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White Muslim convert,EX-PCSO,conspirator trained in Pak,Plotted Terror

good reply , if it helps you sleep tight in night . There are more Indians than Pakistanis as a whole in western countries but who gets involved in terrorism in western countries has been exposed a bazillion times . What went wrong , i have no idea .

Indians dont do terrorism, its neither in the culture nor in the religions of India.
Traveled to Pakistan for Terror training? Duh, what else? I mean why else would anyone travel to Pakistan?

These are the peoples who are giving -ve publicity to the Pakistan as a nation...Is Pakistan a holiday cum training package for taking of vocational training center for the said purpose in the post? Gov and the people of Pakistan should stop these kind of people coming to their country....
These are the peoples who are giving -ve publicity to the Pakistan as a nation...Is Pakistan a holiday cum training package for taking of vocational training center for the said purpose in the post? Gov and the people of Pakistan should stop these kind of people coming to their country....

To be honest with you, when someone says Pakistan as a tourist destination or that they traveled to Pakistan, my first reaction is suspicion - and it's awful I agree, but Pakistan as tourist friendly???? Really?? When you think about it, do the words "resorts" come to mind? Wine and women?? A family friendly vacation? So, yes, it's very unfortunate, but it is what it is.
@muse, What is your opinion on this issue of the tribal areas of pakistan that are unsanctioned in the sense that pakistani sovereignty cannot be applied there given the context. I mean its essentially a safehaven for these terroriste that support murderous ideologies that are plain and simple barbaric. Also I might be deviating but has any pakistani MP proposed a solution to curb this problem as it severly undermines pakistani state sovereignty.
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@muse, What is your opinion on this issue of the tribal areas of pakistan that are unsanctioned in the sense that pakistani sovereignty cannot be applied there given the context. I mean its essentially a safehaven for these terroriste that support murderous ideologies that are plain and simple barbaric. Also I might be deviating but has any pakistani MP proposed a solution to curb this problem as it severly undermines pakistani state sovereignty.

I invite you to read on the Pakistani section of the forum - you will see that everyone from every kind of opinion you can imagine is involved with these issues -- In Pakistan, there are areas which were more or less autonomous and they ere like a reservation for people who resisted integration - they insisted that and still do, that their ways are better for them -- and for a long time this was Ok with the central government because it did not have to spend any money there - After the Soviet invasion and the anti-Soviet jihad, it slowly became an area where the govt lost control because it did not have the will to keep it, another reason was that by not exercising control, the govt could say that it cannot curb the Islamist terrorists because it did not control it's own territory - this is still the line, but the govt is also fighting there, so it's a really crazy situation were both things are true, I know it sounds absurd - but my best understanding is that this is the case - this is the craziness that is Pakistan.
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I invite you to read on the Pakistani section of the forum - you will see that everyone from every kind of opinion you can imagine is involved with these issues -- In Pakistan, there are areas which were more or less autonomous and they ere like a reservation for people who resisted integration - they insisted that and still do, that their ways are better for them -- and for a long time this was Ok with the central government because it did not have to spend any money there - After the Soviet invasion and the anti-Soviet jihad, it slowly became an area where the govt lost control because it did not have the will to keep it, another reason was that by not exercising control, the govt could say that it cannot curb the Islamist terrorists because it did not control it's own territory - this is still the line, but the govt is also fighting there, so it's a really crazy situation were both things are true, I know it sounds absurd - but my best understanding is that this is the case - this is the craziness that is Pakistan.

merci on the invitation but I still prefer the defence section :) though am a big fan of your analysis in the context of pakistan political landscape as you tend to describe all the variables involved which are very complex and its harder for an outsider like me to comprehend to be honest. its also easier to empathize as you include and taken into account all the variables. Sometimes from outside, it does not make sense how people can tolerate this and I felt that yesterday when talking to emrald about the recent tragedy in karachi and how everybody was dealing with the post incident trauma. He told me something interesting that people are so used to these tragic events that they have simply become desensitized to these things(they have lost that side of humanity, and it really kept me up all night in the sense that deaths are a simple statistic in that region). Sorry for going offtopic but merci for the response monsieur.
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