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'Why are we treated as second class citizens?'


Jun 14, 2010
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'Why are we treated as second class citizens?'

TNN, Feb 22, 2011, 12.32am IST

AHMEDABAD: The Muslim community in Gujarat lives in fear, is denied basic amenities and treated as second class citizens - these came out in the personal testimonies of 55 people affected by the 2002 post-Godhra riots. They were participating in a public hearing organised by Anhad, Centre for Social Justice, and several other NGOs working for human rights, in the city on Monday.

In the jury were Justice R A Mehta, former acting chief justice of Gujarat high court; Annie Raja, general secretary of National Federation of Indian Women; social activist Gagan Sethi; and author Githa Hariharan. Syeda Imam Bilgrami, a member of the National Commission for Minorities, was a special observer.

Retired academician and social activist from Vadodara professor J S Bandukwala, who is from Daudi Bohra community, lashed out at Bohra spiritual leader Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin for getting close to Modi. The Syedna and Modi shared the dais on Saturday at a trade exhibition of the community here. "It is unfortunate that many of us are getting close to Modi," Bandukwala said.

There were instances of how Muslim corporators had ignored their community. Rashidaben of Aman Samudaya told the jury how the slums in Bombay Hotel area of Behrampura lived with chemical-laced water. "Badruddin Shaikh who represents this area has done nothing about this basti," she said.

There were cases from Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Godhra, Surat, Dahod, Panchmahal and other districts. Latifa Giteli from Godhra, who runs a trust for education, said that her husband who works with BSNL was jailed for 11 months in a fake bombing case and is questioned every time there is trouble in the city. "When the serial blasts happened in Ahmedabad they took him away for three days," she said.

Shabnam Hashmi of Anhad said that at a time when the state was projecting a picture of being progressive and safe, a section of people is battling for its basic rights and fighting communal forces even after nine years of post-Godhra riots.

Bilgrami told TOI later that Muslims felt out of place not just in Gujarat, but elsewhere in the country. "What I tell them is to create strong institutions for academics and special training and give the society role models who can lead the way to progress. I have high hopes from Gujarat," she said. The jury will present the finding to state government officers on Tuesday.

'Why are we treated as second class citizens?' - The Times of India
55 people! damn... there goes the neighborhood! and thus begins another 30 pages of comments on this weeks Muslims are treated horrible in India:)

India welcome ahmedis as all sects of Muslims to practice their religion openly! technically makes them more tolerant :P
I think that in South India, Muslims are living a comparatively more peaceful life.

I think that is a more balanced and fairer picture. Anti-Muslim discrimination in India is regional and some states are better than others.

Many decent Hindus don't appreciate the problem because they are not bigoted themselves and don't witness it first-hand. It's like, back in 2001, when people told me about the Taliban and Pakistan's involvement. I refused to believe we would have anything to do with such people, but it turns out we did. The same thing is true about anti-Muslim discrimination in India. Many decent Hindus are not aware of the problem and refuse to believe such evil can exist in their beloved country.
Another report from ORANGE MEDIA, The times of India.
I think that is a more balanced and fairer picture. Anti-Muslim discrimination in India is regional and some states are better than others.

Many decent Hindus don't appreciate the problem because they are not bigoted themselves and don't witness it first-hand. It's like, back in 2001, when people told me about the Taliban and Pakistan's involvement. I refused to believe we would have anything to do with such people, but it turns out we did. The same thing is true about anti-Muslim discrimination in India. Many decent Hindus are not aware of the problem and refuse to believe such evil can exist in their beloved country.

I agree. 100 percent. Also most hindus dont realize that they already hate muslims because of terrorism. Same goes for europeans and americans. Hope peace in middle east will change the outlook.
Retired academician and social activist from Vadodara professor J S Bandukwala, who is from Daudi Bohra community, lashed out at Bohra spiritual leader Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin for getting close to Modi. The Syedna and Modi shared the dais on Saturday at a trade exhibition of the community here. "It is unfortunate that many of us are getting close to Modi," Bandukwala said

This is the biggest problem.
The problem is of jealousy, that some Muslim leaders are getting close to Modi and hence reaping benefit out of it . And few others usully congi supporter stuck in riots day still cribs about Modi, the CM.
I agree. 100 percent. Also most hindus dont realize that they already hate muslims because of terrorism. Same goes for europeans and americans. Hope peace in middle east will change the outlook.

We expect Hindus, and Indians in general, to have a more nuanced view of Muslims instead of buying into the simplistic Islamophobia promoted by the West. Muslims have a long history in India and Indians have seen the good and the bad from Muslims. I would hope a significant percent of Indians would know some fellow Muslims first-hand on which to base their opinion, instead of media stereotypes.
GOD knows we have made mistakes. no country is perfect. Lot of innocent muslim men were picked up after bomb blasts. although most of these guys were petty thieves and small time criminals but in no way they deserved the treatment police gave them. Their families lost their honour and were ridiculed and threatened by Police and other people.

but luckily, things have stabilised. most of them have been released post confessions of aseemanand. The physical wounds have gone but the wounds on their souls will take time to heal. luckily the things r moving in right direction. i sincerely hope, the govt continues with this and anounce package to those who have erroneously suffered.
First of those whose consitution itself make other religions second class should not argue that (specific to none).

Second, our country person should treat each person as person only and should not judge him through religion, caste or ability.

As of now in India, Muslim, SC, ST, OBC are considered bit low (agreed), but this again depends on region.

There is misconception that Muslims in Gujarat are second rated, this is completely false. I can't say about other states, but what I say about Gujarat is completely true as I have contact with Muslim Businessman and Hotel person.

Hotel owners in Gujarat are mostly Muslims and no Hindu or whatever discriminate it (some ladies do but this is being improved). All rural hotels coming on the highways are own by them. Hindus would discard the hotel only if its non-veg or something even if its own by Hindus.

Second thing is that I have business with Heavy Machinery Owners which are usually Muslims (Mistri), they too like Gujarat and the way its developing. (They give credit to Modi's brand and its strategy). I always wanted to discuss about Godhra with them but to not hurt there sentiments and getting answer already in different way, remained quiet. If some conversion happen, if got chance would surely ask about his views. But what I heard, saw or hearing from them, is that they are happy with development and are not rated second class.

Well still I do agree that there might some scope of chance where they might be rated second class but its not just religious thing. Even Dalits, Bhill, SC, ST all are considered second class citizens in our country then how study can be particularly based on religions. Hopefully we can try to overcome our problems if not today than in near future.
We expect Hindus, and Indians in general, to have a more nuanced view of Muslims instead of buying into the simplistic Islamophobia promoted by the West. Muslims have a long history in India and Indians have seen the good and the bad from Muslims. I would hope a significant percent of Indians would know some fellow Muslims first-hand on which to base their opinion, instead of media stereotypes.

I completely agree with you.You being in Australia, have quite more freedom to understand views of not only Muslim but also of other religion and their culture. I gone say that what you say is what we want, but it may take sometime to mature but we will maintain our focus in achieving that.
Shabnam Hashmi of Anhad said that at a time when the state was projecting a picture of being progressive and safe, a section of people is battling for its basic rights and fighting communal forces even after nine years of post-Godhra riots.

Bilgrami told TOI later that Muslims felt out of place not just in Gujarat, but elsewhere in the country. "What I tell them is to create strong institutions for academics and special training and give the society role models who can lead the way to progress. I have high hopes from Gujarat," she said. The jury will present the finding to state government officers on Tuesday.

'Why are we treated as second class citizens?' - The Times of India

What I,we or us want to say is present in bold mark. We admit our faults and would try to re correct in near future as we progress.
Oh jeez. The article does not do any justice to the 'sensationalist' title.

There were instances of how Muslim corporators had ignored their community. Rashidaben of Aman Samudaya told the jury how the slums in Bombay Hotel area of Behrampura lived with chemical-laced water. "Badruddin Shaikh who represents this area has done nothing about this basti," she said.

This is a simple case of a Councillor/MLA ignoring the ward/constituency , like thousands across the country, and this gets promoted with an utterly sensational title " Being treated as Second class citizens" and the irony is the corporator himself is a Muslim. :rolleyes:

Ok now start bashing me.
Oh jeez. The article does not do any justice to the 'sensationalist' title.

This is a simple case of a Councillor/MLA ignoring the ward/constituency , like thousands across the country, and this gets promoted with an utterly sensational title " Being treated as Second class citizens" and the irony is the corporator itself is a Muslim. :rolleyes:

Ok now start bashing me.

Not to push everything under the carpet, but yes, i've seen people have the attitude of viewing at normal secular problems from a religious lense, like in the case you pointed out. If one is going to look at everything from a religious angle, then yes one is going to feel victimised.

This religious angle vanishes say - when people won't give polio doses to their kids, then its just the illiterate people not knowing better :)

I think that in South India, Muslims are living a comparatively more peaceful life.

South India is a comparatively more peaceful, literate, socio economically more developed place. The muslims there have taken the route of education and not politics. Where do abt 50% of all Indian muslims live? In the poorest, most violent states in India. Naturally their numbers are affected.
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