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ouri Kapoutchenko, a 39 year old romanian man, is the sole survivor from a group of seven people who got stuck in a hotel elevator seventeen days ago. What at first looked like a minor misfortune took dramatic proportions because of a country wide strike of elevator repairmen.

“After four days, we decided to kill the two gypsies to eat them so “us” romanians could survive” says the remorseful former special force officer, “then we took care of the old turkish lady…”.

The man stated he ate the last three people because he had grown a taste for the “chicken-like flavor” of human meat.

- See more at: Cannibal confirms human flesh tastes like chicken | 
ouri Kapoutchenko, a 39 year old romanian man, is the sole survivor from a group of seven people who got stuck in a hotel elevator seventeen days ago. What at first looked like a minor misfortune took dramatic proportions because of a country wide strike of elevator repairmen.

“After four days, we decided to kill the two gypsies to eat them so “us” romanians could survive” says the remorseful former special force officer, “then we took care of the old turkish lady…”.

The man stated he ate the last three people because he had grown a taste for the “chicken-like flavor” of human meat.

- See more at: Cannibal confirms human flesh tastes like chicken |

LMAO,that's a Russian name...Youri Kapouchenko....what is this ? fake news or you like shooting yourself in the foot?.You retard at least check how a Romanian name sounds.You're so stupid that you've picked a russian name,slav something,LOL :rofl:

HA ha ha,it's like you're running for Retards Hall of Fame.:lol:
If you haven't clicked it yet, the heartwarming video above features an old Romanian man talking about gypsies cutting off some little girl's extremities and eating them. If that wasn't enough, aspiring filmmaker Romeo Tiberiade has gathered up 25 more hours' worth of this depressing testimony for a documentary he's making about the deportation of Roma people from Romania to Transnistria during the Holocaust. Romeo, who also works as a counselor to the Roma community in the Dolj region of Romania, and is a gypsy himself, started making his film back in 2008 in order to show that it was not only the Jews who suffered when the Germans went crazy a little less than a hundred years ago. Nazis hated gypsies, too.

So,Stupido,while you accuse Romanians of being gypsies you post a video about gypsies deported by Romanians some 70 years ago to back your claim.

Great success retardo.:lol::enjoy:
Dude i cant see any difference in Romanian Gypsies and Gypsies. For me all Romanians are Gypsies. Every Romanian i met in my life had a dark skin and a gypsie attitude. Maybe you think you are not a gypsie, but i bet there is some Gypsie in your DNA.

Dracula was also a romanian. :tup:

Do explain retard how you,a supposed russian ,just gave a russian name and in your stupidity claimed it's romanian ?

I'll ask again :D

Dude i cant see any difference in Romanian Gypsies and Gypsies. For me all Romanians are Gypsies. Every Romanian i met in my life had a dark skin and a gypsie attitude. Maybe you think you are not a gypsie, but i bet there is some Gypsie in your DNA.

Dracula was also a romanian. :tup:


You've probably never met a Romanian.If Romanians were gypsies they wouldn't have tried to deport the gypsies and that's simple logic for every dimwitt out there.Looks like not for you,you're really that stupid.
Cannibalism was very widespread in Russia .

Dubious claims of famine induced cannibalism in communist nations at the beginning of the 20th Century- Accounts of Cannibalism in the 1921 Famine


Russia found itself in difficult circumstances during the 1921 famine. Eventually, American aid was accepted, but this humanitarian generosity was partly motivated by disturbing accounts of cannibalism among the starving and desperate.

A relief agent cited a telegram that was received by the Geneva Bureau of the International Committee in 1921 making specific claims to cannibalism in the Orenburg district of Russia.

  • Photo 1 shows a group of nine people sitting in an orchestrated picture with the remains of a partially consumed body lying in the foreground.
  • Photo 2 shows three women standing behind the remains of several bodies, with three buckets containing bones and innards.

I will not show the photos as they're disgusting,they're on that site though.

@LordTyrannus ...stop eating people ! :disagree:
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