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We will CUT OFF your water supply India warning to Pakistan

Actually this will help us getting rid of landlords.. They will leave lands and start some industries.. and these lands can then be distributed among the small farmers... and then bombing can start...

Just a plan.. :lol:
Why always announce such noble gestures? Just get Uncle Sam along in the party and block the water...
All Pakistanis must be willing to fight India for our water.
All Pakistanis must be willing to fight India for our water.

Liberals will say that this is a conspiracy made up by the ISI and Pakistan. India is merely collecting and diverting the water as a good will gesture. It is actually the good and buy guys stealing this water.

Where is that b@stard Nawaz Sharif or his little poodle Shahid Khaqan Abbasi? Where are the liberal cunts at Dawn? No statements from these cunts yet?

Some part of me just hopes India goes ahead and diverts this water. Maybe that will wake these people up from a deep slumber.
They can only bark but wouldnt do it just like CPEC now Modi given another lollypop to indians to play with it onwards.
Ha ha, if the news of India rightfully using its share of water brings intolerable heartburn to these Pakistanis, one wonders what kind of hissy fits will they throw once the western three rivers too are used to their full allowable quota under IWT. These fanatics need to study the fine print of the IWT first instead of venting out their frustrations.
Barking Dogs seldom bite example best fit current indians and their govt/ Army:lol:

lets see if this union minister will do what he/she says:welcome: before that hope he will do something to properly feed indian soldiers so that they can at least show some resistance to Pakistan Forces:D:enjoy:

Pakistan had already mentioned several times that anything indians do against the Water treaty will be considered an act of War and Pakistan then will deal with it accordingly:enjoy:
Barking Dogs seldom bite example best fit current indians and their govt/ Army:lol:

lets see if this union minister will do what he/she says:welcome: before that hope he will do something to properly feed indian soldiers so that they can at least show some resistance to Pakistan Forces:D:enjoy:

Pakistan had already mentioned several times that anything indians do against the Water treaty will be considered an act of War and Pakistan then will deal with it accordingly:enjoy:
What part of 'the rivers have also been partioned' and ' India is not obligated to share the waters of the three eastern rivers' do you Pakistani geniuses not understand. Let me reiterate, India has exclusive rights to the waters of Ravi, Beas and Sutlej as per the IWT. NUFF SAID!
What surgical strikes you are talking about? the one carried out by invisible monkeys as per you claims.....

Dear our cruise missile are nuclear not like anti ship missile Yakont aka Brahmos.

You are really gr8... you will nuke a dam with cruise missile... you really love your nukes... haven't heard about that before...

Talking about brahmos... lol... read about 22nd march test and you will know wheter it is yankot or not... and yes use google for it...

Till then let us talk about Indus Water Treaty... bcos...

Hukka pani band hone wala h...
Can someone educate me, how building dam will restrict water flow?? Once the reservoir capacity is filled up, according to my mass conservation knowledge, input must equal to out put... the water certainly does not get vanished while rotating the turbine..

Diverting it to other areas is a different ball game though... Since I don't know detail of IWT, I'll not comment on that..
Under the IWT, India has already paid Pakistan for full use of 3 rivers and any losses Pakistan suffers as a lower riparian. Legally, besides building dams, India can divert water from 3 rivers if it so desires. Is Pakistan highly dependent on these 3 as well? Don't troll - someone who knows do answer.
What surgical strikes you are talking about? the one carried out by invisible monkeys as per you claims.....

Dear our cruise missile are nuclear not like anti ship missile Yakont aka Brahmos.

U forgot our ballistic missiles are thermonuclear .
Sane indians know the consequences of water war with Pakistan.

Americans will not allow India & Pakistan to reach at this point .

It will be considered a global tension.
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