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Which is the real Pakistan?


May 25, 2010
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Which is the real Pakistan?

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar stole the show last week as she stood next to India’s Foreign Minister SM Krishna at a press briefing towards the end of Krishna’s visit to Pakistan. Never has the transformation from a glamorous ‘goongi gudiya’ — as she was widely described during her visit to New Delhi last year — to a woman and leader of passion and conviction been more surprising or creditable in the recent history of India-Pakistan relations.
Khar’s main argument during that press briefing was about the need for India and Pakistan to move on from the past and forge a brand new future, and was clearly meant to send the message that India should not link progress on the rest of the relationship to progress on investigating and finding the culprits responsible for the Mumbai attacks.
So here’s the counterargument: if both countries should, indeed, move on, does this mean that Pakistan is willing to forget the Kashmir dispute and accept that the Line of Control is really an international border? That India and Pakistan must keep their respective parts of the states that they control and not yearn for the other? That Pakistan must accept the current status quo on Siachen and Sir Creek? If that is what Khar was trying to say, then it is truly a spectacular turnaround from the Pakistani establishment.
But, of course, we all know that Khar’s “moving on” was really limited to India dropping its insistence on movement on the Mumbai attacks.
In what may account for one of the more insensitive moments of the recent Krishna visit, Khar is believed to have told an Indian TV channel the following: if you can’t forget Mumbai, Pakistan can’t forget its 1971 humiliation at the hands of India.
Pakistanis have often argued that Indians don’t understand the enormity of their own war against terrorists and ongoing ethnic conflict — the war against the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan in the northwest, Shia-Sunni killings, as well as those between political parties in Karachi in particular — and that Indians must stop harping about their pain of the one attack in Mumbai.
There is a clear answer to this: the terror inside Pakistan is not sponsored by India. Nobody in Mumbai asked anyone in Karachi or elsewhere to climb into a boat and set sail for Mumbai with sten guns.
My friend and fellow The Express Tribune columnist Ejaz Haider had another interesting thesis that I hadn’t heard before or — more to the point — hadn’t wanted to hear before. According to him, the Indian army was known to conduct false flag marches in (Indian) Kashmir, meaning they had killed scores of Indian — read, Muslim — civilians in Kashmir under the guise of offering protection to them.
What did this have to do with Mumbai, I asked Mr Haider? Was he implying that the Indian security forces — the army, paramilitary or the police — could have turned upon its own people in Mumbai? That could be one possibility in a range of several possibilities, he replied.
Khar’s forceful passion at the press briefing notwithstanding, the penny seems to have finally dropped in my own head: a section of the Pakistani intelligentsia believes the terror attack against Mumbai was just retribution — for 1971, for Balochistan, for Karachi, and anything else it believes India is responsible for.

That is why the opening up of the visa regime is so important: ordinary Indians and ordinary Pakistanis will get a chance to meet each other and discuss what their relationship is really about and whether they really want to forge one. Indians visiting Pakistan are more than often accosted with the unimaginable generosity of ordinary Pakistanis: aap hamaare mehmaan hain, hum dil ki gehraai se kehna chaahte hain hum kitne khush hain aap logon ko yahan dekh kar.
See how this contrasts with the state’s commentary? The question is, which is the real Pakistan?
Hardly makes a difference. The Pakistani people don't matter as the Pakistani army it's organizations are not responsible to the parliament. They have their own agenda and act independently of their governments wishes.

What they want happens in Pakistan and thus they are the ones who are important in Pakistan, not the people.
I have always felt things would be better if Politicians on both sides & the Army / ISI on the ' other' side were to lay off.

The people of the subcontinent are mature enough to understand things & see them in the right perspective - without the tint those mentioned above add to anything to do with India & Pak.

When we meet we will realise the futility of decades of animosity.

We need to realise that we need to reconcile ourselves to the Geography of our borders only then can we ' move on' as the lady says. If not we shall forever leave a door open for hardliners to hijack us and our future.

We need to clean the air amongst us, we must know who the non state actors are whom the GOP cannot control , who ruin lives for shallow selfish reasons.

We need to know why time & again our neighbor goes into a tizzy of hatred and hosts the worst kind of humans possible at places like Abbotabad and what it intends to do to prevent re occurrence of such events.

Similarly, Pakistanis too would have questions that need answers. We should be glad to provide them.

Add commerce to this - trade acts as a cement in a relationship prone to damage. Example - US where trade dictates national policy towards the world.

We have spent our lives with pre conceived notions of each other , let the next generations make their own assessments & not see each other through our eyes.

Then & only then can the rudiments of trust building commence and we can ' move on'.
One-sided centuries-old indian view. We also have the right to have our own.

The writer should know that Mumbai was nothing as compared to Indian State terrorism against Pakistan and Pakistanis in 71 and its ongoing state terrorism in Balochistan, Karachi and in the 80s in NWFP.

Mind you if we wanted a retaliation for that it would have been very much planned and strong,
Does make a difference. There are lots of young people who have no idea about what happened in the past, except for the graphics novels versions they get, and have a visceral hatred for India and Indians. These people should have naturally been in the liberal group, and often are liberal in all other matters.

There are other young people who are not affected by falsified stories, because they really aren't looking for explanations. They know whom to hate.
One-sided centuries-old indian view. We also have the right to have our own.

The writer should know that Mumbai was nothing as compared to Indian State terrorism against Pakistan and Pakistanis in 71 and its ongoing state terrorism in Balochistan, Karachi and in the 80s in NWFP.

Mind you if we wanted a retaliation for that it would have been very much planned and strong,

You have a right to have any view you want. Just know that all your military establishment has brought to you is terrorism, dictatorships. The only thing they have conquored in war is your own Presidency - time and again.

All Indian separatism has been directed at your military and state apparatus. Whereas your deep state targets civilians in India. There is a fundamental chasm.

In any case, if you are one of those who think the bombings in Pakistan or killings in Karachi are being done by CIA/RAW/MOSSAD, then there is no cure. Discussion is futile.

I still remember when the bombings started, people were not even willing to accept that TTP did it even when they took responsibility for the attacks! They still kept blaming RAW for doing it and putting blame on TTP!
I still remember when the bombings started, people were not even willing to accept that TTP did it even when they took responsibility for the attacks! They still kept blaming RAW for doing it and putting blame on TTP!

Cannot subtract the Indian funding for TTP and BLA out of the equation. Indian money and weapons have gone a long way into making TTP and BLA into very effective fighting units. The fact that a** holes like Brahamdigh Bugti travelled to Switzerland on an Indian passport is proof enough of Indian meddling in internal affairs of Pakistan.
Cannot subtract the Indian funding for TTP and BLA out of the equation. Indian money and weapons have gone a long way into making TTP and BLA into very effective fighting units.

Last time you people accused India of doing so, you guys showed us evidence artillery rounds with Chinese markings on them.

Why not ever provide concrete evidence or a dossier atleast?

The fact that a** holes like Brahamdigh Bugti travelled to Switzerland on an Indian passport is proof enough of Indian meddling in internal affairs of Pakistan.

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