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Why are we so backward?

There is no need to develop the entire country at once. Instead, a country can be developed initially in a special economic zone and then let the industrialization slowly spread across the country. If a country lacks the technological base, capital, and skilled people (i.e. managers, technicians, engineers, and Ph.D. research scientists) then all of these critical elements can be "imported" into a special economic zone.

Special Economic Zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Taking the example of the Chinese success with their SEZs, China is helping Pakistan develop the Haier-Ruba economic zone on the outskirts of Lahore.

Other economic zones include the China-Pakistan economic zone open only to Chinese investors and also the future crown jewel of Pakistan, Gwadar.

There are also talks of creating a Japanese city for foreign investors from Japan only.

There has also been new SEZ proposed on the currently under construction Sialkot-Lahore motorway, Qatar has proposed an investment for $1 billion in a new SEZ along the motorway.

There is also a new zone under construction in Faislababd, which will be the biggest industrial estate of Pakistan when complete, it has sections for each country and the first phrase is already complete with a special Chinese zone in it."
I forgot to mention another crucial element for industrialization. A country must have modern infrastructure. Without electricity to power the factories and modern roads to allow delivery of "finished goods," a country cannot industrialize. China is assisting Pakistan with electricity generation, physical infrastructure (e.g. railways), communication systems, etc.

"China has done more to help Pakistan than any other country. China has helped Pakistan with a $500-million-dollar aid package, build two more nuclear reactors totaling 680 MegaWatts, build hydroelectric dam, build communications satellite, build railway, and help develop agriculture and telecom sectors.

The Pakistan Ledger (see last newslink) states: "The Chinese have gone out of their way to help Pakistan, even losing the lives of their citizens in the process."

China Gives $500 Million in Aid Package, Pakistan Says - WSJ.com
"Beijing agreed to extend $500 million in aid to Pakistan, a rare move by China to take a leadership role in a global crisis."

China to help Pakistan build two more nuclear reactors
"China to help Pakistan build two more nuclear reactors
October 18th, 2008 - 7:47 pm ICT by IANS

Islamabad, Oct 18 (DPA) Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Memhood Qureshi Saturday said China has assured the country to help build two more nuclear power reactors to overcome its energy crisis. An agreement was signed during President Asif Ali Zardari’s recent visit to China, Qureshi told a news conference in Islamabad.

“These two new units will increase electricity production by 680 megawatts, which will have positive effect on Pakistani economy,” he said."

China to help Pakistan build hydro-electric project
"Mar 25, 2008 ... China to help Pakistan build hydro-electric project. ... Birdie said the project was of “national importance” to Pakistan as upstream India ..."

China to help Pakistan build satellite | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire
"Sep 19, 2009 ... China to help Pakistan build satellite. 08:44 19/09/2009 China will assist Pakistan in building a new communications satellite, ..."

"Jun 3, 2009 ... Chinese help for Pakistan railway worries India ... NEW DELHI: Indian officials are worried that China is involved in building what they say ..."

"China to help Pak developing agriculture and telecom sectors
June 17, 2009

The Chinese Vice-Minister for Industries and Information Technology assured that his country will help Pakistan in developing agriculture and telcom sectors. He held out the assurance during his meeting with visiting Minister for Investment Senator Waqar Ahmed Khan. The two sides also reached an agreement to strengthen their interaction to bring together the relevant private sectors of the two countries to achieve the results."

"Mar 12, 2010 ... The Chinese have gone out of their way to help Pakistan, even losing the lives of their citizens in the process. ...""
There is no point in beating a dead horse... that is how we got so badly backward.

The absence of faith will not make us progressive either. The problem is only one thing, the lack of many things going right in Pakistan.

What we need to do:

1) Be tolerant: Let others be, even learn from those that are against your beliefs. Always remain in a state of learning, to do that you must not be closed to new ideas. I'm not talking about religion but life.

2) Be Kind and honest: This is something that truly goes and comes around. I'm not talking about being a doormat and be run over by people, but try to find out the time to do good onto others once in a while just to make someone else's life a little better and do not cheat and lie your way through life. Be as good as you can be.

3) Try to adopt the good things of the west. Whenever most of our people become Pakistan's "Elites" the first thing they do is adopt materialism and mass consumption. Try to adopt free speech, adopt democracy, eliminate corruption.

4) Let the women grow. Women make up 51% of all Pakistanis and most of them are uneducated zombies. This 51% of the people need to step up and work for Pakistan. Just imagine, even if all the men worked hard for Pakistan that would only be a 49% effort. Our women have not been allowed to put in their efforts.

We've stopped the natural progress of life in Pakistan
Pakistan already had its own version of Kemal Ataturk, but he passed away a year after the nation was born. His name was Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Besides in some of his speeches he wanted an Islamic way of running the country like his last speech he made he said he wanted Islamic banking for Pakistan so he was not totally secular like Ataturk was.

And with Pakistanis, we can never place Religion out of our lives. Even the Christian/Hindu/Sikh Pakistanis care about their Religions.

Pakistanis cant be like Turks, Americans, British, Chinese, Indians, Nigerians, etc.. we are a people of our own. Theres around 180 million Pakistanis all over the world we dont want to mimic anyone. Even if you go to the west you see us wearing our traditional clothes, eating our traditional food, going to our Mosques. We are very proud of who we are.

As for how religious Pakistanis are. You will find all kinds of Pakistanis. Liberal, Traditional, Conservative, Moderates, Agnostics, Deeply Religious, those who put Religion before culture, those who put Culture before Religion, etcc but you wont find many athiests among us even the most Liberal westernized agnostic Pakistanis have some belief in the Creator and the next life.

Those who are athiests and want to turn Pakistanis into athiests will have no luck in this forum or any Pakistani forum or gathering.

Following religion is GOOD but making it everything in your life is not good. Get the good things from the religion and ignore/neglect the bad things. For example, I am Hindu, I don't like many things/practices in Hinduism, then I chose to ignore them or stand against it rather than follow it just because religion/(or some religious pundits) say so.
There is no point in beating a dead horse... that is how we got so badly backward.

The absence of faith will not make us progressive either. The problem is only one thing, the lack of many things going right in Pakistan.

What we need to do:

1) Be tolerant: Let others be, even learn from those that are against your beliefs. Always remain in a state of learning, to do that you must not be closed to new ideas. I'm not talking about religion but life.

2) Be Kind and honest: This is something that truly goes and comes around. I'm not talking about being a doormat and be run over by people, but try to find out the time to do good onto others once in a while just to make someone else's life a little better and do not cheat and lie your way through life. Be as good as you can be.

3) Try to adopt the good things of the west. Whenever most of our people become Pakistan's "Elites" the first thing they do is adopt materialism and mass consumption. Try to adopt free speech, adopt democracy, eliminate corruption.

4) Let the women grow. Women make up 51% of all Pakistanis and most of them are uneducated zombies. This 51% of the people need to step up and work for Pakistan. Just imagine, even if all the men worked hard for Pakistan that would only be a 49% effort. Our women have not been allowed to put in their efforts.

We've stopped the natural progress of life in Pakistan

Well said. you are absolutely 100% correct in your observation.
but gets utterly disturbed when someone says anything against holocaust, anyways the point is its the religion which holds the jewish community!!!

a) The holocaust is DISTURBING.
b) Holocaust is history, not science. It's okay to freak out over history, not over science!

2nd as per theory of evolution, one thing its a theory not a fact, second many people who aint muslim dont believe in it as well, 3rd in the previous posts someone gave you an ayah out of Quran. kindly go through it once again!!!

That's the point honey. Why do you EVEN need Qu'ranic ayats for/against evolution? Jews, RARELY (if ever) do that. Thanks for proving my point.

and who said you cnat convert to judaism???

Conversion to Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

enough said!!!!

Conversion to Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Give me a few numbers here :

How many people have you met that preach Judaism? [None for me]. How many preachers of Islam have you met? [None of me]
I want to add another important factor to the growing list of crucial elements needed for a country to industrialize. In earlier posts in this thread, I said you need the following:

1) Technology base. Let's assume critical mass of 100,000 cumulative patents to compete in today's marketplace.

2) Capital. Hundreds of billions of dollars of cumulative direct foreign investment to build factories.

3) People. Factory managers, technicians, engineers, and Ph.D. research scientists.

4) Time. Decades to "build out." Climbing the technological ladder and building all those factories take a lot of time. It took China thirty years to reach the point of building her first modern ARJ-21 passenger jet and assembly plant.

5) Modern infrastructure. To enable the production and delivery of goods, a country needs modern roads, railways, bridges, sea ports, airports, power plants, hydroelectric dams, telecom systems, etc.

After the first five criteria have been fulfilled, there is still a problem. You need customers to buy the goods that you have produced.

6) A "big market" to absorb your country's goods.

As I wrote earlier, China is helping to finance and build modern infrastructure in Pakistan. China is also helping to establish special economic zones in Pakistan to "import" Chinese technology, capital/direct investment, and the necessary skilled people to operate the factories.

To solve the final problem of demand for your country's goods, China can help by signing a Free Trade Agreement with your country.

China set to become 4th biggest trade partner of Pakistan: MOFCOM official

"China set to become 4th biggest trade partner of Pakistan: MOFCOM official

BEIJING, Feb 9 (APP): China is becoming the 4th biggest trade partner of Pakistan, said here a senior Chinese official from Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM).Addressing the Pakistan-China Trade Promotion Seminar at Pakistan Embassy, Ouyang Cheng of Department of International Trade and Economic Affairs of Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said both sides enhanced exports after the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

Ouyang in his presentation on FTA to the largely attended forum by Chinese entrepreneurs from diverse fields organized by Pakistan Embassy said Pakistan was the “all weather” friend as well as an important trade partner of his country.

“China-Pakistan FTA is an important part of the development of China-Pakistan free trade area”, he observed.

He pointed out that with the joint efforts from both sides, the development of China-Pakistan FTA was deepening in trade, investment and cooperation of technology.

China-Pakistan FTA achieved great results. Although the global finance crisis influenced economic seriously since 2nd half of 2008, the trade between Pakistan and China performed much better than the other countries with China, Ouyang added.

For example in 2009, the total foreign trade of China declined 13.9 per cent and trade value between Pakistan and China reached USD 6.8 billion with a decline of only 2.9 percent, 11% higher than Chinese whole foreign trade; the export of China in 2009 declined 16% in global and only 7.7% down with Pakistan at USD 5.5 billion. China import USD 1.3 billion from Pakistan with 25.3 % up and declined 11.2% in global. It is the positive result of the FTA, he observed.

The development of China-Pakistan FTA also solidified the all weather friendship between the two countries and played an important role in Asian Economic integration.

“I would like to mention here that the China-Pakistan FTA in Service which effective since last October is the most open FTA in Service than any other countries with Pakistan or China”, he said.

He continued that based on the promise to WTO, Pakistan will further open 102 sub-sectors in 11 major service sectors among all 160 sub sectors in 12 major service sectors to Chinese service supplier, including construction, telecom, finance, distribution, environment, medical service, tourism, transportation, express, R&D, computer education, entertainment, culture and sport.

Ouyang said that Pakistan will provide more advantage to Chinese service suppliers in shares percentage in the company and employees movement.

On the other hand, he said that China will further open 20 sub sectors in 6 major service sectors all 160 sub sector in 12 major service sectors to Pakistan service supplier, including mineral mining, R&D, environment, hospital, tourism, sport, transportation, translation, real estate, computer, market research, management consultant, publishing, etc.

“The implementation of Pakistan-China FTA in Service is a signal that Pakistan and China will make up a free trade area covering commodity trade, trade in service and investment”, Ouyang said.

Referring to the Global financial crisis, he said that both China and Pakistan are suffering from it and facing problems of slow economic growth, decline of import and export and employment difficulty.

Therefore, he urged that there is a need that both governments should continue to promote trade , deepen the economic cooperation to enjoy the advantage of FTA in trade and investment.

The seminar held by the embassy of Pakistan, he said provides a good opportunity for Chinese enterprises to further understand the implemented Pakistan-China FTA, FTA in Service and the opening of Pakistan market, he observed.

He expressed the hope that implementation of Pakistan-China PTA would upgrade the economic and trade relationship between the two countries, upgrade the cooperation and communication between the enterprises, deepen the understanding and friendship between the two countries.

He said that his country has achieved great progress in the development of free trade area in recent years and discussing with 31 countries and regions in 14 free trade areas."
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You can't claim India as enemy as you are the one who every time attacked it. despite being a small country ur trying to bully a bigger one shows foolishness, jealously and envy. "Hum to marenge tum ko bhi chain se jeene nahi denge"

As fo poverty line, Govt. of India has increased the numbers of people under the poverty line under the pressure of congress party but it will benefit poor people only.

This is done because govt. is bringing new law i.e. right to food. Not because poverty has increased in India.

As people under poverty line will get 35 kg of wheat or rice at Rs. 2 per kg so in fact the poor people will get 35 kgs of wheat/rice in just Rs. 70 per month.

Also they will get free medical treatment and free education.

So, in the end poor will benefit from it.

That's why i have said that in a decade there will be no poverty in India. As these schemes will eradicate malnutrition, hunger, illiteracy etc. from India forever.

you keep on chanting that india government is helping out the poor citizens but what kind of service are they receiving. At best they are most likely receiving subpar treatment and goods. Very unlikely they are receiving standard middle class treatment.

And how will the poor continue to keep on benefiting from the government? In another decade or two india's popluation will be over 2 billion. This means 1 billion indians will be living below the poverty line, 1 billion with out toilets. 1 billion living in misery. You indians keep on chanting that you are becoming a developed nation but your fellow indians can't stop reproducing. And the worst part of this is the problem lies within the poor and uneducated.
a) The holocaust is DISTURBING.
b) Holocaust is history, not science. It's okay to freak out over history, not over science!

and why is that?? history can be proven wrong as well... plus its the winner who gets to write the history, so you cant really cant expect it to be unbiased!!

That's the point honey. Why do you EVEN need Qu'ranic ayats for/against evolution? Jews, RARELY (if ever) do that. Thanks for proving my point.

as told u earlier its the religion that has driven muslim society for centuries, and back then when we had plenty of scientists, religion was still a major power!!!

plus can u state how many scientific theories are there which contradict with islam??

plus talking about evolution, see here, we muslims believe that Allah gives you a child, but then again its not dropped from the sky, there is a process, unless you go through it no mater how much you pray you wont have a baby... simple as that

same goes for the creation of the world, Allah made it through a whole process so evolution might be a part of it as well... depends upon how you look at things :)

Conversion to Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Give me a few numbers here :

How many people have you met that preach Judaism? [None for me]. How many preachers of Islam have you met? [None of me]

i havent met anyone who preaches judaism, why? because in my whole life i only met two jews and that too for some business deal!!!

plenty of guys i have met who preach islam, probably because the society i live in consists of 90% muslims!!!
World needs to find sustainiable solutions to energy, water and food and a just and equitable system of sharing the earth's resources and contributing towards human growth.
My definition of human growth involves peace, harmony, sustainability and finding answers to the eternal questions about origin of life, intelligence, and universe.

Humans still have a lot of ground to cover toward all these ends. So in that sense we are all backwards.
I think Pakistani Atheist got picked on in high school after 9/11 and became so weak minded and susceptible to outside influences that he abandoned Islam and became an atheist. Pakistan is so backwards because of individuals like Pakistani Atheist. We don't need weak fickle minded individuals in our country.

This is why Pakistani Atheist posts are full of dumb@ss nonsense. He is trying to fit in the white crowd and be like them just as the indians try to do over here but still they end up never being accepted. :lol:

If you can't stand on your own you always end up being a loser.
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