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Wehrmacht vs Red army :Best WW2 eastern front animated.

Conditions were often less than ideal:

@AUSTERLITZ @vostok @Vergennes @Desert Fox @Levina
Wehrmacht and Waffen SS: One of the best (if not, the best) army and best soldiers in the history of warfare.

They might have lost the war, but the "victors" did not win either judging by the looks of it. Karma and vengeance is sweet.


@Psychic @Metanoia @LeGenD @OsmanAli98
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It is one the most unbiased ones after battlefield I've found

Watch few Soviet storm episodes
I have. Too much drama and entertainment with plenty of Soviet bias and propaganda, not enough historical facts, only cherry picked ones.
I agree on the bias , but not as much as some other series ,
Any suggestions for me?
Soviet Storm is made from the perspective of the Soviet Union (thus the name, of course) and is filled with pro-Soviet propaganda and cherry picked facts.

There's nothing wrong with watching it, because even then most retarded propaganda has entertainment value.

However, it is important to keep this fact in mind when watching these so called "documentaries".

As one example: Soviet Storm skips the origins of the Eastern Front which are in the Ribbentrop-Stalin pact, wherein Stalin enthusiastically agreed to divide eastern Europe between himself and Nazi Germany and supply Hitler with war materials in case Britian and France declare war on him (which they did, and the rest is history).

One of the most funniest scenes of Soviet Storm, due to the irony, is when they show Red army soldiers marching into Western Poland in 1944-45 and the narrator says "the brave Red Army liberates Poland from the Fascist tyranny". But didn't Comrade (more like CommieRat) Stalin gift Western Poland to Hitler in 1939? Does that not make Stalin an accomplice in the "Fascist tyranny" over Poland? :rofl: and in the invasion of Western Europe and finally Barbarossa too, Stalin was the accomplice. The blood of those 25 million Soviet casualties is on Stalin's hands, not Hitler's.


The amount of cognitive dissonance is off the charts, but what can you expect from Communist apologists? They are brain dead animals, just like their Atheist god Karl Marx envisioned them to be (yes I know Communists claim to not believe in a God, but this is yet again another cognitive dissonance of Communists). Looks like at least one of Marxs' prophecies did come true, that there are people in society who willingly become animals and enjoy it.
Any suggestions for me?
If you mean documentaries then no, because there are no unbiased documentaries. All of the official history sources have the stamp of approval of the establishment powers who were the Victor's of WW2. This is especially true of visual media which is overwhelmingly under their control because visual media is the most easily digested by the human mind because the information is already premade and very little imagination is needed by the consumer to take in this information.

Books on the other hand, there are still many that give an objective and unofficial view of historical events. However most people don't read books anymore for whatever reason, due to busy schedule and time constraints mostly if one were to assume and also due to the ever decreasing attention span of the average person as a result. Books require using ones imagine to interpret the text, therefore not an easily comprehendable source of info.

But there are books that I can suggest.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @LeGenD @Gomig-21 @Metanoia
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The Germans had the Soviets for breakfast in the initial couple of years.
Couple of months. They were defeated in december 1941 near Moscow. And Blitzkrieg failed.
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