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What They Teach in German Schools


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
Do ministers of large European countries often have time to meet school children? Hardly so, if a person is not responsible for education or social issues. But German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, a German politician of the Christian DemocraticUnion (CDU), invited school children to the Ministry. And what he told them was echoed far beyond the Germany’s national boundaries. The Minister said he saw parallels between Crimea’s re-unification with Russia and Adolf Hitler's land grab of Sudetenland in 1938. German Ambassador Ruediger Freiherr von Fritsch was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry as Moscow lodged an official protest. The Russian Foreign Ministry statement condemns German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble for drawing “pseudo-historical” parallels between annexation of Crimea and Hitler’s pre-war seizure of Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. The Hitler analogy is a “gross distortion of historical events and facts,” Ministry says.

The statement goes as follows, “A few days ago the German Finance Minister WolfgangSchäuble, speaking to students a Berlin school, spent unacceptable historical parallels between the reunification of the Crimea with Russia and Hitler's seizure policy in 1938, the Sudetenlandwas then Czechoslovakia and the subsequent transfer of control of the whole Czechoslovak territory. We believe this kind of pseudo-German Minister provocative digressions.Admitted they are rough analogy juggling historical events and facts. Occupying high government official ministerial post in Germany must give an account of his words. It is noteworthy that this trickfrom Schäubledistanced themselves Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier”.

In response the press-secretary of German Ministry of Foreign affairs replied that the German government is aware of the fact that Germans treated with cruelty other peoples during WWII. All members of Germany’s government “are fully aware” of the “enormous atrocities” committed by the Nazis in the Soviet Union during World War Two, Government Spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Friday, April 4, commenting on recent remarks by Germany’s Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäublecomparing Crimea’s reunification with Russia to Adolf Hitler seizing the Sudetenland in 1938.“Everything has been said already. We have nothing to add,” Seibert said, referring to the Minister’s words that remarks had been taken out of context.

Schäublesaid his words were misinterpreted and he has nothing to apologize for. He made this comment while discussing the European Union’s agenda and his political career that started as far back as 1972 during a TV program. Mr. Schäuble told the German television channel ARD (1) on April 3, "I am not so stupid as to compare someone with Hitler," adding that just one sentence had been extracted from his talk to a student group in Berlin. He said with some exasperation that his remarks had been quoted "in isolation" and out of context. The question appeared to be out of place, but it was not unexpected: the program’s scenario is normally pre-coordinated with guests.

What really happened? As media reports, the Minister was telling children that it was important to preserve economic stability in Ukraine because otherwise the Ukrainian people would suffer and Putin could bring in troops under the pretext of Russian population being mistreated. The Finance Minister made the comments while speaking to 50 school children from Berlin participating in a government-organized EU Project Day. Schäuble answered children's' questions about European unity and the euro crisis. He made his remarks after a student asked if the Ukraine crisis could potentially intensify the euro zone's problems. Schäuble said the most important thing was to prevent Ukraine from becoming insolvent. He said if the government in Kiev were no longer able to pay its security forces, "then of course some armed bands would seek to take power." That, he warned, could serve as a pretext for a Russian intervention. "The Russians would then say they can't accept that, that they are threatening our Russian population. Now we have to protect them, and that is our reason for invading." The parallel is so odious that no effort is required to draw conclusions. Actually the Minister did not reject what he said; to the contrary he confirmed his statement. Wolfgang Schäuble has a reputation of someone who is not prone to self-criticism. This time he never said anything new. He just repeated he words of Hillary Clinton, a possible Democratic presidential hopeful in 2016. He also said off camera that he was not more stupid than Mrs. Clinton.

The interpretation of events offered by Clinton and then repeated by Schäuble is a common vision of what happened shared by Western historians who say that the totalitarian forces – the regimes of Stalin and Hitler were responsible for unleashing the war. The Western powers approved the Hitler’s intention to grab the Sudetenland at the Munich 1938 conference (along with what remained of Czechoslovakia, as they put it) hoping to re-direct the German offensive to the East and appease the German dictator. That’s what they teach in German schools today. TheGermanhistorianshavemadealotofdiscoveries. A Concise History of Germany tells us it was not the battle of Stalingrad but rather the United States entry into the battle that turned the tide of the second world war. (2) It was nobody else but Americans who liberated Germany from Nazism and united the country in 1990. The both parties of the ruling coalition - the Christian Democratic Union/the Christian Social Union in Bavaria and the Social Democratic Party of Germany have these affirmations included into their programs. No wonder the words of the President of Russia addressed to the German people calling for support of the Crimea’s re-unification with the Russian Federation the way the USSR supported the re-unification of West Germany with East Germany was cited by German media through clenched teeth.

Just imagine Hitler unexpectedly dying at the beginning of 1939 having acceded Austria and Sudetenland. Then he would have been remembered well going down in history as the collector of lands and the one who opposed the Versaillessystem that plundered Germany and doomed it to face economic devastation. It’s interesting to note that some politicians (never officials) compare the collapse of the USSR with the Versailles peace treaty as Russians happened to be in the same plight as Germans who lived back then on the territories of states that implemented nationalist policies like Poland, for instance. But Hitler did not pursue the goal of freeing Germans from nationalist oppression but rather expanding living space at the expense of peoples who belonged to other "alien-type" races.

Today German school goers are not explained that the Jews are not the only “alien-type” race seen as inferior by national-socialists. The contemporary works on history never mention the general plan Ost that envisioned partial extermination of Slavs living in the USSR forcibly resettling those left alive beyond the Ural Mountains.

Today German school goers are not explained that the Jews are not the only “alien-type” race seen as inferior by national-socialists. The contemporary works on history never mention the general plan Ost that envisioned partial extermination of Slavs living in the USSR forcibly resettling those left alive beyond the Ural Mountains.

If fascism is perceived as something limited by anti-Semitism only, then the best way to demonstrate that one has nothing to do with this ideology is to cozy up to Israel or Jewish money-men. That’s what the Kiev-based regime is doing. They bow and scrape before Jews saying “we love you”, “we have Jewish souls” and “our great grandma was Jewish”… The regime constantly tries to show its loyalty to Jews at the level of declarations. No reasonable people would ever believe it.

It’s nothing else but philosemitism at the level of formal statements, says rabbi Isaiah Gisser. He says that in his case public statements of “love feelings towards Jews” evoke the same concern as anti-Jewish rhetoric.

The same way anti-Russian aggression spread across Ukraine evokes concern among Russia-speaking Ukrainians and the population of the Russian Federation. Just think about the declared boycott of Russian goods that had been launched in Lviv even before the Crimean referendum. What comes to mind here is the historic parallel with the calls for Germans to boycott Jewish shops published at the beginning of the 1930s by Nurnberg weekly Der Stürmer. The only difference is that those days there were no flash mobs with people falling down in Ukrainian supermarkets lying on the floor in theatrical poses under the slogan “Russia-produced goods kill!” It calls to mind the way German companies instilled hatred towards Russians. The Billa shops that belong to Rewe Group started to mark goods with the identification of origin; this way the company helps those who coordinate the anti-Russian action. There are plans to spread the boycott on Russian companies and banks operating in Ukraine, as well as on Russia-made films.

The history lessons forgotten, the West turns a blind eye on the activities of Ukrainian political organizations Svoboda and Pravy Sector. Hindenburg, as German President, appointed Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. He was sure that the country was to be ruled by the government of national solidarity. No need to deceive oneself believing that Yarosh, the Ukrainian Nazi and presidential candidate, has little support: his rating is about 2, 5%, the same as received by the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) in 1928. In 1930 it received 18% to be increased to 37% in 1932. Nothing is exactly repeated in history, but the lessons should not be forgotten, especially by those who cherish the hope that Pravy Sector will collapse…

Drawing historic parallels is a delicate thing. If Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble really cared about his words being correctly interpreted, he would rather offer clear explanation of what he meant instead of refusal to apologize. If experienced journalists got him wrong, then what trace would it leave in the memory of school children?

What They Teach in German Schools > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation
Just imagine Hitler unexpectedly dying at the beginning of 1939 having acceded Austria and Sudetenland. Then he would have been remembered well going down in history as the collector of lands and the one who opposed the Versaillessystem that plundered Germany and doomed it to face economic devastation.
Schäuble is crazy SOB. He should be forbidden to talk to Children.

At the End German Kids forget their own Historical responsibility and start to blame Russia for the holocoust.

CDU is a mild Nazi party. The only way to stop them from becoming Nazis again is to pump huge amounts of Money into German economy.
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