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"What the hell is going on in this country?" : Supreme Court

Western media at times may only highlight the bad in INdia but if it was;t true do you think the Indian media would sit down and take it? Hell No, they sit because it is true. The reason why news points such stuff out is so corrective action is taken.
Where is the arrogance spit? Come on, he is telling the truth. We all know such action has to be taken when terrorist are involved. No body is defending it but the double standard is not going anywhere.

I didn't deny that it happens in the states, I simply pointed out that it happens in India as well. Of course, I'm assuming you're talking about the customs official/racial profiling comment he made.

And yes, I understand it and support it.

I don't understand why people are so overly critical of the states and pounce at the first person who dares to question their baseless, insecure remarks. There's much India can learn from America and Americans, at least most desis I've met tend to think so.
You see an AMerican flag, but you fail to see Im as Indian as the paddy fields, the coconuts, the kappa and men curry! YOu forget the NRIs in the West have made Desi culture popular.

Have you ever been to Devon Street in Chicago?

I thought I was in India. There were even red stains on the sidewalk from paan, lol.
What arrogance? You expect me to apologize for all that's wrong with India?

Just because I'm critical doesn't mean I'm being arrogant. I'm sorry if Shaktiman is insecure. I don't need him to tell me where my loyalties lie.

I'm not talking about India. I'm just pointing out CNN-style statements like this one

American courts have NEVER sentenced anyone without indisputable evidence. They've even gone so far as to appoint lawyers to Guantanamo inmates. India on the other hand has used POTA and AFSPA to arrest and trash minorities in places like Kashmir and the NE.

I mean seriously ?
Leaked emails claim Guantanamo trials rigged

I really doubt it. What incidents are you referring to specifically? How many communal riots have taken place in the states over the last decade?

Let's go a little back, how about 1992? (Not really communal though, but racial yes)

1992 Los Angeles riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again I don't want to compare USA and India as one is a developing country and the other a developed one. But this reeks of CNN brainwashed "America the land of the free" " God bless Amerikka!!"
Not at all, I visit India every year and stay 2-3 months. I can assure India has taught me a lot. I am lot better person now than I was before growing up as a youth over there. it really opened my eyes and made me greatful for everything I have. You can anyway you wish but I am trying to help India and Indians. Believe I have those arrogant NRIs who think having a green card or being abroad makes them all high and mighty. I am nothing like that. I can rub shoulders with the poorest of the poor and the rich. I have no problems eating with my hand on a dirt floor or on a table with a fork. I can bath from a well. I have lived in India long enough to relate to the grass root situation and the reality it is changing but it is not taking all the factors in to consideration. Every 5 years India is unrecognizable. But this rapid change is not taking account all the problems suffered in the West. For example, plastic bags are a hazard to the environment and ppl in America are turning to non Disposable bags like jute. In India the opposite is happening, and they are destroying an industry that employs folks. They don;t see the environmental damage done by these actions. The rush to modernize is happening at the expense of the people. There are many more examples. I have a family priest who asked my father to purchase land so that could sell it to the Church and make a profit. Unreal right. Corruption is everywhere and unless we do something about, india will be doomed. I had friends who thought like you but once they went abroad, their perception totally changed. The majority of folks lack exposure to ideas. What makes you think I get my news from Western media only. I have a variety of sources at my fingertips for free.
The first friends I made In India wer Muslims and they were from kerala and the Northeast. I learned so ouch from them. They were very rich which showed to me first hand that Muslims can make a damn good living. If I had it my way, i would settle in India for good. But there are problems and I am merely trying to point it out. Its call constructive criticism, where there is a problem there is an opportunity. If some one who loves india can help and try to give some advice, then India is hopeless. It will take longer for progress. Just like there are Chinese Americans who want China to be No.1 there are Indians who wish the same. But there are problems that need to be addressed. Instead of absorbing what I am saying you are acting like those Indian fools I have encountered, headstrong, patriotic but can't take any criticism. Open your eyes the problems are in front of you. But you choose to turn a blind eye. Let me ask you what have you done to stop corruption. I have donated to the 5th Pillar in Chennai. Step up and put your money where your mouth is!

Why even 2-3 months? India is not good for habitat? There are so many companies in India who needs skilled workforce. You will easily find job here and good money too(they give Extra income to US-return types).

And dude, my money is in right place. I pay tax regular. Now, obviously you don't pay tax to India so you need all this charity-warity to contribute to India.

Let me ask you something if I come to India next year....you make it a point to meet me and we will find out some ways to help India together. This is open invitation not just for you but to anyone else on this forum who interested. The further you live, the better coz then you can take those ideas and implement any change quickly. Come on....I trying to make some attempt. Lets see what can you guys do.

Not interested. During those 2-3 months, I have other appointments.

I will prefer to spend time and work with those who live here than with those, who come for 2-3 months charity show & then go back to work in USA.

India doesn't need charity, it needs workers who give their 24x7 to this country.
Omg 1992 Los Angeles riots? Seriously?

Like read the article itself..

Widespread looting, assault, arson and murder occurred, and property damages topped roughly US$1 billion.

Sure you can have a peaceful protest not loot, murder, and damage property worth $1 Billion!!



Over 75% of Americans are white Caucasians.

Quite frankly, American ethnic diversity is extremely overhyped and mostly a myth. Only American urban centers are racially diverse, and most of those in negative ways (ghettos).

American suburbs and rural populations are almost exclusively white.

Okay so how is India ethnically diverse? India has a population of 1.1 billion so I would hope you are more diverse than the USA. But America has a lot of ppl visiting and getting green card and visa which will only increase the diversity. 65% population is White not of spanish origin. Here is a link and its not bad considering a country discovered recently.

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
Shakti Simply blowing smoke out of your . I didn't say what months, so its shows your intentions while I am trying to help. I was born and raised in the US and I don't speak Hindi. English can help if you live in a big city but its tough once you go to smaller town. When you grown some balls, realize it is effective and better to use everyones help. Your notion of NRI's is so backward, even Gandhi was a NRI. So wake up you fool and don't waste my time with your stupid pre-k thoughts. You can't back up anything you've said and just looking to boast of India achievements. Anyone can boast the good but not everyone can point how they took the failures and turned it around. Hey food for thought why won't you and friends donate 1 RUPPEE and clean up the ganges river you cheap bastards instead of asking for food aid.
Omg 1992 Los Angeles riots? Seriously?

Like read the article itself..

Sure you can have a peaceful protest not loot, murder, and damage property worth $1 Billion!!

People died too

In all, 53 people died during the riots and thousands more were injured.

I remember one poster talking about the 100 people than died in Kashmir recently.

Again India is a developing country afterall and USA does have better law an order, but to paint it as some kind of utopia is going a bit too far
Dude the price is incomparable to a third world country, use your brain. Plus wanna show the damage to property and human life. Pick a year, any year in the last 20 -30 years.
Okay so how is India ethnically diverse? India has a population of 1.1 billion so I would hope you are more diverse than the USA. But America has a lot of ppl visiting and getting green card and visa which will only increase the diversity. 65% population is White not of spanish origin. Here is a link and its not bad considering a country discovered recently.

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Bro, India is much more diverse. Its genetically, religiously, culturally(of the same civilization how ever), etc very, very, very diverse. USA is only 200 years old. The land India is much older, USA has been allowing people to come to its land for some 100+ years.. People have been migrating into India for 1000s of years.

People died too

Most of these deaths are from looters, thugs, etc. Not from police.

About it being racist..Look at the police force back then, it had blacks, whites, and hispanics in 1992..

Have a peaceful protest about the Rodney King's plight, but dont go looting and murdering. What was the point?



Where did you anyone say Utopia? Stop BSing....take what good it has done and implement it with Indian input to make it better.
Exactly comparing India and the USA is comparing apples to oranges why waster your time in reference to diversity. I am merely trying got point out areas India can improve and how the society is not doing its part to effectively voice their dissatisfaction to change.
Okay so how is India ethnically diverse? India has a population of 1.1 billion so I would hope you are more diverse than the USA. But America has a lot of ppl visiting and getting green card and visa which will only increase the diversity. 65% population is White not of spanish origin. Here is a link and its not bad considering a country discovered recently.

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

What does ethnicity mean? A different culture, traditions, language

India is as diverse as Europe but bound by a common civilization (Roman Empire for Europe, Mauryas, Guptas, Mughals for India ). Each of it's states is unique.

Spanish orgin/Anglo Saxon Origin would be the same as a Gujrati/Bengali
Simply blowing smoke out of your . I didn't say what months, so its shows your intentions while I am trying to help.

If you want to help, then help buddy. Who is stopping you.

Don't put your american credentials on your back and poke your nose into "Indian" debate and then claim "I am here to help". Do I need to tell you that you are doing this wrong way?

A few suggestions to you -
First decide who you are - Indian or American?
Then think(use your head), whether Indians will be receptive more to Indian or an American? (I hope you understand that India is not Africa where people will jump on toes at sight of food vans arriving).
Once you are clear with who you are, then join the debate keeping your identity in mind.
And most importantly, don't make fool of yourself by saying "We do this, this way in USA. Why don't you do this this way here also?" My point is, if you have some idea in your head, then just put it on table in a way that people will receive it in correct perspective.

And I repeat, I won't waste my time with someone who has only 2-3 months for India and whole year, he works his as* off for making USA great.

Get the message right in your head.
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