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What is the purpose of life?

For one and only purpose. guess what -

To read,read and read good books,visit thousand countries and meet different people.
Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive.
It's not a universal thing, we all make our own purpose. If you're religious -- then your religion may be your purpose; and if not,then something else...
Life is all for nothing in the end.
But for its short duration it is everything.

Live in the present,
appreciate what you currently have,
ignore the ghosts that makes up the past,
avoid forcasts of wealth and gloom in the future.

And life will be like a good dream.
I dont know, however I know most typical muslim answer will to "worship God" this is the simplest and easiest way out of this critical question, they can't explain it

Worship God...... Even you know that Angels are more than enough to worship him. Why humans?? :blink:
it's funny no religious people answering this question, especially Muslims. Unfortunately there is no questioning or reasoning among muslims anymore, we are taught to just follow our mullahs/imams blindly, without questioning anything. What is the purpose of religion then? if it fails to answer the most critical of questions?

You gotta get your own answer boy, you crib about the Mullahs telling you how to think but you want other Muslims here to give you their thoughts, think for yourself.
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