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White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize


Dec 13, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize
Credits Russian president for averting “unwanted and unwarranted military action” in Syria

A new petition on the White House’s “We the People” petition submission site seeks to have President Obama hand over his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to Russian president Vladimir Putin, given the former KGB agent’s work in bringing talks over a potential U.S. military assault on Syria to a halt.

The full text of the petition, which is available here, states:

Where as Mr. Obama made a sincere commitment to starting a war with Syria, engaging our military in unwanted conflict, and doing so without the support of his people we resolve that Mr. Obama should deliver the Nobel Peace prize given to him in 2009 to a man of Peace, the President of Russia, Mr. Putin. Where as Mr. Putin enabled the United States to avoid an unwanted and unwarranted military action he has brought us to the “brink” of peace.

The petition, started two days ago, has more than 100 signatures, but needs over 100,000 within 30 days to necessitate a response from the White House.

The petition’s creation follows an op-ed in Fox News penned by K.T. McFarland in which she suggested, given his part in averting certain war, “the world knows that Vladimir Putin is the one who really deserves that Nobel Peace Prize.”

Last week, Putin jumped to take advantage of an off-the-cuff remark made by Secretary of State John Kerry intimating the U.S. would reconsider a Syrian attack if the Middle East country agreed to hand over its alleged chemical weapons arsenal to the international community.

Putin is now being heralded for his action and decisiveness in getting Syria to agree to the proposal, which combined with an intense amount of backlash from lawmakers and the American public, effectively put a stop to the Obama administration’s drive to go to war.

The White House increased their threshold limit from requiring 20,000 signatures to 100,000 early this year after over 30 states successfully petitioned to secede from the continental United States, in addition to an even more successful campaign to deport Piers Morgan for using his platform on national TV to subvert the U.S. Constitution and attack the Second Amendment.

This article was posted: Friday, September 13, 2013 at 6:08 pm
» White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
well as it seems they don't care if you are American or not, I also signed the petition.

honestly they gave him the prize for doing nothing but saying hollow words .

hope enough Russian will vote for it so the white house has to increase it's threshold level again.*100,000 signature is nothing we managed to gather over one million signature for Persian gulf name on Google earth .
White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize
Credits Russian president for averting “unwanted and unwarranted military action” in Syria

A new petition on the White House’s “We the People” petition submission site seeks to have President Obama hand over his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to Russian president Vladimir Putin, given the former KGB agent’s work in bringing talks over a potential U.S. military assault on Syria to a halt.

The full text of the petition, which is available here, states:

Where as Mr. Obama made a sincere commitment to starting a war with Syria, engaging our military in unwanted conflict, and doing so without the support of his people we resolve that Mr. Obama should deliver the Nobel Peace prize given to him in 2009 to a man of Peace, the President of Russia, Mr. Putin. Where as Mr. Putin enabled the United States to avoid an unwanted and unwarranted military action he has brought us to the “brink” of peace.

The petition, started two days ago, has more than 100 signatures, but needs over 100,000 within 30 days to necessitate a response from the White House.

The petition’s creation follows an op-ed in Fox News penned by K.T. McFarland in which she suggested, given his part in averting certain war, “the world knows that Vladimir Putin is the one who really deserves that Nobel Peace Prize.”

Last week, Putin jumped to take advantage of an off-the-cuff remark made by Secretary of State John Kerry intimating the U.S. would reconsider a Syrian attack if the Middle East country agreed to hand over its alleged chemical weapons arsenal to the international community.

Putin is now being heralded for his action and decisiveness in getting Syria to agree to the proposal, which combined with an intense amount of backlash from lawmakers and the American public, effectively put a stop to the Obama administration’s drive to go to war.

The White House increased their threshold limit from requiring 20,000 signatures to 100,000 early this year after over 30 states successfully petitioned to secede from the continental United States, in addition to an even more successful campaign to deport Piers Morgan for using his platform on national TV to subvert the U.S. Constitution and attack the Second Amendment.

This article was posted: Friday, September 13, 2013 at 6:08 pm
» White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

What a nonsense, in the last month alone, Obama has proven with his true leadership towards actual democracy (putting the Syrian strike descision not only up to the Congress, but by the discussion in the media that this generates and the subsequent polls among Americans, the Amercian people as well!) as well as embracing diplomacy on both the Syrian and Iranian fronts, that he does deserve this Nobel Peace Prize.
What a nonsense, in the last month alone, Obama has proven with his true leadership towards actual democracy (putting the Syrian strike descision not only up to the Congress, but by the discussion in the media that this generates and the subsequent polls among Americans, the Amercian people as well!) as well as embracing diplomacy on both the Syrian and Iranian fronts, that he does deserve this Nobel Peace Prize.
I am an absolute peaceful person, more than Obama, so i should get it :omghaha:
At least i did not continue war on terror on the someone else money. And I never threatened to attack any country. So a better record.

Funny, in my view it's fundamentalist muslims who cling to counter-productive violent action against foreign influences that keep the war on terror going.
Funny, in my view it's fundamentalist muslims who cling to counter-productive violent action against foreign influences that keep the war on terror going.

The whole terror stuff in ME is a production of American interventions in this region. Terrorists in Afghanistan are powerful today because US supported them against USSR. Or look at Iraq, there was not one single bombing before US invaded it. Heck, even 9/11 was done because of American support for Israel, according to Bin Laden himself.
The whole terror stuff in ME was a production of American interventions in this region. Terrorists in Afghanistan are powerful today because US supported them against USSR. Or look at Iraq, there was not one single bombing before US invaded it. Heck, even 9/11 was done because of American support for Israel, according to Bin Laden himself.

Yep, that's all true. But going a little further back in history shows that muslims have tried to wipe Israel out by various military means (and an oil price hike in the 1970s that was so severe we your oil customers had to severly restrict who can drive their car when (resulting in potential problems in food delivery to our supermarkets if this had continued, and becoming slaves to the muslim oil cartel), and while they've failed each time, too many muslim(s) (leaders) cling to advocating the eradication of the Israeli state by any violent means available to them, convincing their muslim peers that this is a mission from Allah (something I truly doubt came from Allah, but instead rather from powerhungry muslim 'leaders' and 'clerics')..

Just ask yourselves, dear misguided Muslims, how would your part of the world be today if you had welcomed the Israelis as friends and never resorted to terrorism as a political tool at all? I think you'd be a lot more prosperous and respected by the non-muslims of this world, not to mention a lot less frustrated.

What a nonsense, in the last month alone, Obama has proven with his true leadership towards actual democracy (putting the Syrian strike descision not only up to the Congress, but by the discussion in the media that this generates and the subsequent polls among Americans, the Amercian people as well!) as well as embracing diplomacy on both the Syrian and Iranian fronts, that he does deserve this Nobel Peace Prize.
he put the decision to the congress , only because of stern Russia opposition to the attack , he just wanted to save face otherwise he was not so hesitant with going to war in other instances , for example Libya .

also it was not he who stop the war it was mr. Putin who cornered him when Kerry made that blunder in his interview .in fact by the swiftness that Russia acted you can doubt even the innocent looking question that the reporter asked and made mr. Kerry make such blunder may was not that innocent at all and directly came out of KGB headquarter or Kremlin .
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