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War on terror bills: Pakistan forgoes $1.3b claim under CSF


Dec 14, 2010
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Islamabad: Pakistan seems to be in a giving mood, not only has it decided to relinquish transit fees for Nato supplies, it has also given up on a huge chunk of another payment from the US.
Contrary to an official statement issued earlier, Pakistan has decided to forgo $1.3 billion of the total $2.5 ‘reconciled’ outstanding amount the US was to pay under war on terror reimbursement claims of the Coalition Support Fund (CSF).

The $1.3 billion has been excluded from the “reconciled claims of $2.5 billion” for the period from July 2010 to April 2011, said a senior official from the finance ministry. The amount is even more than the $900 million the US had refused to pay.

This means the earlier total bill of $3.4 billion was overstated by a whopping $2.22 billion or 65%, and raises serious questions over the credibility of the country’s financial managers.The official was not willing to say anything more except that the bills were inflated. This is contrary to what senior functionaries had said earlier.

Finance Minister Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh had told the media at a news conference the reconciled CSF claims amounted to $2.5 billion. The ministry’s spokesman Rana Assad Amin was not available for comments despite repeated attempts to contact him for three consecutive days.

Recent reports following the reopening of Nato routes suggest the US will now pay only $1.18 billion under the CSF, which Washington disburses after a rigorous 11-stage scrutiny process against expenditures Pakistan has already incurred in its fight against terrorism. The finance ministry official said the money will be released in the next 15 days.

At the same news conference which Dr Hafeez Shaikh had addressed earlier regarding the disbursement of the reconciled amount, he said that prior to the May 2 raid on a compound in Abbottabad the US had started rejecting 35-40% of the amount Pakistan claimed.

Finance ministry officials agreed that while the US would disburse the entire proposed amount in the initial years of the war, it started rejecting 5-10% of the bill soon after.The US had however stopped disbursing the fund since December 2010 in an attempt to coerce Islamabad into accepting its demands. Up till then the US had disbursed a total amount of $8.6 billion against total claims of $12 billion, said a government functionary requesting anonymity.

Pakistan has also taken back its demand of $5,500 transit fee for each Nato container crossing through its territory. Some reports suggest the move is to dispel the impression that the route was blocked for financial gains and not over the US apology for the Salala air raid.

The $5,500 included $1,000 for repairing roads damaged due to heavy traffic movement, said communication secretary Anwar Ahmad Khan in a testimony to the Public Accounts Committee. The government has not yet divulged how it intends to repair the damaged roads. It is said the national exchequer has already sustained a loss of $124 billion on account of Nato containers passing through its territory.

War on terror bills: Pakistan forgoes $1.3b claim under CSF – The Express Tribune
This is a Prime Example of Pakistan being a rich country and India being Poor :) . They let go of more than 4 billion USD . We would never have done that .

India is dying to be US’s side kick, so whatever US will tell India to do in future India will happily do it, without any questions asked. India can’t stand up against US at all, the only thing India is trying to do over here is to copy US in every possible way.

So what you are saying is BULLSH*T & STF.

Don't make fun of my countries name by putting Smiley face instead of 'P'. This shows how black hearted people you jabronis really are.
It is said the national exchequer has already sustained a loss of $124 billion on account of Nato containers passing through its territory.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...rgoes-1-3b-claim-under-csf.html#ixzz20CEJraca
$124 billion???

This is utter baloney!
India is dying to be US’s side kick, so whatever US will tell India to do in future India will happily do it, without any questions asked. India can’t stand up against US at all, the only thing India is trying to do over here is to copy US in every possible way.

So what you are saying is BULLSH*T & STF.

Don't make fun of my countries name by putting Smiley face instead of 'P'. This shows how black hearted people you jabronis really are.

Sir are you blind ?? Please find the post where i put smiley in place of P . I am waiting . And in the past 60 years we have survived without submitting our Sovereignty to any foreign Country . Our Geo-political Understanding and Negotiation Skills far outstip yours . We are not dependent on any country . InshaAllah and we never will be in future .
So what you are saying is BULLSH*T & STF.

Don't make fun of my countries name by putting Smiley face instead of 'P'. This shows how black hearted people you jabronis really are.

WTH that was not intentional! Sorry if that offended you, a colon followed by a 'P', thats what it was meant to be. I ll fix it.
India is dying to be US’s side kick, so whatever US will tell India to do in future India will happily do it, without any questions asked. India can’t stand up against US at all, the only thing India is trying to do over here is to copy US in every possible way.

So what you are saying is BULLSH*T & STF.

Don't make fun of my countries name by putting Smiley face instead of 'P'. This shows how black hearted people you jabronis really are.

Brain Fart of a ignorant child.

dont you read , at least on this fourm?

India rejected F 16 & F 18, refused to sign CISCOM & logistics sharing, no backing down from the laiability low of civil nuclear bill. where the hell do you find India siding US.

on the other hand Pakistan oppened the transit rout claming that US has appologised ( the whole world knew what US had said),
withdrew transit fees & noe letting go $1.3 bil.

Pakistan may take aids in billions from US but never steals US jobs (out sourced jobs) . Hundred Thousands of out soured jobs taken away from US work force will add up in more then Aid given to Pakistan on US tax payer.
The $124b figure is all-inclusive. Direct and indirect losses to roads, infrastructure, businesses, people's livelihood and increased security expenditure among others are all taken into consideration.
Brain Fart of a ignorant child.

dont you read , at least on this fourm?

India rejected F 16 & F 18, refused to sign CISCOM & logistics sharing, no backing down from the laiability low of civil nuclear bill. where the hell do you find India siding US.

on the other hand Pakistan oppened the transit rout claming that US has appologised ( the whole world knew what US had said),
withdrew transit fees & noe letting go $1.3 bil.


Mate, I have posted a Video, in the Thread. It explains why Pakistan opened Nato Supply Routes & Other Facts:cheesy:
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