabi who openly advocates Islamic Sharia law in Kashmir ranting on Indian TV and newspapers and says she will go to conduct jihad in other countries like China to bring Xinjiang and Kashmir under Islamic Ummah and what not.. See her interview on net to so many newspapers to know the real face of this decadent burqa clad murderer Black Widow who openly supports Muslim militants in Kashmir. AND YET SHE IS ALIVE AND NOT TORTURED TO INVALIDITY, BLINDNESS AND VOICE IMPAIRMENT IN A JAIL.

What more proof do you need to dismantle the Islamic radical network of mosques and other structures???
If Pakistan can claim Kashmir calling it the jugular vein of Pakistan, the whole world can call Middle East the jugular vein of world as it contains oil and hence the whole world should annex the Middle East and deprive the local residents there of any citizenship rights and drive them into other Muslim countries where there is no oil.

There are 15000 mosques in Indian Kashmir for just 7 million Muslims constantly blaring Arabic chants on loudspeakers. If that is oppression in the eyes of some people, India should dismantle all but 1000 mosques in Kashmir and make the people of Kashmir truly liberated from constant noise and jihaadi pollution by incomprehensible Arabic language. Turkey is 99% Muslim but even the Turks do not allow Arabic for call to prayer in Turkish mosques.

India is a very soft state and too complacent and tolerant of certain religious fanatics and hence is paying the price for its perceived weakness.

You have a woman known as Black Widow Andrabi who openly advocates Islamic Sharia law in Kashmir ranting on Indian TV and newspapers and says she will go to conduct jihad in other countries like China to bring Xinjiang and Kashmir under Islamic Ummah and what not.. See her interview on net to so many newspapers to know the real face of this decadent burqa clad murderer Black Widow who openly supports Muslim militants in Kashmir. AND YET SHE IS ALIVE AND NOT TORTURED TO INVALIDITY, BLINDNESS AND VOICE IMPAIRMENT IN A JAIL.

What more proof do you need to dismantle the Islamic radical network of mosques and other structures???

But - the rights of the minorities can't be held hostage by the whims and fancies of the majority. Pakistanis of all people should realize - there would have been no Partition then if the idea of Pakistan was put to vote. Neither slavery nor segregation in the USA would have ended either.

Isn't the converse true as well ? Should the rights of the majority be held hostage by the whims & fancies of the minority ?

As far the Partition is concerned, if you will read my previous posts you'd realize that I made a comparison between the both of them - If the Kashmiri Pundits & the Sikhs have apprehensions about the future of Kashmir than they reserve the right to use their bargaining power to have them settled like we did in '47 !
If Pakistan can claim Kashmir calling it the jugular vein of Pakistan, the whole world can claim Middle East calling it the jugular vein of world as it contains oil and hence the whole world should annex the Middle East and deprive the local residents there of any citizenship rights and drive them into other Muslim countries where there is no oil.

There are 15000 mosques in Indian Kashmir for just 7 million Muslims constantly blaring Arabic chants on loudspeakers. If that is oppression in the eyes of some people, India should dismantle all but 1000 mosques in Kashmir and make the people of Kashmir truly liberated from constant noise and jihaadi pollution by incomprehensible Arabic language. Turkey is 99% Muslim but even the Turks do not allow Arabic for call to prayer in Turkish mosques.

India is a very soft state and too complacent and tolerant of certain religious fanatics and hence is paying the price for its perceived weakness.

You have a woman known as Black Widow Andrabi who openly advocates Islamic Sharia law in Kashmir ranting on Indian TV and newspapers and says she will go to conduct jihad in other countries like China to bring Xinjiang and Kashmir under Islamic Ummah and what not.. See her interview on net to so many newspapers to know the real face of this decadent burqa clad murderer Black Widow who openly supports Muslim militants in Kashmir. AND YET SHE IS ALIVE AND NOT TORTURED TO INVALIDITY, BLINDNESS AND VOICE IMPAIRMENT IN A JAIL.

What more proof do you need to dismantle the Islamic radical network of mosques and other structures???

Wiser words have not been spoken on this forum. Breeding grounds for extremism must be destroyed or we risk our own security.
To answer OP, no, Kashmir doesn't belong to Muslims of Kashmir, but to India.
To answer OP, no, Kashmir doesn't belong to Muslims of Kashmir, but to India.

No. Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris. It is their right to decide, which is enshrined and given to them by the United Nations.
No. Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris. It is their right to decide, which is enshrined and given to them by the United Nations.

Once the papers of accessions were signed Kashmir belonged to India - the same way Bahawalpur and Chitral belonged to Pakistan once the accession was signed by their respective Kings. UN resolutions are no more valid and have been replaced by Shimla agreement.

Anyway lets not get into those things that are dead beaten on PDF since 2006.
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