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Which one is more impressive? Rise of India or Turkey?

Aegis DDG

Feb 6, 2013
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I always wanted to ask this question to the DPk members here (esp Chinese members). Since the 2000s, these two nations had been growing fast in economic, scientific and military terms. But which nation has an superior edge?
For that you have to compare Turkish and Indian clout internationally.
NATO turks don't have the nuclear bomb and don't make satellites
well,we should compare various improvement markers then.while India is by far ahead in various fields like international presence or science or economy,we're lagging behind in various fields like education or poverty.
both Nations have problems Turkey has $300 billion internal debts

India has by some estimates 800 million people in poverty.

Until these problems solved then i don't fall for the media hype about these nations
I don't know enough about Turkey to judge its progress, but overall strength wise India is stronger. (Mostly due to larger size and population as well as more stable regional environment.)
Turkey by far. India is still a 5th world dump. To compare India to turkey is like comparing a cheap servant to a prince.

Just look at the problems in India.

1) rape
2) defecation
3) illiteracy
4) caste system
5) malnutrition
6) staring

I agree with 4 things out of 6 I mean many Indian sh*t in their country not at your home(infact it fertilizes the ground :P )and staring may be coz you are weird or beautiful but how is that even a problem
^^^ But but but they have nuke.

Turkey doesn't have nukes because as a responsible international stakeholder, they've conceded that only P5 powers are responsible enough to wield nukes. So instead, their government budget in spent on improving their citizens lives. In contrast India is a rogue state which refuses to sign and ratify international law in the form of the NPT. Their nuclear proliferation has even forced neighbour Pakistan to develop nukes for self-defense too.
I always wanted to ask this question to the DPk members here (esp Chinese members). Since the 2000s, these two nations had been growing fast in economic, scientific and military terms. But which nation has an superior edge?

By comparing Turkey and India and ask for Chinese comments on this forum. You are just asking Chinese to troll on Indians. And by the look of it, many have.
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