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Which one is more impressive? Rise of India or Turkey?

Why are you butthurt?

As much as I dislike India, at least the Indians don't go around joining illegal western-led wars around the world like Turkey does.

India might be dirt poor compared to Turkey but Indians have honour and pride of remaining independent from aggressive western foreign policy. Turkey is just another American vassal state used as a mere pawn.

Even though we like to troll the Indians for fun, seriously speaking for a second, India would f**k up Turkey anyday.

How can India "**** up" a NATO member anyday. Even if it could. Then India has to face with the consequences of it. Then nuke all 28 members? In case of a nuclear attack, nato doctrines give clearance for the use of B-61 gravity bombs. As I said before. Keyboard nationalist would turn it to a vs. match.
How can India "**** up" a NATO member anyday. Even if it could. Then India has to face with the consequences of it. Then nuke all 28 members? In case of a nuclear attack, nato doctrines give clearance for the use of B-61 gravity bombs. As I said before. Keyboard nationalist would turn it to a vs. match.

To say Turkey is stronger than India is beyond a joke.

Turkey is a state sponsor of terror. The Turkish regime supports terrorists in Xinjiang.

Turkey wants to spread its Wahabi and Salafi extremism to the rest of the world.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are 3 of the worst non-western countries in terms of funding and arming terrorists all over the world.

Don't think you fool us with your little defence deals.

We can see phony punk a mile away!
rise of india
India staying together expected as India continued the British imperialism by bullying its neighbors. India adopt English to unite itself and copied British government. So who should be the empress of India. I would say QE II.
India staying together expected as India continued the British imperialism by bullying its neighbors. India adopt English to unite itself and copied British government. So who should be the empress of India. I would say QE II.
:lol: i was expecting u to quote me,and post BS as usual.
you didnt disappoint me. :lol:
How can India "**** up" a NATO member anyday. Even if it could. Then India has to face with the consequences of it. Then nuke all 28 members? In case of a nuclear attack, nato doctrines give clearance for the use of B-61 gravity bombs. As I said before. Keyboard nationalist would turn it to a vs. match.

When it comes to online bragging of Turkey vs India. Supa powa India will always win. You guys should learn that by now.
The problem is that "expectations" for India were way too high.

Some people illogically assumed that due to a large population, India would be able to do what China did, and grow at double-digits for several decades.

But India has not met those expectations.

Type "India's growth rate" into Google, it fetches a chart from the World Bank showing India had a 3.2% GDP growth rate in the year 2012. Right now India's growth rate is hovering in between 3-4%, which is not impressive in any context.

In conclusion, Turkey surpassed expectations, while India fell far below expectations.
I couldnt have put it better myself.

To me however I would still rate India's growth as being more impressive because India has been a dirt poor nation and colonized for centuries. And for such a nation where even food was a luxury and all the other nations thought India would collapse to sustain itself and slowly build itself in the face of such adversity is more than commendable.

It takes a greater amount of effort to go from $50 per capita to $1500, than it is to go from $3000 to $8000.
chinese are so funny. they call turkey west puppet:) begging us and west to sell their products. how is china growing and why? cos us dolar. china is slave of american people..
Why are you butthurt?

As much as I dislike India, at least the Indians don't go around joining illegal western-led wars around the world like Turkey does.

India might be dirt poor compared to Turkey but Indians have honour and pride of remaining independent from aggressive western foreign policy. Turkey is just another American vassal state used as a mere pawn.

Even though we like to troll the Indians for fun, seriously speaking for a second, India would f**k up Turkey anyday.

Mr Destro I am surprised,Astonished,Confused,Gob smacked by your remark

I always thought why so many Chinese members trolled us
& yes we are proud if our Inde Foreign Policy
Eg of this is we doubled our Oil imports from Iran in September this year

On Topic both nations have made good progress
But seriously
In some areas we are far ahead of Turks
Missile,Space.Nuclear tech to name a few
Both the nations have different approach when it comes to defense. GDP per capita $18000 vs GDP per capita $1500, speaks volume when it comes to economical health.
I always wanted to ask this question to the DPk members here (esp Chinese members). Since the 2000s, these two nations had been growing fast in economic, scientific and military terms. But which nation has an superior edge?


Who's DPK?

You are comparing Turkey and India and then asking Chinese members for their opinions?

Wow....just wow....
How can India "**** up" a NATO member anyday. Even if it could. Then India has to face with the consequences of it. Then nuke all 28 members? In case of a nuclear attack, nato doctrines give clearance for the use of B-61 gravity bombs. As I said before. Keyboard nationalist would turn it to a vs. match.

Don't take it seriously bro, some Chinese members like to troll both sides, there is no reason for India n Turkey to fight.

This whole thread is useless, both Turkey n India r n were under different circumstances, so there is no point in comparision. Both have achieved a lot but there is still a lot to achieve further.

IMHO they r just pissed about Turkey reopening the bid news.:P
The problem is that "expectations" for India were way too high.

Some people illogically assumed that due to a large population, India would be able to do what China did, and grow at double-digits for several decades.

But India has not met those expectations.

Type "India's growth rate" into Google, it fetches a chart from the World Bank showing India had a 3.2% GDP growth rate in the year 2012. Right now India's growth rate is hovering in between 3-4%, which is not impressive in any context.

In conclusion, Turkey surpassed expectations, while India fell far below expectations.

High growth leads to higher inflation. That's a no brainer. Not to mention, their central bank increased interest rates twice ever since they had a new central bank governor.

Why cannot India grow as fast as China? Or Turkey even? It's simple really. It simply due to lack of investment. Their system simply do not allow for ease of investment in all sectors. And I mean, diversified investment, both foreign and local.

India's current standing in WB's Ease of Doing Business does not rank too good. Even Pakistan ranks a little bit higher :omghaha:
The index for 2014 placed Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Afghanistan and Myanmar in 85th, 110th, 134th, 141st, 164th and 182nd positions respectively as the business atmosphere deteriorated in those countries.

Now, India can pay off its debts tomorrow if it really wants to. This is because of their vast reserves. They don't need to go knock on IMF. I mean, why would they? They don't need to.

It's a difficult challenge for India. Some say they might face the same crisis as they did in the early 90's. But officials in charge rule that one out. So, we shall see.
obviously India.
We have a 4th largest army, we are more influential in Asia, we have our space program, we are one of the largest agricultural country, we have the largest share of UN peacekeeping force, we have more resources and raw material.
Turkey is nothing without NATO.
How can India "**** up" a NATO member anyday. Even if it could. Then India has to face with the consequences of it. Then nuke all 28 members? In case of a nuclear attack, nato doctrines give clearance for the use of B-61 gravity bombs. As I said before. Keyboard nationalist would turn it to a vs. match.
it depends which NATO member. If it is Turkey then I am sure most of the european states will give permission.
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