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Who is Mongolia?


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
China is a huge country next to Russia, there is a middle country, which is unknown to world. Mongolia! Who are they? why US/Russia/China didn't show much interested in Mongolia or perhaps cold wars? Similarly to Kashmir.

Why not they can be taken over by China in order to become world's second largest country.


Much appreciate your details and inputs. Thanks!
Why do we need another war?

Just goto a discotheque.
Mongolia's in destitute. China's not that rich either... Maybe when China climbs to #4o in GDP per capita, will the leadership see any point in making Chinese even poorer...
China is a huge country next to Russia, there is a middle country, which is unknown to world. Mongolia! Who are they? why US/Russia/China didn't show much interested in Mongolia or perhaps cold wars? Similarly to Kashmir.

Why not they can be taken over by China in order to become world's second largest country.


Much appreciate your details and inputs. Thanks!

There are two Mongolias. One Outer Mongolia independent. One is inner Mongolia which is owned by Chinese.

Outer Mongolia serveried as a curtain in the Cold war between China and USSR. But now USSR is GONE. So China decieded to leave Mongolia the way it is.

If in the future Mongolia becomes part of China, Russia will then be comes much more nurversie.
That's easy. wikipedia will tell you.
undeveloped, poor, desolate, low-populated, savage, surrounded by 2 big nuclear powers with one of them often has nukes stolen, heh, that's a joke.:whistle:
Mongolia looks worse than north korea!

A few savages living in an desolate land circled by two big countries, what do you expect? They get their just desserts, think about what they did to us. But the landscape there is beautiful. I want to travel there if no mongolians will be encountered.
wiki has their whole military budget at 23 million dollars

before everyone gets all worked up about Mongolia and starts calling for a Chinese takeover, Mongolia is a country heavily comprised of nomadic tribes. It is not a country in the context we know but mainly a very large geographical region with similar social features. Its no ones business to mettle with Mongolia including China. Mongolia is desolate for outsiders but has served the people of its land for thousands of years, it was also voted among the most exotic locations to visit by Daily Planet some years ago.
They have around 10 MIG-21s still active in their Air Force... Couldn't they just outsource that to Russia or something?
There was a time when Mongal empire on technical terms used to be Super power of the world

Now it is a vast land with very low population
Geographically only China or Russia can invade it and they will only do if Mongals are not going to obey their order and hand over their natural reserves when demanded :cry:

Not saying it will be, but who knows what future holds for us
before everyone gets all worked up about Mongolia and starts calling for a Chinese takeover, Mongolia is a country heavily comprised of nomadic tribes. It is not a country in the context we know but mainly a very large geographical region with similar social features. Its no ones business to mettle with Mongolia including China. Mongolia is desolate for outsiders but has served the people of its land for thousands of years, it was also voted among the most exotic locations to visit by Daily Planet some years ago.

No, we don't want them back, no more mongolians, they are savage!
The Mongols used to be the world conquerors. But looks like the heroes become the Chinese (in Inner Mongolia and in other provinces), and only drunker and beggars left in (outer) Mongolia, mostly.

Feel truly sorry to say that.
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