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What is the use of winning Swat, if Peshawar is out of control?


Jun 2, 2009
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At least 16 persons, including two foreigners (a Serb and a Filippino), are reported to have been killed and over 60 others injured when a group of three terrorists forced their way into the parking lot of the Pearl Continental Hotel of Peshawar at around 10-30 PM on June 9, 2009, and blew up an explosive-laden truck.

Two terrorists with hand-held weapons, who were believed to have been traveling in a car, engaged with the guards at the security barrier near the gate of the hotel in an exchange of fire and enabled the truck bomber drive into the parking lot. It is not known what happened to the two terrorists with hand-held weapons. They have not been captured.

The attack resembled the one on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad in September last in some aspects. The Marriott and the Pearl Continental Hotels are run by the same person. Whereas the Marriott is patronized by traveling foreign businessmen, public servants and non-governmental personalities, the Pearl Continental has a clientele restricted largely to traveling foreign public servants, in addition to Pakistani nationals.

As in Islamabad, in Peshawar too, the daring attack was in a high security area. At both the places, the failure of physical security was not at the hotels, but along the route on which the vehicles moved to the hotels. None of the security pickets on the route suspected anything amiss and tried to prevent the movement of the vehicles towards the hotels. Once the trucks with explosives reached the gates of the hotels very little could have been done to prevent the explosions.

The Peshawar hotel is located in the same area in which the Corps Commander of Peshawar lives. He enjoys the highest level of security among all Corps Commanders since he co-ordinates and supervises the military operations against Al Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban. The Pearl Continental was considered a highly vulnerable target because it is used as a transit hotel for traveling UN employees and is also patronized by the US and other Western diplomatic and consular missions for their traveling public servants. However, the US Consulate in Peshawar has stated that no American employee was staying in the hotel at the time of the explosion. Despite this, well-informed sources In Peshawar say the staff of some of the US training teams, which have been training personnel of the Frontier Corps and other para-military forces, used to stay in the hotel in the past. The Serb killed was reportedly an employee of the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Filippino, a woman, of the UN Children’s Emergency Fund. Both of them had reportedly arrived in Peshawar along with some other UN employees to work for the persons internally displaced by the military operations against the Pakistani Taliban.

There has been a predictable sameness in the spins put out by the police--- initially blame the Pakistani Taliban, project the attacks as in revenge for the military operations against the Taliban, then bring in the name of Al Qaeda when some arrests are made and then silence till another attack takes place.

The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LEJ), the anti-Shia organization, which has been collaborating with Al Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban, is another oft-cited suspect, again without any clinching evidence so far.

The quick succession of successful attacks in different cities shows an ability to plan and carry out strikes without being detected, a certain precision in the planning and execution and an inexhaustible flow of suicide volunteers.

A worrisome thought---- what is the use of winning Swat, if Peshawar is out of control?http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers33/paper3244.html
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I don't think there is any need to panic..!!! It was written that such kinda of retaliatory attacks shall occur if the army decides to go against the terrorists..!!! However its up to the army to choke the supply lines and make sure they don't have any where to hide..!!! The faster they do it.. lesser the bomb blasts..!!! Eventually it has to whine out..!!!!
Oh so it is written By B. Raman.I see i think we should just reply Just shut the **** up.None of your damn business.We are doing our operations in Swat just fine..we don't need your lessons..oh and let us know when you demilitraize Kashmri where you have thousands of troops just because of bunch of infiltrators.
First this is an opinion piece. SO it will be laced with the writers bias as a journalist.
It would not matter who wrote it for a start.

One thing you 2 numnut, by arguing about non topic intel, have missed is this comment in his earlier opinion piece.

It would be useful for the investigating agencies of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to exchange notes on their respective investigations and to pick each other's brains. One should not fight shy of agreeing to a common brain-storming on the investigations.

A Common Command And Control? : outlookindia.com

Now this makes sense but if people care to notice the Indian government did not want to really cooperate with Pakistan, in fact they did not even really cooperate with INTERPOL with Mumbai. Still have doubts about real cooperation with the CIA and UK in that investigation.

It is everyone’s interest to cooperate fully.
But heck that means you would have to stop pointing fingers at the “hidden hand”, so that blows the RAW, ISI, Mossad, CIA, you name it its mentioned whohar.

I could say more but it might hurt delicate feelings.
First this is an opinion piece. SO it will be laced with the writers bias as a journalist.
It would not matter who wrote it for a start.

One thing you 2 numnut, by arguing about non topic intel, have missed is this comment in his earlier opinion piece.

It would be useful for the investigating agencies of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to exchange notes on their respective investigations and to pick each other's brains. One should not fight shy of agreeing to a common brain-storming on the investigations.

A Common Command And Control? : outlookindia.com

Now this makes sense but if people care to notice the Indian government did not want to really cooperate with Pakistan, in fact they did not even really cooperate with INTERPOL with Mumbai. Still have doubts about real cooperation with the CIA and UK in that investigation.

It is everyone’s interest to cooperate fully.
But heck that means you would have to stop pointing fingers at the “hidden hand”, so that blows the RAW, ISI, Mossad, CIA, you name it its mentioned whohar.

I could say more but it might hurt delicate feelings.

Agreed, there is a need to cooperate not only among Intelligence agencies but inter army as well......so that the terrorists have nowhere to run and hide.:agree:
Agreed, there is a need to cooperate not only among Intelligence agencies but inter army as well......so that the terrorists have nowhere to run and hide.:agree:

very very naive dream on it will not happen in our time the best we can hope for is to at last stop providing intel and logistics to our enemies enemy
I think if we were serious about it from both sides this would have been done a long time ago .. Each country has to protect its *** .. this includes not disclosing how they USED to operate their assets for special operations ..
First this is an opinion piece. SO it will be laced with the writers bias as a journalist.
It would not matter who wrote it for a start.

One thing you 2 numnut, by arguing about non topic intel, have missed is this comment in his earlier opinion piece.

It would be useful for the investigating agencies of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to exchange notes on their respective investigations and to pick each other's brains. One should not fight shy of agreeing to a common brain-storming on the investigations.

A Common Command And Control? : outlookindia.com

Now this makes sense but if people care to notice the Indian government did not want to really cooperate with Pakistan, in fact they did not even really cooperate with INTERPOL with Mumbai. Still have doubts about real cooperation with the CIA and UK in that investigation.

It is everyone’s interest to cooperate fully.
But heck that means you would have to stop pointing fingers at the “hidden hand”, so that blows the RAW, ISI, Mossad, CIA, you name it its mentioned whohar.

I could say more but it might hurt delicate feelings.
Actually B Raman is former RAW Agent..Look it up on Google.He is very anti Pakistan and spew so much crap that his opinion should not be disscussed here.Once he said that Pakistani Army officer has blown up a Cantt!When in reality no cantt was blown by Army Officer.
<offtopic>Did you really join United Nations Mr Ratus.I think mods needs to add you in MP again.</offtopic>
I think if we were serious about it from both sides this would have been done a long time ago .. Each country has to protect its *** .. this includes not disclosing how they USED to operate their assets for special operations ..

Both countries are built upon Ideologies so getting out of that shell and cooperating is going to take some serious effort....
Wots happening here..!!!! One Kauwa calling another kauwa kalaa..!!.!!!!:lol:
<offtopic>Did you really join United Nations Mr Ratus.I think mods needs to add you in MP again.</offtopic>

You let the secret out..:tsk:
Since it has been suggested that I am a secret operative of some nation or more does it matter?;)

Both countries are built upon Ideologies so getting out of that shell and cooperating is going to take some serious effort....

Take a look around just this thread.. You think either side has enough sane people to pull it off? ..
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