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Who are the world's 10 most dangerous terrorists?

@Black Widow Islam was sent by ALLAH not created and ALLA knows best about humans HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW was an umi that is illiterate he didn't knew how to read and write

That's a mistranslation for umi , um means mom , umi is someone who is loved by his mother , metaphorical of course
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This flawed analogy! What you trying to imply that some one saying "I'll kill your man and rape your women but rest assured that it's just a reaction to save you from oppression"
Any way enough said!!
On topic .. as I've posted in my previous post. Islam is highly institutionalized religion. Why the scholars of of Islam allow people to misinterpret it to manipulate the masses to kill God's own creation in the name of God?
Dear @sms As i have mentioned on a different thread. There is no concept of clergy in Islam. It is obligatory on each and every individual following this belief to develop understanding of what has been preached by Islam and to do research. If a person fails to find answers to his quest, after using his ability, he or she should consult someone better for guidance. It is a known fact that original concepts keep changing with the passage of time, because of intermediaries. Thus noise comes between the original message and the receiver. This is a well-known error in communication. This distortion of communication sometimes changes the concept of the original communication itself. Allow me to refer to a common saying that if ten people are standing one line and you whisper “Khitchri” to first person and ask him to do the same for person standing next; this process will end to something like “Kha Chri”. Noise cannot be avoided in any type of communication.

With this preamble, according to Islamic belief, God knew about the shortcomings in his creation; therefore, he has guaranteed protection of Holy Quran. Now it is incumbent upon the followers to understand the Holy Book in actual letter in spirit. Unfortunately, this did not happen. If you look at Indo Pak history, until recently, most incompetent person of the family was trained to become religious figure. Idea was that the person will be able to earn his living off religion. Logically, speaking if a person is incompetent in worldly affairs how can he be competent in the Divine affairs, where messages have been transmitted in coded form. Even the best of the best cannot decipher unlimited mysteries. Over the period of time clergy developed into an institution; the most incompetent people became professors of most difficult subject. Common man who was supposed to do research, started relying on the weekly Friday Sermons. Instead of seeking the origin, these sermons became the right interpretation of Islam.
Now coming to your question, of scholars not stopping misinterpretation. First of all those who got their religious education from already incompetent people are not scholars. They will preach what they have been taught with the pinch of their own induced noise. Scholars are those who are have knowledge of modern education, religious education and have done sufficient research in religion (i.e. Sought the truth). Now it is very easy for anyone to understand between an Islamic Scholar and quack scholar.
No religion of the world supports cruelty on mankind; especially Islam which in its own meaning means peace and kindness. Islam clearly states that murder of an innocent person is murder of whole humanity and words to that effect. How can a religion, which relates killing of an innocent person to murder of humanity, can advocate unnecessary aggression? Those who think that Islam should be implemented by force are also wrong. Because Islam has clearly stated that there is no force in religion.
Now the question arises as to why present day Muslims are put in the category of inhumane. This is purely commercial aspect of worldly affairs. Islam is the second largest religion of the world and fastest growing too. Almost 23% of the world population comprises of Muslim and increasing. Islam has certain ethics, which do not match to the concepts of modern lifestyle. This hinders commercial interests of organisations. It has nothing to do with the religion and is purely of commercial nature. Other religions have more or less digressed from their original values and accepted modern living (which I define later). For example concept of veil has been there in every religion, may it be Christianity; Jewish, Hinduism, etc. Women in every culture whether associated with any religion have been guarded and kept as sacred entity. It is due this reason prostitution is being looked as a taboo, even in today’s era. Now commercial organizations see Islam as hindrance in the sale of their products, which enhance female sexuality.
Therefore, a war has been waged against Islam to do a two prong attack. First to discourage people for taking interest in Islam; thus, reducing the growth rate of conversion. Second, to create a divide within Muslims; by creating this divide two groups have been formed one who are extremist and propagating those ideas which does not commensurate with the original teachings. Second, a liberal group which is ready to leave their basics and are Muslims by name only. In this bargain a devoid of followers of actual Islamic values is created, which is modest and are hindering the commercial interests. This objective cannot be achieved without involvement of individuals who have some religious standing. In today’s era many have a price tag attached and will be more than happy to do anything for money. So we have so called religious scholars who are advocating extremism, which is projected well on media; and we have the media which is promoting liberalism. Moving the masses from a moderate and modest way of life.

I end my post with a question. Since when this extremist factor become evident in the world, barring subcontinent; it’s life is not more than two decades. Whereas, Islam came up as a religion 1400 years ago and for more then 1300 years religions have been living in harmony, if not then at least in peace.
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[Bregs];4854805 said:
Both Mr Nehru and Mr Jinnah were in favor of partition but branding them as something else is very wrong, this thread is for terrorists not for the founders of the nations

Nehru or Ghandi....did struggle against British same like Jinnah to leave this area....to go back to their home.......but what is different.....Jinnah actually change the course of History and change the Map of the world...he created a new nation.....that is advantage to him.
No need to blame the Muslims is that some of them become terrorists.
We need to blame those who are sponsoring extremist movements in Islam - the Anglo-Saxons and Israelis.
@Black Widow Islam was sent by ALLAH not created and ALLA knows best about humans HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW was an umi that is illiterate he didn't knew how to read and write

Sir @Zarvan as a Muslim you believe in this fable. This is what you are programmed for. But as a normal human I can see the truth. The same truth which is applied to all religion and birth of religions.

Though Muhhamad was illiterate, but he had brain. He formulated the rules and someone else wrote it for him.

There is no proof that some one taught him those rule.. Infact those rules are based on existing customs.
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No need to blame the Muslims is that some of them become terrorists.
We need to blame those who are sponsoring extremist movements in Islam - the Anglo-Saxons and Israelis.

and Martians..

Nehru or Ghandi....did struggle against British same like Jinnah to leave this area....to go back to their home.......but what is different.....Jinnah actually change the course of History and change the Map of the world...he created a new nation.....that is advantage to him.

Wait a minute.. When Jinna or Muslim fought against British?? In entire freedom movement I can see only on Muslim martyr, that too was from UP and he had Hindu value in him...

In 1857 Muslim fought because they wanted Islamic Raz at Delhi. In 20s and 30s they participated because they wanted ther Khaleefa to rule Turkey..

The bitter truth is Muslim never saw India as there homeland, rather they backstabbed us when we were fighting for freedom,..
Point is clear. There is a huge difference between terrorists and leaders. And you got to accept those differences. Just because you follow a b@startd like Modi doesn't mean you overlook that difference.

As i said before, your feelings for Modi are reciprocated by our feelings for Jinnah. So, its better we leave abusing out of the discussions. After all they just are venting tools and do not achieve anything (unless you want me to react to those abuses and get banned in the process ;), in which case you can keep trying )

As for counter terrorist. It was dogra raja who started it and hence the counter terrorism. But then again muslim massacre is not equivalent to terrorism for you guys as this is what Indian secularism and Modism is all about. :)
Standard Pakistan excuse for indulging in terrorism. Meh

Read where. Your BS is already deleted. As I said somewhere. For you your sh!t might shine like gold but for everyone else it is a sh!t. No comprehension issues. Just no BS accepted. Hence your previous post is deleted. :lol:
Read in the text that you quoted in your post dude.. You are better than this. And deletion of text on the forum is not always an indication of BS. A lot of times it also reflects the amount of discomfort that truth generates ...

As I said, you need to read that text again to realize I did not call Jinnah a terrorist. Looks like you were in too much of a hurry to go whining to the Mods to realize that ;)
they cannot be labelled as the world's most dangerous terrorists. the groups they lead are the most horrible.

these in real are coward puny frustrated distressed criminal psychopath creatures. the delusion they propagate is what gets them murderous followers and that creates a dangerous organization.

Osama on his own would have been shot dead by a 16-year-old with greater success than Osama would have of killing the kid.

Just see videos of Hafiz Saeed. he blinks his eyes very rapidly due to some psychological condition. and psychologists say

People often blink more rapidly when they are feeling distressed or uncomfortable.

Sir @Zarvan as a Muslim you believe in this fable. This is what you are programmed for. But as a normal human I can see the truth. The same truth which is applied to all religion and birth of religions.

Though Muhhamad was illiterate, but he had brain. He formulated the rules and someone else wrote it for him.

There is no proof that some one taught him those rule.. In fact those rules are based on existing customs.
No Lady your post shows you know nothing about Islam and most normal people believe in religions and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told only what ALLAH told him but some people are too deaf and dumb and blind to see and accept the truth the truth of Islam
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and Martians..

Wait a minute.. When Jinna or Muslim fought against British?? In entire freedom movement I can see only on Muslim martyr, that too was from UP and he had Hindu value in him...

In 1857 Muslim fought because they wanted Islamic Raz at Delhi. In 20s and 30s they participated because they wanted ther Khaleefa to rule Turkey..

The bitter truth is Muslim never saw India as there homeland, rather they backstabbed us when we were fighting for freedom,..

O May god.....now i know why Indians Hate Pakistan.....you peoples even didn't read the complete history...just follow what you are told by your media or some conservative politicians and peoples who even don't allow to publish books on Jinnah in India...(Is that not a hypocrisy, come to Pakistan and you will find many books on Ghandi or Nehru in all libraries).................................if at least you don't believe in Pakistani version of History, then read the international history..

For your information i will give just few examples start from beginning.......
Tipu Sultan......was not a Muslim who fought against East Indian Company..and even British gave him guard of honor after his death, coz he fought so bravely against them???
1857 the war of freedom was actually started against British was by Muslims because they used "Pig meat in bullets" and those bullets were used by soldiers to open with their teeth.
1883 Sir Syed Ahmed rose voice against british....he also made many colleges, one is also in Lahore (MAO College) and many others are in India now these days.
Allama Iqbal....the poet of East equally famous in Pakistan, India and Iran and Afghanistan. gave the idea of a new nation, a separatist nation of Muslims..
and then off course Muhammad Ali Jinnah:pakistan:.....

You can lie daily by your media.........but can't change the history.
Dear @sms As i have mentioned on a different thread. There is no concept of clergy in Islam. It is obligatory on each and every individual following this belief to develop understanding of what has been preached by Islam and to do research. If a person fails to find answers to his quest, after using his ability, he or she should consult someone better for guidance. It is a known fact that original concepts keep changing with the passage of time, because of intermediaries. Thus noise comes between the original message and the receiver. This is a well-known error in communication. This distortion of communication sometimes changes the concept of the original communication itself. Allow me to refer to a common saying that if ten people are standing one line and you whisper “Khitchri” to first person and ask him to do the same for person standing next; this process will end to something like “Kha Chri”. Noise cannot be avoided in any type of communication.

I end my post with a question. Since when this extremist factor become evident in the world, barring subcontinent; it’s life is not more than two decades. Whereas, Islam came up as a religion 1400 years ago and for more then 1300 years religions have been living in harmony, if not then at least in peace.

Nice and informative post. There few things I do not agree but in genera I've more and less similar interpretation of situation. Again that's not topic of discussion.

About extremist factor, I'd blame the person taking wrong approach than the person who is encouraging it. It's always bee prime objective of Satan to misguide people, shall we blame him if people move on wrong path?

NO,the blame goes to people who instead following righteous path goes on path of destruction. So as u said west or opportunist/ capitalists playing Satan people must trust in god and the trail set by him.
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Nice and informative post. There few things I do not agree but in genera I've more and less similar interpretation of situation. Again that's not topic of discussion.

About extremist factor, I'd blame the person taking wrong approach than the person who is encouraging it. It's always bee prime objective of Satan to misguide people, shall we blame him if people move on wrong path?

NO,the blame goes to people who instead following righteous path goes on path of destruction. So as u said west or opportunist/ capitalists playing Satan people must trust in god and the trail set by him.

You talking about me behind my back? :pissed: Damn it man, I haven't been misguiding anyone, me and Hype have spent eons perfecting the perfet BBQ sauce down under- I've been too busy with that! :smokin:
You talking about me behind my back? :pissed: Damn it man, I haven't been misguiding anyone, me and Hype have spent eons perfecting the perfet BBQ sauce down under- I've been too busy with that! :smokin:

Shooo ... Dilli tu to gayo!! :pissed::butcher:
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