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WATCH: Dalit in Madhya Pradesh village MURDERED by upper-caste Hindus for converting to Sikhism

Response from radical Hindus on this incident are strange, considering Sikhi is supposed to be Dharmic!


@DabbuSardar @indushek @Kingdom come @CallSignMaverick @VkdIndian @Skimming @Raj-Hindustani @karmaa @SoulSpokesman @pikkuboss @protean @JaneBhiDoYaaron @ProudThamizhan @pooriduniya @MilSpec
Why involve Sikh here??

Are you looking for sikh support to Pakistanis etc?

I'm confused why Sikhs are being called out...
Why involve Sikh here??

Are you looking for sikh support to Pakistanis etc?

I'm confused why Sikhs are being called out...
Abbey jangli badboodar bandar, I tagged you because a fellow jangli was getting attacked by savage Chindoos. Where's the Nihang rage and frantic Kirpan waving? I know you couldn't do anything when pajeets were going after your kind in 1984, but surely you've managed to grow a pair by now?
This is crazy stuff,, enforce a caste system that keep hundreds of millions of dalits down and degraded and if they want to dump Hinduism, then go crazy and try to kill them

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