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When China Rules The World

hey chine r you testing me...?:police:白痴
this is not a chinese site.....this is pakistani site so i cant,also taiwan is democracy country,as a democracy citizen can write,read,speak rights we have,not like slave chinese citizen白痴
Haha,if you are a Taiwanese,we can talk in Chinese.佛教起源于尼泊尔,而中国一直有各种本土宗教,中国从来不是一个佛教国家.在世界上中国被认为是一个儒教国家,多数中国人遵从中国传统儒学思想.而不像东南亚是佛教国家.

你 是 白痴 how is it.....?:bunny:
even now we get thousands of illegal immigrants that's why Beijing government is having a crack down on illegal foreigners in Beijing,and we deport thousands of Vietnamese workers every year .maybe the pay is not that good comparing to the west,but high enough for some neighboring poor countries where finding jobs is a very difficult business.and China is not old yet,China will become a old society in 20 years,cause the one child policy was implemented in early 80s,by the time China will be pretty well off and pay can be higher than it is now.
all country do that,your people also go to high paying countries to find jobs,why calling that colonization when China does the same?

When Chinese comes to invest in another country they will arrive with their workforce mostly convicts and when the projects are completed most probably they won't leave.
What do you call that friendly gesture or colonization?
china never ever won't be like US ok but keep dreaming and enjoy
keep in mind YOU have two bodyguards east JAPAN,west another asian giant INDIA
even now we get thousands of illegal immigrants that's why Beijing government is having a crack down on illegal foreigners in Beijing,and we deport thousands of Vietnamese workers every year .maybe the pay is not that good comparing to the west,but high enough for some neighboring poor countries where finding jobs is a very difficult business.and China is not old yet,China will become a old society in 20 years,cause the one child policy was implemented in early 80s,by the time China will be pretty well off and pay can be higher than it is now.
even now we get thousands of illegal immigrants that's why Beijing government is having a crack down on illegal foreigners in Beijing,and we deport thousands of Vietnamese workers every year .maybe the pay is not that good comparing to the west,but high enough for some neighboring poor countries where finding jobs is a very difficult business.and China is not old yet,China will become a old society in 20 years,cause the one child policy was implemented in early 80s,by the time China will be pretty well off and pay can be higher than it is now.

No, no i wasnt talking about illegals. They only get paid in cash after the job is done. Everywhere.

And again no, you wont be able to pay any decent pensions, because there is too many of you. Your entire system will collapse. Imagine it like now in Europe but with double the old people and less money to go around apart from that foreign currency stash.

Whatever you think will happen later and has to do with your statement "by the time China will be pretty well off and pay can be higher than it is now." will most likely be offset with an increasing older population.

And this is just pensions. Nevermind health insurance.
china never ever won't be like US ok but keep dreaming and enjoy
keep in mind YOU have two bodyguards east JAPAN,west another asian giant INDIA

Thank for your kind words but using false flags and living in Canada while having multiple accounts is against forum rules you understand that previous accounts were banned but hey do the time. :D
ASEAN+, No. ASEAN has too many China haters.
Eurasia+, No.
African Union, Ok. But the thing is while China managed to put a good impression with African dictators, African masses are fiercely anti-China.

You don't appear to realize that China's influence is decreasing in ASEAN while the US influence is increasing.

in Asia, there are a good no of japanese indian and american haters as well
korea has their own problems and too small to let people have any emotions on them
in Europe they hate everyone non white
in Africa we are the most friendly to them

That day will never come, so don't worry. The Chinese communist party rule ensures that. When China becomes a real democracy, then that's something that the world should worry about. But not the communist China.

Chinese baloney. Chinese are actually brainwashed to believe this.

Baloney! China is Communistic with capitalisitc characteristics and it is practising its own system that best fit the Country and its People with leeway for adjustment and reform!

lol China ruling the world I think Israel/India/USA/France/Australia/ etc etc will have something to say about that, besides which you can rule the world with cheap copies of things.

say whatever you like and we dont want to rule the world - having to deal with india's massive drug, shortage of toilet and women torturing problems are already huge problems themselves which will take half of the world's resources to cure them for a century. Cheap europeans and indians deserve cheap stuff!

When Chinese comes to invest in another country they will arrive with their workforce mostly convicts and when the projects are completed most probably they won't leave.
What do you call that friendly gesture or colonization?

China is African's biggest investment and business partner. india? you are just a distant follower

hey chine r you testing me...?:police:白痴
this is not a chinese site.....this is pakistani site so i cant,also taiwan is democracy country,as a democracy citizen can write,read,speak rights we have,not like slave chinese citizen白痴

你 是 白痴 how is it.....?:bunny:

this false flagged people from our Taiwan can't even respond with more than 4 simple Chinese characters!
^^ he means that Taiwan doesn't belong to china wrt to your sentence this false flagged people from our Taiwan can't even respond with more than 4 simple Chinese characters!

if other members are correct he just opened new account to troll
If ASEAN+, Eurasia+ and African Union is allied with the Chinese, then China has the potential to rule the world. China has a difficult job at hand, but it is not impossible. China need a different approach, the current approach may not work.

If China helps build ASEAN+, Eurasia+ and African Union, then essentially US, EU or Indian influence will be reduced in these spaces. These regional unions will be self-sufficient, but will remain allied with the Chinese, if China helps integration of these unions.

Without above approach, the current aggressive approach will fragment these regions and invite US and Indian influence, who are only eager to meddle where they do not belong.

If this then that.... smell the coffee... China is getting unpopular day by day by threatning all of it's neighbours on daily basis. So much of "Peaceful rise of China"

So keep dreaming "If's"
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