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What about Kashmir?

What you say as Kashmiris losing their spirit and morale, I call it them realizing the truth. Also, we are putting in serious effort as we are interested. We love Kashmiris and Kashmir.
On the other hand, if you are so interested, why don't you put in some "serious effort" and join them.

@ We have always a good moral support and sampathy for the Kashmiris. India is occupying Kashmir illegally, the whole world knows it.
@ We have always a good moral support and sampathy for the Kashmiris. India is occupying Kashmir illegally, the whole world knows it.

MAY BE, WE SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU TO ROT IN 1971. oH I forgot you were part of the Pakistan that demanded that Kasrmir be liberated and you came to know that your West Pakistani mates were firing at your backs and came to us for your rescue. Boot likers.
@ We have always a good moral support and sampathy for the Kashmiris. India is occupying Kashmir illegally, the whole world knows it.

Your moral support and sympathy and of course the whole world could not do anything from 6 decades!
@ We have always a good moral support and sampathy for the Kashmiris. India is occupying Kashmir illegally, the whole world knows it.

no body gives damn to moral support or oral support
We are very much serious. Kashmir is in our blood, we can never forget it till its independence from the illegal occupation of india, and later, with the wishes of our Kashmiri brothers, the ultimate merger with Pakistan. :)

I thank god for that. Because if you start forgetting Kashmir, which btw will never be won by any means, and start concentrating on your own country then your country runs the risk of actually getting stable and peaceful.

Don't forget Kashmir by all means and that is exactly what India wants.

Let me also tell you, Kashmiris hate everything indian, they hate being called an indian.

Doesn't matter a bit what the separatists want. Kashmiri Muslim separatists account for about less than 0.1% of the Indian Union. There are other 99.99% who will not agree to it.
Who says that we want to snatch it. Or we want to make it part of Pakistan. We just want the issue resolved in accordance with wishes of Kashmiri people. After all it is to be their wish.

Let me put it bluntly.

The will of the Valley Muslims does not matter a BIT, a goddamn bit, in India. In both India and Pakistan the people of Kashmir Valley dont matter. Its the land of Kashmir and the river head waters that matter.

So avoid these words like "will of Kashmiris" and save us some bandwidth. ok ?

You are right, when your full fledge force could not anything for the past 60 years, what 'our wish' can do?? :lol:

Kiddo we have not even showed force, let alone "full fledged" in the last 60 years.

Do you think it is so much difficult to change the demography (Hinduize/Sikhize) of the Valley if we think so ? :lol:
Close this BS thread. Kashmir has already reduced a miserable country to its half. I guess BD wants it too. :cheesy:
Close this BS thread. Kashmir has already reduced a miserable country to its half. I guess BD wants it too. :cheesy:

Thats interesting though.. the claim of Pakistan on Kashmir predates partition of Pakistan between current Pakistan and Bangladesh. doesnt that mean Bangladesh also has a claim on Kashmir ???? o_O
Thats interesting though.. the claim of Pakistan on Kashmir predates partition of Pakistan between current Pakistan and Bangladesh. doesnt that mean Bangladesh also has a claim on Kashmir ???? o_O

Out of the total area they have , only 15% comes under Independent Kashmir, the rest has been made into a state.

So free them first from the nation and then talk is better for PK.
Out of the total area they have , only 15% comes under Independent Kashmir, the rest has been made into a state.

So free them first from the nation and then talk is better for PK.

If you are referring to the recent conversion of Northern areas into a province, then yeah.. Pakistan did realize the stupidity of carrying on a charade of Azad Kashmir that no one believed anyway..
If you are referring to the recent conversion of Northern areas into a province, then yeah.. Pakistan did realize the stupidity of carrying on a charade of Azad Kashmir that no one believed anyway..

Actually they have given us a valuable precedent whereby we should separate Jammu and Ladakh and merge it with India as there is a huge support for that in those areas. But then Indian politicians are Indian politicians......
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