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What is Status Quo in India

Lol That sounds familiar. I have heard mullahs say Islam is a way of life and some bishops say the same about Christianity. Revel in your superiority complex. But I am sorry that's an old ruse to sell religion to masses. Because religious extremism now sounds taboo, they sell it as a 'way of life'. They are all the same.

Religious extremism is still very very present.

If true secularism exists,religious fights wont exist.
Dharmic Republic of Bharat? o_O

Seems like you had enough time during your ban to come up with even more BS

Oh and what do you suggest to do with the over 200 million people who dont believe in dharmic religions?

Gas them or dumb them into the ocean?

They ll be in trouble if they abuse the dharmic religions on purpose with malafide intent.

Doesn't matter what you call it. Whether it is a religion or a way of life, you cannot impose it on others. It should be upto people to choose. And the country should be for everybody equally, not just people who follow one religion or way of life.

where is anyone imposing it?
where is anyone imposing it?

Neither should you impose it, nor declare it to be the one sanctioned by the state. Be more specific on what you are suggesting, then we can discuss.

so what do they believe in?
Who, atheists? Probably the same things other people believe in, except deities. What do you believe in, other than a god or gods? Don't you believe the earth or air exist? They probably believe that too.
Secularism is not a fundamental part of the constitution.

The proverb means,what a girl might think to be a secret might just be the gossip in the marketplace.

Religious extremism is still very very present.

If true secularism exists,religious fights wont exist.

@bronxbull Are you a malayali?
The nation will become a failed state the second it becomes a theocratic state. India is not Iran... or any other current theocratic state.

But this cannot and wont happen anyways...
why should indian state tolerate unjustified attacks on hindu religion by abrahamic religions?

Indian state may be a secular state but the majority of voters are hindu.

If the indian govt controls the hindu temples,then what right do they have to stay neutral?

@bronxbull Are you a malayali?

not exactly.

Neither should you impose it, nor declare it to be the one sanctioned by the state. Be more specific on what you are suggesting, then we can discuss.

Who, atheists? Probably the same things other people believe in, except deities. What do you believe in, other than a god or gods? Don't you believe the earth or air exist? They probably believe that too.

whats there to believe in earth and air?

it is a fact.

so when everyone else is defined by what they believe in,why are atheists defined by what they dont believe in?

isn't that a very cynical negative position to be in?
If true secularism exists,religious fights wont exist.
There is no such thing as a true secularism. If you want the French secularism(during the revolution) which probably is the closest to be called 'true' secularism, you would hate it. You cannot roam on the street with sindhoor in such a secular country.

Indian definition of secularism is good enough if not great. If it subsidizes Hajj like many of your friends cry about, it also subsidizes Amarnath yatra and Kumbh mela. If it allows iftar feasts as a good-hearted or some times populist gesture, it also allows 'ground-breaking and keel-laying ceremonies with pujas' for our submarines.
The nation will become a failed state the second it becomes a theocratic state. India is not Iran... or any other current theocratic state.

But this cannot and wont happen anyways...

The nation is already a failed state.
whats there to believe in earth and air?

it is a fact.

so when everyone else is defined by what they believe in,why are atheists defined by what they dont believe in?

isn't that a very cynical negative position to be in?

Yes, "atheist" refers to a person who doesn't believe in the claim of theists. That's it. Now individual atheists possibly do believe many other things, but atheism itself is a rejection of the claim of theism. I don't see why it is cynical, you are simply attributing judgemental values to a position.

And what do you mean by "believe in"? When somebody says he believes in god, it means that he believes that a god exists. When somebody says he doesn't believe in a god, he means that he doesnt believe that a god exists. So when you ask "what do they believe in", I can only assume that you mean what do they believe to exist, which is why I gave the example of earth and air. What else does "believe in" mean?
There is no such thing as a true secularism. If you want the French secularism(during the revolution) which probably is the closest to be called 'true' secularism, you would hate it. You cannot roam on the street with sindhoor in such a secular country.

Indian definition of secularism is good enough if not great. If it subsidizes Hajj like many of your friends cry about, it also subsidizes Amarnath yatra and Kumbh mela. If it allows iftar feasts as a good-hearted or some times populist gesture, it also allows 'ground-breaking and keel-laying ceremonies with pujas' for our submarines.

Indian temples have and generate wealth worth crores of rupees,so who needs amarnath subsidy?

we can fund amarnath subsidy ourselves.

Iftaar feasts are non issues,bhoomi pooja/coconut breaking is the faith of those naval officers not a government thing.
constitution is the supreme law cannot be changed even if one have 543 ,can only be amended in limits.

not everyone is a owaisi or togadia it's a small bunch of loosers ,strengthen the law and take them out.
athu potte....but the very funny thing i7 that these caste/religious rivalries are all happening in their own states Tamilnad,maharastra,U.P...now they are blaming Bengal and Kerala for no reason...i think they don't like our unity and are working full day blaming Kerala and Bengal..and wants to disrupt the profile...
Yes, "atheist" refers to a person who doesn't believe in the claim of theists. That's it. Now individual atheists possibly do believe many other things, but atheism itself is a rejection of the claim of theism. I don't see why it is cynical, you are simply attributing judgemental values to a position.

And what do you mean by "believe in"? When somebody says he believes in god, it means that he believes that a god exists. When somebody says he doesn't believe in a god, he means that he doesnt believe that a god exists. So when you ask "what do they believe in", I can only assume that you mean what do they believe to exist. What else does "believe in" mean?

I have no problem with anyone wanting to believe or not believe in anything.

I believe in god and hence a theists,christians believe something,muslims believe something etc etc.

so what do atheists believe in?

If i am a doctor it is something i do,i cant call myself a non doctor and say i do everything except medicine,
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