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Why did Mullahs oppose creation of Pakistan?



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Sep 17, 2011
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The creation of Pakistan was the most beautiful event that happened in centuries.

But why did the mullah's oppose it?

To top it off, these are the same mullahs who are running around exploding themselves in the cities of Pakistan.

The question is, why?

Are these mullah's anti-national? If so, what should be done about them?
We have moved on, it is inevitable. But a nation which does not understand its history, cannot have a future.

It is important for Pakistanis to know their foundations, the reality spanning centuries, of which they are a result.

The event in 1947 was a culmination of an undercurrent that was brewing for many hundreds of years. To belittle it is tragic and an injustice to the people of Pakistan. Efforts are underway to keep them in the dark, but these things must be discussed.

What did the mullahs have to gain by opposing Pakistan?
We have moved on, it is inevitable. But a nation which does not understand its history, cannot have a future.

It is important for Pakistanis to know their foundations, the reality spanning centuries, of which they are a result.

The event in 1947 was a culmination of an undercurrent that was brewing for many hundreds of years. To belittle it is tragic and an injustice to the people of Pakistan. Efforts are underway to keep them in the dark, but these things must be discussed.

Okay, let's presume that I agree with what you say. Now please help me understand how does that help the FUTURE of Pakistan?
Okay, let's presume that I agree with what you say. Now please help me understand how does that help the FUTURE of Pakistan?

When the people of Pakistan understand the reality of the fiber of their being, they will work harder towards making things right. Pakistan today is caught in some of the worst problems in the world. But the magnitude of those problems is directly proportional to the greatness and the potential of this nation. Many people feel hopeless in Pakistan, thinking that things are just too wrong for them to be ever put right. This hopelessness has to be combatted by understanding of history.

In fact, some even say that the problems are there because of the importance of this nation. Important things, whether they be people or nations, encounter severe opposition. this is what may be happening to Pakistan.

Instead of despair, if people understand the gravity of the situation below their feet, they will be motivated and spurred to take action, and actually do some nation building.

In a nutshell, Pakistanis have to understand what they are made of in order to derive courage and solace to work to fix things. Tbhis is just one small reason why we have to have a good understand of our history.

But there are other reasons...whcih we will discuss in due time.
Yes- Molana Azaad- was worried that Unity of Muslims in subcontinent will be divided if a separate Muslim country came to exist- The Muslim minority will become further minute- thus loosing influence in subcontinent- Azaad was the biggest advocate of Ummah imho-

But there are other reasons...whcih we will discuss in due time.

Okay, please go on, I am listening with rapt attention about these "other" reasons too.
I am no newbie, i am an older lurker than the seniors on this forum :)
Muhammad Ali Jinnah's grandfather was a Hindu, as were his ancestors. Jinnah's father was a Ismaili, while Jinnah himself became a Shia Muslim. The name Jinnah did not exist in the family previously. (The circumstances of Jinnah's father becoming a Muslim are very intriguing, but that is a discussion for another time.)

Now the question is this: A man from a Hindu background, becomes a Muslim. Goes against his own previous Hindu community, earns the enmity of the majority of India, fatally damages his health, sacrifices his marriage, estranges his daughter...only to create an imaginary Muslim country called Pakistan. This man literally sacrificed everything he had for Pakistan. Was he mentally ill? Was Jinnah crazy? What made him do this?

Human nature demands that human beings preserve their interests. The vast wealth of Jinnah's family, his connections to the elite of India, a more than comfortable life, could all be better preserved had he converted back to his ancestors Hindu faith; or at best, remain a nominal Muslim.

What propelled Jinnah to place himself in the greatest geostrategic position, to place himself in the rewarding yet very difficult direct service of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH? This man single-handedly reversed the current of history that had been flowing against the Muslims since the past 500 years.

While Muslim states were being broken up across the Orient, this man created a Muslim state in the face of the dominant trend, against the severest opposition from all sides.

Can someone answer this question? Can someone place himself in his shoes, to understand his motivation?

No descendent of Bahadur Shah Zafar or the Mughals came forth. No scion of any illustrious Muslim family came forth, no descendent of Tipu Sultan, of Shuja Daula, or any Punjabi Muslim landlord, or a Sindhi Muslim, or a Pathan clan leader...none of these could fulfill the spearhead-leadership role performed by the Quaid e Azam. Why was this?

In fact, the classic Mullahs actually opposed Pakistan because of certain motives that we will explain shortly.

Why this polarity? Was the Divine Force trying to tell us something through this interplay of actors?
A Mullah or any Muslim for that matter that opposes the creation of Pakistan are most likely deviants. Also I think that may have some Mullahs at the time that opposed the creation of Pakistan not many do now, as they can operate freely in Pakistan.
...................Was the Divine Force trying to tell us something through this interplay of actors?

Did the Divine Force call, SMS, telex, snail mail or email the script about the interplay of the actors, inquiring minds want to know? :P
We must understand one thing very clearly; Pakistan was never demanded to be an Islamic religious state. If it was meant to be an Islamic state, mullahs would not have let Jinnah lead the movement. They knew it was a secular state that is why they opposed it.
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