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What should Pakistanis do when American Cat chases terrorist Rats?

we get mouse traps and set it around the house, tell the cat to **** off and stay out purrr and roll over on our feet when we come out but don't come in and knock out half the house chasing the rat
It is okay to debate whether cat or rat is the bigger problem...
but to say rats make better pets than cats is pure stupidity
we set the cat loose on the rats

Who says the cat is not already in?

Anyway, my stance on this whole issue. Man up and get a big broom, a whack the rats to kingdom come! Then offer a nice bowl of cream to the cat and watch it run off as soon as you open the front door. :)
1. We keep our house clean from the rats?

2. We feed milk and honey to the rats?

3. We do nothing but waive sticks at the cat?

Any suggestions?

You are asking for a solution to our rat infestation.

That's a very good question, and one worth asking.

However, you should also remember what they say: "be very careful when you set out to look for something; you may not like what you find".

Let's start by acknowledging that we have a much bigger infestation problem than just one group of rats. We have several colonies of rats throughout the country, and many of them intermingle. Some share ideologies, others share sponsors, and they all share zealotry.

While this particular cat is content to chase individual rats, we, as Pakistanis, need a more comprehensive strategy. Chasing individual rats is a fool's errand and horribly impractical in the long run, for each dead rat gives rise to ten new ones.

We must identify the root causes of the infestation:
Who is nurturing these rats?
Who keeps protecting them?
Where are the nurseries that hatch new rats?
What kind of environment facilitates such nurseries?
Who benefits most from such an environment?

As Cicero would say, cui bono?

Remember, I am not talking about a particular group of rats, but the general country-wide infestation.

The fact is that these rat nurseries require an environment full of poor, uneducated recruits who have been conditioned, over generations, to follow authority unquestioningly. Any spark of education or independence, financial or ideological, in this environment must be ruthlessly quashed.

-- Absolute obedience to authority!
-- Abject poverty!
-- Minimum of education!

These are the cornerstones that make a good rat nursery.

Is there a group of people in Pakistan who benefit from maintaining such an environment over large groups of people? A group that would rather see thousands of people die rather than change the above conditions?

Sure, we know these people. It is the cancer that has been eating Pakistan since its inception.

The feudal lord demands precisely these attributes from his slaves:
-- Absolute obedience!
-- Barely subsistence level compensation!
-- Minimum of education!

We also know that this feudal cancer won't go away by itself -- what with the mercenary army protecting it all these years.

The rat infestation will only fester and morph into something else; it won't go away until the root cause is removed.

In time, the people of Pakistan will need to address the root cause. They will need to do what every industrialized country has done, centuries ago.

Maybe, one day, Pakistan will have its own French Revolution with mobs of former slaves going from village to village, stringing up their tormentors.

"Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité", n'est-ce pas? ;)

Once that is done, only then will Pakistan get rid of the rats.

Who knows? Some rats may even turn into doves!
please stick to the thread.

And not get dragged into side bar stuff by the INdians.
Its still talking about your kitty!

Who says the cat is not already in?

Anyway, my stance on this whole issue. Man up and get a big broom, a whack the rats to kingdom come! Then offer a nice bowl of cream to the cat and watch it run off as soon as you open the front door. :)
Hmmm...well, this kitty we are talking about is some stubborn cat! It wants to take over the house and be the malik without realizing it is a cat :blink: Kinda reminds me of my cat :undecided: However, I do agree we arent dealing with a cat, its more a serpent...give it whatever yet in the end it will eat you :unsure:

This is like saying

how do we know Bin fing Laden was a terrorist rat.


As a nation we allowed this rat to live in our summer resort away from the heat of Saudi deserts.


how do we know.

That's the zillion dollar question.

Jazz bhai

Cat has already put the names of rats on web site.

Not only that

Pakistani government has declared who the rats are

Even if there was no website photos

Every forking Pakistani knows who the rats are.

But we fail to call a rat a rat.

Pathetic isn't it.

So now we address a rat by who says what rather than identifying it using the common cues like has it a tail, does it have 2 large front teeth and so on? How can we even move on when its not even us who are identifying this rat but people bossing us to DECLARE WHAT THEY THINK are rats as rats...for all we know it may be a squirrel rather than a rat or a hamster that this cat THINKS is a rat?

Next question comes does this cat even know what a rat looks like? Home cats rarely go chasing rats rather prefer to wait for food to be served and then go out to just jump on ANYTHING that moves (not just rats)
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