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Who is engineering the Anti-Dam Campaign on Social Media?

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
This is a thread by @Shobz on twitter analyzing those behind the anti-dam Twitter campaign. Link to the thread at the end of this analysis.


I am looking at the social network graph for the dam hashtag. It's a cluster which indicates a lot of coordinated activity.

I was able to get as much data as Twitter permitted. There are two things I did. One was to do a very basic analysis and the other was to make a map/graph of the hashtag. Due to Twitter image size restrictions, I am unable to show the finished graphs/maps.

Let's start off with those who populated the trend with their tweets. Look at the volume of tweets being sent.

Here is a graph of those with a large number of followers. Some of these names should ring a bell. You can tell a lot about the affiliation of the first one on the list.

A bulk of the tweets from this dataset did not get any RTs. Then there are around 4425 which got less than 5 RTs.
The follower count is also quite interesting. Many accounts which barely have followers.
Now I am going to share some of the repetitive tweets.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
Exhibit D:
Exhibit E: There was a long list of tweets so I just showed a few. The image URL differs but that's alright as it's not unique.
This is an overview of the hashtag as displayed as a network. The colours indicate the clusters/communities. Notice how some are close together, while there are others who are distant.
Another view of the network. You can see the various clusters/communities.
I filtered the network so it would be possible to see some of the labels for these nodes. If you look below you can see @KhurramDehwar at a distance. This was due to his contribution in debunking the lies being spewed by the Anti-Dam crowd.
There is a lot more but this should suffice. It is certain that there are a lot of PPP supporters and others who are working on this hashtag.
There are others who are also involved in this hashtag but they are further away from the main nodes in the graph. Some of it is visible, while others aren't. There are a lot of strongly connected nodes there with some which have no connection.
For those who don't understand what clusters are:

They are basically people who are close to each other/now each other well and have retweeted each other a lot.
A simpler explanation:

Cluster:"a group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together."
A lot of these handles with a low follower count don't show up in the filtered graph. I have used parameters to show nodes with a certain value. That does not include a lot of the accounts which were used to populate the trend.

A lot is from India and other countries. A number of fake accounts as well.

I think IK had met the social media team and ISI few days ago and the this campaign must have come up in discussion.
We should start a counter attack.

If you remember, few years ago, in the time of Justice Saqib Nisar, few schools were torched when the dam was announced.
Basically PPP along with Indian support. PPP is yet another disgruntled Sindhudesh filth.

Superb analysis. The power of social network data analysis.
Sindh is not getting water already. And you are building a dam. Even fresh world bank said don't build dam on Indus anymore.
Can we talk about fair distribution of water before blaming exploited poople from South ? Punjab is green and rest of the Pakistan is yellow. Please reflect a little
Sindh is not getting water already. And you are building a dam. Even fresh world bank said don't build dam on Indus anymore.
Can we talk about fair distribution of water before blaming exploited poople from South ? Punjab is green and rest of the Pakistan is yellow. Please reflect a little

This is the classic old propaganda we are sick and tired of hearing. Every time there is progress on dams PPP jiyalas and Sindhudesh members join hands to undermine genuine efforts. What is it that jiyalas and separatists seek? You seem more worried about a dam and little concerned at the high death rate of babies due to lack of clean drinking water. Look at the state of health and education in Sindh. Who is responsible for mismanagement? Bilawal runs the show in Sindh.

Just give the Punjab propaganda some rest now. This project is not meant to enrich Punjab. It is meant for Pakistan as a whole. Stop acting like a spoiler. Stop putting your ego in the way and stop politicizing the issue. From Kalabagh to Basha dam. Sindh has always acted as an obstructionist.
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Sindh is not getting water already. And you are building a dam. Even fresh world bank said don't build dam on Indus anymore.
Can we talk about fair distribution of water before blaming exploited poople from South ? Punjab is green and rest of the Pakistan is yellow. Please reflect a little

If water is not already making it to Sindh, it is a serious problem independent of building a dam, isn't it? Besides Dams are a National need instead of a province's need.

There are people who sell hatred to earn credibility and leadership. Such "political leadership" needs to end. Real concerns of people are everyone's concern not just that of a province. Besides some 20 years in government, the same people who are voicing against Dam had been in power in the center and are in power in the province. What have they done? What plans are they working over which will be sabotaged because the dam is built? If there is no substance behind this opposition, it is unhelpful for all.
This is Indias war fare. Sometimes it is better to ignore these things rather then bringing them mainstream and bringing them to the limelight.
Sindh govt is corrupt but so as rest of Pakistan. But water issue is separate from it and is a real.problem in the south.
If my family loses business just because water has been directed to Punjab or dams been built without considering me , I will do.whatever to take revenge. Do you get the point ?
I don't care much about the project. Pakistanis don't think too much before doing anything :)
What I am saying is that distribute the water evenly or with reasonable proportion.dont just look at the north of Pakistan. It is a huge problem and needs to be taken seriously. You mentioned lack.od drinking water. But where is the water :)
Else we will.keep having bla attacks. And army will be wasted in such issues

This is the classic old propaganda we are sick and tired of hearing. Every time there is progress on dams PPP jiyalas and Sindhudesh members join hands to undermine genuine efforts. What is it that jiyalas and separatists seek? You seem more worried about a dam and little concerned at the high death rates of babies due to lack of clean drinking water. Look at the state of health and education in Sindh. Who is responsible for mismanagement? Bilawal runs the show in Sindh.

Just give the Punjab propaganda some rest now. This project is not meant to enrich Punjab. It is meant for Pakistan as a whole. Stop acting like a spoiler. Stop putting your ego in the way and stop politicizing the issue. From Kalabagh to Basha dam. Sindh has always acted as an obstructionist.
Ninety nine percent names shows they are from Sindh and probably supporter of Pee pee.Let them bark.There is no need to become fool again.It has been decided on all level that each and every dam will be constructed including Kala Bagh.

Every province in Pakistan has its fair share of obstructionists. What becomes very clear is that these elements hold one thing in common. They are either affiliated to certain political parties or belong to separatist movements. We need to learn lessons from these facts.
Pakistan dumps $21bn worth of water in the sea each year: IRSA
Nadir GuramaniNovember 02, 2017
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The Indus River System Authority (Irsa) told the Senate Forum for Policy Research on Thursday that Pakistan dumps water worth approximately $21 billion into the sea each year due to a lack of water conservation systems.

In a meeting of the forum, chaired by Nayyar Husain Bukhari, members of Irsa and the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) made shocking revelations while briefing attendees about Pakistan's lack of water conservation systems and water distribution to provinces.

"The country needs three Mangla-sized dams to conserve the amount of water that goes to sea each year," Irsa members told the meeting while informing them that Pakistan faces a 36 per cent shortage in its water requirements at the moment.

If no water reservoirs are made, the country faces an extreme water shortage in the coming years, Irsa members said as they endorsed the long-overdue creation of the Kalabagh Dam.

Pakistan can only store up to 30 days' worth of water, while India can store up to 320 days' worth, Irsa members informed the meeting while stressing upon the need for more reservoirs in the country.

"Kalabagh dam can be completed in five years," a PCRWR member said, but told officials that the Akhoori Dam can also be developed as an alternative to Kalabagh.

"Do not talk about the Kalabagh Dam after three provinces have voted against it; discuss alternative plans with us," said Jahanzeb Jamaldini.

The inflow of rivers Indus, Chenab, Kabul and Jehlum has dropped and as a result, this year's crop may be severely affected, Irsa members informed the meeting.

Water levels in Islamabad are falling by one metre each year and six metres in Balochistan, Irsa officials warned the officials. PCRWR members warned that out of 43 lakes in Pakistan, the levels of 26 have dropped drastically in the past few years, while the country remains without a National Water Policy.

To top it all off, the country's population is on the rise at an alarming rate which is also adding to its water woes, PCRWR told the meeting.

"Shortage is a common problem; the question is what are we doing to deal with it," the meeting's chair responded.
Sindh is not getting water already
The below is about water in Larkana, Sindh :

"However, today, water in the canal is no longer potable owing to the disposal of waste in it over the years. People throwing garbage into the canal and buffaloes swimming in it is a frequent sight these days."

You can watch the same in the recent news in this thread :

First , do.you any idea about water crisis down south ? Most.of.us guys are from Punjab on here. Correct ?

If water is not already making it to Sindh, it is a serious problem independent of building a dam, isn't it? Besides Dams are a National need instead of a province's need.

There are people who sell hatred to earn credibility and leadership. Such "political leadership" needs to end. Real concerns of people are everyone's concern not just that of a province. Besides some 20 years in government, the same people who are voicing against Dam had been in power in the center and are in power in the province. What have they done? What plans are they working over which will be sabotaged because the dam is built? If there is no substance behind this opposition, it is unhelpful for all.
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