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Who posts the most entertaining threads???

Indian Gurkha

May 6, 2010
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I tried to keep my distance from PDF but some of the threads are so entertaining could not resist visiting it. Plz state who creates the most entertaining and 'discussion friendly' threads.My vote goes to idune. Seriously man the amount of dedication and desperation he undergoes to post such 'informative posts' is beyond competition :toast_sign:. Guys share ur favorite thread starters...:mps:
may be you browse Bangladesh and Indian sections only. Sorry i hardly pay a visit there :P

For me

1) DaRk_WaVe
2) Sparklingway
3) Zaki (as most of the threads are created in economy section and usually talking about positive news of Pakistan)
4) Everybody
may be you browse Bangladesh and Indian sections only. Sorry i hardly pay a visit there :P

For me

1) DaRk_WaVe
2) Sparklingway
3) Zaki (as most of the threads are created in economy section and usually talking about positive news of Pakistan)
4) Everybody
zaki miya aap toh din raat "whatever" per hi dikhte ho...
The soldier fights for the people,
The soldier fights for good,
The soldier fights against evil.
Evil fights against the soldier,
Good fights with the soldier,
The people help the soldier.
The soldier fights for the Politicians,
The soldier fights for his country,
The soldier fights for his religion.
The politicians send him of to fight,
The country supports his strength,
His religion holds him back.
Well ..

Most entertaining threads - No doubt idune,Al-zakir and MBI-Munshi in Bangladesh section
Best threads- Xinix, Sparklingway

Most no. of threads- SRILANKAN...
There were some Chinese members' when I was new all I could ever read was lack of toilets and hygiene in every Indian thread; greyboy2,shchinese, sino indus friendship etc...and lets not 4get xmustiej who once made India and Turkey to go to war...but the Chinese members who are proactive in PDF now seem to be quite mature and sensible...maybe China has already become a superpower (no pun intended).
But I admire sparklingway threads; they generally discuss Pakistan's genuine problems and are sans any jingoism; truly a reflection of his sense of responsibility towards his country
SRILANKAN all the way.... very entertaining threads he creates and nice to see if he ever replies to any one :smitten:


sparklingway.. i love to comment on his threads.. :partay:

then soccom.. i like his enthusiasm... :devil:

then xinix.. i like his biased but very informative comaprisons... :angel:

*****not in any particular order*****
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