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What is the greatest Middle Eastern military power?

What is the greatest Middle Eastern military power?

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Mar 1, 2012
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I feel like in other regions of the world, the local power is quite clear cut. But not so with the Middle East. I have my own opinions, but I'm interested to see what you guys think.


1. Turkey
2. KSA
3. UAE
4. Iran
5. Israel


1. Egypt
2. Iran
3. Tukey
4. Iraq
5. KSA

Land Area

1. KSA
2. Iran
3. Egypt
4. Turkey
5. Yemen

Air Force

1. Israel
2. KSA
3. Turkey
4. Egypt
5. UAE


1. Turkey
2. Israel
3. Iran
4. Egypt
5. KSA


1. Israel
2. Egypt
3. Turkey
4. Iran
5. Jordan

Unconventional/ballistic missile

1. Israel
2. Iran
3. Egypt
4. Syria
5. KSA
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These questions are very difficult to answer. How do you measure power? Number of tanks and planes?

I think Israel is strongest because they have nuclear weapons. Iran has the strongest deterrence, and can wreck havoc on any country within 2000km, especially countries nearer to Iran, but that is with high explosives and thousands of highly accurate medium and short ranged ballistic missiles and not nukes. Iran's conventional military is very weak but unconventionally, Iran is number 1. Iran has a very strong air defence as well.

Whether Iran has nukes is up for debates but it's not questionable that Israel has 200-300 of them.
Turkey is a part of NATO and has no missile capability and has a weak air defence. They are strong conventionally but they are very weak unconventionally. They are a part of NATO as well so that means alot.

But Israel is still the strongest as long as they are the only ones to have nukes. However without the use of nukes, Isreal is not that powerful.

No country in the middle east is powerful enough to be called the dominant power. Non have the capability to undergo a invasion of other strong regional countries. For that they need to be very superior in terms of both conventional and unconventional power combined.

Iran is very powerful unconventionally but weak conventional.
Turkey is strong conventionally but weak unconventionally.
Israel is strong both conventionally and unconventionally (nicely balanced) but not strong enough in both to be greatly superior to Iran and Turkey.

@500 what do you think? Does my view make sense?
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@King Of Persians

I would give first place to Turkey. Its most balanced power: strong economy, strong military, big territory and population.

Israel has very strong military but very small territory, population and relatively small economy.

Iran's main weakness is poor air force and so so economy.
there's no comparison. Israel has nukes and the means to deliver them.
I think Turkey and Iran hold equal place. That is, excluding israeli nukes.

Turkey wins ... conventionally .. (no ballistic missiles etc).
Yah, conventional weapons wise Turkey wins. Ballistic missiles wise i'd have to say Iran because they have all types of ballistic missiles (both short and long range) that can strike any target within the region. Not to mention the influence they have gained in the past 20 or so years within their neighboring countries.
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I think Turkey and Iran hold equal place. That is, excluding israeli nukes.

no way.. Turkey is technologically much advanced and has many force multipliers like refuellers,AWACs and a much awesome navy.. even convential weapons are much more advanced... Iran has more manpower and ballistic missiles n a big industrial base with its reverse engineered stuff..
no way.. Turkey is technologically much advanced and has many force multipliers like refuellers,AWACs and a much awesome navy.. even convential weapons are much more advanced... Iran has more manpower and ballistic missiles n a big industrial base with its reverse engineered stuff..

"Much technologically advanced", are you serious? In what?
They can't even develop a surface to air missile system and they copy alot of other things, their altay is based on Korean K-2 etc. They cannot even make a submarine.
They have a stronger conventional military, but your comment about them being much more advance than Iran is pure nonsense.

Their indigenous capability is quite weak. Only thing on their side is being able to purchase,import and copy technology. Iran has a more robust indigenous capability. They are more advance than Iran due to what they have purchased, not what they can make themselves. That is a serious weakness in their part.
"Much technologically advanced", are you serious? In what?
They can't even develop a surface to air missile system and they copy alot of other things, their altay is based on Korean K-2 etc. They cannot even make a submarine.
They have a stronger conventional military, but your comment about them being much more advance than Iran is pure nonsense.

Their indigenous capability is quite weak. Only thing on their side is being able to purchase,import and copy technology.

even if they copy stuff .. or even import it... their standing army is still superior equipment and exposure wise (train with all countries out there) ... meanwhile Iran doesnt have tht liberty thanks to sanctions.. as for SAMs .. they have HISAR SAM.. And Iranian propoganda .. ex qaher 313 5th gen fighter? its kinda funny..
even if they copy stuff .. or even import it... their standing army is still superior equipment and exposure wise (train with all countries out there) ... meanwhile Iran doesnt have tht liberty thanks to sanctions..

I think you misunderstood my comment. I said they are by no means more advanced due to their weak indigenous capability.
They have no submarine design, no missile capability, very weak air defence. They copy alot and rely heavily on the outsside for parts etc. Their so called Anka "MALE" uav, which seems to be a failed project relies on the outside for engine and so much more whilst Iranian male uav is already flying and made 100% by Iran,due to the simple fact Iran has to rely on itself and can't import.

Turkish technology lies in what they have imported and not what they created.

They are still conventionally stronger of course. But you went way too far by extrapolating that and claim they are "much more superior technologically".
@DESERT FIGHTER Well, yes, Turkey can overhaul their own F-16's provided they receive upgrade kits/parts from USA, etc. However, they don't produce main components of their aircraft like engines. That also goes for Turkish Tanks which are mostly American and German.

@King Of Persians Does Iran produce its own Tank engines?? How good are Iranian Tank compared to Turkish and other regional countries Tanks??

What about Iranian Fighter/attack Jets?? Are they superior to Turkish and Arabian jets??
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