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Water crisis may lead India to war


Apr 8, 2007
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Asia is facing the brunt of climate change and will see severe stress on water resources and food-grain production in the future, increasing the risk of armed conflict among India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China, the latest report of a UN panel has warned.
UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in its report assessing impacts of climate change on human health, settlements and natural resources released on Monday, carried a dire warning. "The worst is yet to come," it said, if no measures are taken to curb the ill-effects of global warming.
India, like other developing economies, may lose up to 1.7% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) if the annual mean temperature rises by 1 degree Celsius compared to pre-industrialization level, hitting the poor the most.
India has several disputes with neighbours, specially with china, relating water issues. It also faces internal state-state disputes relating share of river water.
Among other things, the report warns that climate change increases the risk of armed conflict around the world because it worsens poverty and economic shocks.
"Climate change is already becoming a determining factor in the national security policies of states", said a statement issued by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which has been working to arrive at a global climate deal by 2015 to fight the menace effectively through combined efforts of nations.
Besides the UN report, a series of reports from intelligence agencies and research groups indicate the prospect of a water war is becoming increasingly likely.
In March, 2012, a report from the office of the US Director of National Intelligence said the risk of conflict would grow as water demand is set to outstrip sustainable current supplies by 40 per cent by 2030.
"These threats are real and they do raise serious national security concerns," Hillary Clinton, the then US secretary of state, said after the report's release.

Water crisis may lead India to war
A general statement .

Why India, Pak, China & BD alone ? Whats happening with the North African states - Egypt is threatening the lower states who want to dam the Nile.

We need to focus on the merry hell we are playing with the environment.

Some clot has written this article. Pakistan too is having inter state issues with distribution of water - Sindh - Punjab.

BD has no states all issues are dealt centrally.

China - no information flows out so one knows nothing till it huts the ceiling.
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