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Washington betrayed Moscow over S-300 deal with Iran: Russian official


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
A Russian official has criticized the US for abandoning Moscow after forcing it to stop a deal for the delivery of S-300 defense systems to Iran.

Russian Technologies (Rostech) CEO Sergei Chemezov said on Thursday that the US applied heavy pressure on Moscow to stop the agreement under the pretext that the Iran-Russia deal was against UN Security Council sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic.

Chemezov, added, however, that Washington later changed its rhetoric, saying the UN resolution did not specifically mention the S-300 system and Russia had acted on its own.

“The Americans now agree that it is a defensive system and Russia alone should be responsible for the breach of the contract,” Ria Novosti quoted Chemezov as saying.

He added that Moscow now seeks to reach a settlement with Tehran to withdraw its lawsuit against Russia’s state-run arms export company Rosoboronexport over the canceled deal, saying Russia’s chances “to win the case are very slim.”

Under a contract signed in 2007, Russia was required to provide Iran with at least five S-300 defense systems.

Russia, however, refused to deliver the systems to Iran under the pretext that they are covered by the fourth round of the UN Security Council resolutions against Iran.

In September 2010, then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev also signed a decree banning the delivery of the defense systems to the Islamic Republic.

Iran has filed a complaint against Rosoboronexport in the International Arbitration Court in Geneva.

The Iranian Army has previously announced that it is manufacturing an indigenous missile defense system similar to the Russian S-300 and will unveil it in the next Iranian calendar year (beginning March 21, 2014).

PressTV - Washington betrayed Moscow over S-300 deal with Iran: Russian official

another lesson about western behavior and trustworthy of their words, for those willing to learn.
this is none our business anymore .... the only thing we know is that Russia betrayed us and we won't trust them again ...

we already tested B373 subsystems and in this year we will test it in this year ...

Is there any evidence that it is as good as the S-300 systems? Would like to know, thanks in advance.
If I recall there where several Russian scientist that went to Iran to help them with air defence. Correct me if I am wrong
Remember and you guys can dig older Thread I told you russians had a deal with US if they don't sell S-300 they would ask something in return from US, we might not know the complete details though.
Is there any evidence that it is as good as the S-300 systems? Would like to know, thanks in advance.

is it important? if we want to continue to be dependent on foreign powers to give us such a system we will be always a vulnerable country because we can not stand on our own feet and we ought to look at others hands to help us ... we should design our domestic air defense system due to security matters and such events ...
is it important? if we want to continue to be dependent on foreign powers to give us such a system we will be always a vulnerable country because we can not stand on our own feet and we ought to look at others hands to help us ... we should design our domestic air defense system due to security matters and such events ...

Well, considering that Israel may launch an airstrike in Iran, I would say that yes it is important. It's good to build a domestic defense system, but in the short term, it's better to get a proven system off the shelf until your own system is built and operational.

B373 main power is that an unknown system for our enemies .... for Sure USA studied S-300 long time ago and even if we buy it , Russia will sell it information to USA and Zionists ....

Well, that remark isn't really making the Iranian system look good, all it's doing is giving the impression that the system is not as good as people claim.
Well, that remark isn't really making the Iranian system look good, all it's doing is giving the impression that the system is not as good as people claim.

That remark does not mean the system is not as good as S-300.

All that Iran has said is that it is better than the S-300, without elaborating on what version they meant. Even if it as good as a mid-range S-300, like the PMU1, then it will be very formidable as the one big advantage that it has is that no-one apart form Iran has any idea on it's vulnerabilities. Yes the system could still be defeated in a war but it could still shoot down dozens of enemy aircraft by the time it's vulnerabilities are exposed.

Well done Iran and hope you build up a formidable SAM based air-defences in the next few years so that your enemies dare not even think about attacking your country:sniper:
Well, considering that Israel may launch an airstrike in Iran, I would say that yes it is important. It's good to build a domestic defense system, but in the short term, it's better to get a proven system off the shelf until your own system is built and operational.

Yep you're right there is no doubt by your point of view and I agree, but whilst they are reluctant to sell us food and medicine and we are sanctioned in many cases due to making a hypothetical nuke in a hypothetical time in a hypothetical future by possessors of biggest nuclear weapons arsenals expecting them to put a modern air defense system up for sale would be seen as a joke, moreover didn't we ask them to sell us S-300? and it sure was paid ... furthermore we asked Russia to send a satellite for us into orbit in one word they rebuffed us that's why Iran has attempted several times to send satellites by its own domestic SLV, we enrich uranium because it took 36 years for foreign powers to build a civil reactor (Busher NPP) for Iran .... history teaches us they won't give us anything and they will betray us whenever they feel it benefits them ....
Yep you're right there is no doubt by your point of view and I agree, but whilst they are reluctant to sell us food and medicine and we are sanctioned in many cases due to making a hypothetical nuke in a hypothetical time in a hypothetical future by possessors of biggest nuclear weapons arsenals expecting them to put a modern air defense system up for sale would be seen as a joke, moreover didn't we ask them to sell us S-300? and it sure was paid ... furthermore we asked Russia to send a satellite for us into orbit in one word they rebuffed us that's why Iran has attempted several times to send satellites by its own domestic SLV, we enrich uranium because it took 36 years for foreign powers to build a civil reactor (Busher NPP) for Iran .... history teaches us they won't give us anything and they will betray us whenever they feel it benefits them ....

our satellite story is even worse and much more painful than just " refuse to lunch Iran satellite to Orbit " ....

we made our satellite and gave it to Russia to lunch it .... and they lunch it and it was successful but after some week they said they loss communication with satellite and the problem was from the satellite .... !! in simple word , they stole our satellite !!!
That remark does not mean the system is not as good as S-300.

All that Iran has said is that it is better than the S-300, without elaborating on what version they meant. Even if it as good as a mid-range S-300, like the PMU1, then it will be very formidable as the one big advantage that it has is that no-one apart form Iran has any idea on it's vulnerabilities. Yes the system could still be defeated in a war but it could still shoot down dozens of enemy aircraft by the time it's vulnerabilities are exposed.

Well done Iran and hope you build up a formidable SAM based air-defences in the next few years so that your enemies dare not even think about attacking your country:sniper:

Again, I'm talking about perceived views, not actual facts. The actual facts could be very favorable, but after the fiasco that was the Qaher, no defense expert is going to take these claims seriously.

Yep you're right there is no doubt by your point of view and I agree, but whilst they are reluctant to sell us food and medicine and we are sanctioned in many cases due to making a hypothetical nuke in a hypothetical time in a hypothetical future by possessors of biggest nuclear weapons arsenals expecting them to put a modern air defense system up for sale would be seen as a joke, moreover didn't we ask them to sell us S-300? and it sure was paid ... furthermore we asked Russia to send a satellite for us into orbit in one word they rebuffed us that's why Iran has attempted several times to send satellites by its own domestic SLV, we enrich uranium because it took 36 years for foreign powers to build a civil reactor (Busher NPP) for Iran .... history teaches us they won't give us anything and they will betray us whenever they feel it benefits them ....

On the other hand, Iran is suing Russia over the sales, and is looking like it will win. The Russians claim that the US lied to them about the sanctions, and that the S-300 actually may have been allowed under sanctions. In this case, the sale may go ahead regardless of external influence. With Russia selling to Syria (despite international pressure), the Russians may decide to cave to Iran and sell it the S-300 system and get rid of the lawsuit.
our satellite story is even worse and much more painful than just " refuse to lunch Iran satellite to Orbit " ....

we made our satellite and gave it to Russia to lunch it .... and they lunch it and it was successful but after some week they said they loss communication with satellite and the problem was from the satellite .... !! in simple word , they stole our satellite !!!

No evidence that the Russians stole it. Why would they steal a satellite when they could just launch their own that would be much more advanced? I suspect that the communication may actually have been lost. Remember, Iran is still experimenting with sat-tech, so these problems are bound to occur. Every country with a sat/space program experiences them.
No evidence that the Russians stole it. Why would they steal a satellite when they could just launch their own that would be much more advanced? I suspect that the communication may actually have been lost. Remember, Iran is still experimenting with sat-tech, so these problems are bound to occur. Every country with a sat/space program experiences them.

bam ... they didn't want to give it control to Iran and make an excuse ... so simply they stole it ...
Is there any evidence that it is as good as the S-300 systems? Would like to know, thanks in advance.
well, what kind of evidence you expect when the system hasn't completed yet, but by looking how Iran upgraded it's S200, may give you an Idea, our original S200 was designed for targeting high altitude aircrafts with success rate of 86% against bombers, but our upgraded version can hit low RCS aircrafts at low altitude too (don't expect to tell you how low), and in the 'Modafean e Aseman e Velayat 4' drill this system tracked a drone from 150km distance and successfully targeted it in more than 100km.
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