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Water supply cut in PTI-dominated areas, claims leader


Sep 7, 2010
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Water supply cut in PTI-dominated areas, claims leader

The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf has claimed that residents of NA-250 constituency — where a majority voted for PIT candidate in May 2013 elections — are especially being victimised by depriving them of their due water supply share.

The PTI legislator from PS-112, Khurram Sherzaman, said this while addressing a press conference at the Karachi Press Club on Thursday.

He warned the authorities that if the water problem was not addressed within a week, he would be compelled to go on a hunger strike outside the KPC.

He said that while there was a water shortage in the city, the KWSB had cut water supply in other areas by 20 to 30 per cent, but in the PTI-dominated localities the water supply was reduced to 70 per cent which was causing a great deal of problems to the common man, who could not afford to purchase water through bowsers costing between Rs 2,500 to Rs 3,000 each tanker.

He said over the past eight months he had taken up the issue in the assembly and also held a number of meetings with the KWSB authorities, including its chairman, but failed to get the issue resolved.

He said the managing director of the KWSB expressed his helplessness before some officials responsible for opening water supply in the area.

He appealed to the chief minister and the water board to look into their complaints.

The PTI lawmaker also called upon the chief minister to initiate the K-4 water project to overcome the water crisis.

Water supply cut in PTI-dominated areas, claims leader - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

ugly ppp feudals have not released any funds for the constituencies in which PTI won, and now this cheap tactic.. how low can PPP go with their cronies MQM against PTI ?
lol since PTI has totally flopped in karachi its complaining they don't have funds, its a conspiracy against them, they are being victimised blah blah blah :lol:

i hope NA250 are enjoying PTI and its kaam chor parliamentarians
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