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What can Pakistan learn from Indian education system? (Sochta Pakistan)

Pakistan can never learn from india or any other country unless and until they increase the education budget
Pakistan doesn't need to learn anything from the education system of a third world country, Pakistan should study the Finnish or German education system which are far more productive and beneficial.
how much % of GDP pakistan spends on education ?

about 2% only

in 1999 it was 2.9%,,

though imran khan said in his economic policies that he will increase the education budget by 8 times atleast
Pakistan doesn't need to learn anything from the education system of a third world country, Pakistan should study the Finnish or German education system which are far more productive and beneficial.

you yourself are a thrid world country..and to start you can learn from a country like Indi, who inspite of being a third world country has an education systm that is respected the world over...and now even is considered one of the best education system in the world by experts fro the countries that you have mentioned. But hey dont listen to me....or to the experts or to the experts in the video...just do what you are doing..that wil surely help.
Pakistan can learn a lot from India. But India itself has to learn a lot yet. We are producing about 1 million engineers + 1 million other doctors, lawyers, MBAs etc etc. In business education we are world leaders as 3/10 top institutions in the world are India. In engineering we are fine too. We have some top institutions, but lot of roadside crap colleges who have no standard.

Pakistan on the other hand needs to create some capacity first as the experts say in the video. Not all engineers you produce in your country will be world class but even if 20% of them are world class you are doing a good job. So graduating more engineers and doctors is the first stop towards education. Then comes quality which improves gradually as the govt and private institutes invest. India today has a very advanced private research facilities who work with Indian unis. This happens in Automobile, nano, aerospace, pharma and defence sectors. Pakistan on the other hand has zero private research environment and Pakistani govt is not supporting but cutting education spending. Pakistan needs drastic changes or it heading towards a disaster in education for sure.


You dont need a source to glorify Imran Khan.

According to a post qby Vcheng Pakistan spends about 75% of its total budget on debt servicing and defence alone. Now if Imran is going to increase the education budget atleast 8 times from where is the surplus going to come from ?
aged video .one's system needs to function before it brings any change.
You dont need a source to glorify Imran Khan.

According to a post qby Vcheng Pakistan spends about 75% of its total budget on debt servicing and defence alone. Now if Imran is going to increase the education budget atleast 8 times from where is the surplus going to come from ?

Imran Khan is just an idiot imo. I have seen almost all his interviews. Not even in a single interview he has given an economic detail and plan to save Pakistan. he doesn't talk about numbers but just make hawai pulao. We will see how he manages Pak when he comes to power.
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