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War Crimes Of USA in IRAQ, Comes to table

The question should be: Can YOU prove YOUR claim of 1+ million deaths in the hands of US military "with definite, concrete statistics backed by undeniable visual proof and supporting evidence"?

I asked the question first. Answer it if you can. I can prove what I have claimed, but that's a separate issue. You have a habit of running away from admitting your mistakes, like you did when you bungled up claiming that all 22 Arab countries lost to so called "Israel", then you began asking if all 22 Arab countries are actually Arab.

Do not run away from the topic. Answer the question if you can.
My arguments are backed by official statistics. Others already made references to the stats.

What official statistics? Which officials are they? There is no Iraqi official statistics published by Saddam Hussein or his associates on the actual number of Iraqis killed by USA.
Maybe, but it means nothing either way because, institutions like "International .... blah blah" and "United Nations" are western institutions through and through. No resolution has been passed in the UN to blockade, sanction and bomb the USA, maintaining a no-fly zone in the USA and UK like what they did in Iraq. The so called "United Nations" is still headquartered in the USA and the West.

First, the USA needs to be 'obliterated' as we know it, so that its people feel the taste of war, something they never did during all these wars since 2001. Then, the rest of the West will be forced to play nice. The problem, if you would call it, is that most of the rest of the world has no appetite or plans for such action. Muslims must take the lead, and the problem (if you would call it so) is that most Muslims do not even know other Muslims' affairs well enough, talking about taking collective measures is a distant pursuit.

A long lasting war of complete "destruction" including nuclear weapons, biological, chemical weapons should be prepared for. Killing hundred million Americans is not very difficult, one does not need to spend 2 billion riyals to attain this target. The problem again is with the political leadership (or lack of it), and the failure of the political leadership must be shouldered by the public. The public must take an active role in confronting the evil West.

You are clearly brainwashed to the extreme by extremist Mullahs. Now I understand why you are arguing the way that you are. This terroristic tendencies won't get you anywhere.
You are clearly brainwashed to the extreme by extremist Mullahs. Now I understand why you are arguing the way that you are. This terroristic tendencies won't get you anywhere.

No need for personal name calling. Answer with proof/evidence, if you can. Considering the contents of this thread alone, my post is very well justified, not to mention the numerous other unreported and concealed instances of criminalities of the USA in various form.
What official statistics? Which officials are they? There is no Iraqi official statistics published by Saddam Hussein or his associates on the actual number of Iraqis killed by USA.

Source: Iraq body count


Now before you embark on the "conspiracy" bandwagon:

Iraq Body Count is an ongoing human security project which maintains and updates the world’s largest public database of violent civilian deaths during and since the 2003 invasion. The count encompasses non-combatants killed by military or paramilitary action and the breakdown in civil security following the invasion.

Data is drawn from cross-checked media reports, hospital, morgue, NGO and official figures to produce a credible record of known deaths and incidents. (more in About IBC)

You can contribute to IBC's work in several ways, including with a donation.

No need for personal name calling. Answer with proof/evidence, if you can. Considering the contents of this thread alone, my post is very well justified, not to mention the numerous other unreported and concealed instances of criminalities of the USA in various form.

Somebody who calls for deaths of hundred million Americans and vows to "obliterate" the US, and calls it "justified" does not have the credentials or authority for any reasonable discussions in the matter.
Source: Iraq body count


How is that an official source? That claim has been debunked already, anyway.

That is an "under"count - it underreports casualties to make USA look like a 'saint'. Even Western reports had already claimed long ago that over 1 million Iraqi innocent people perished due to the evil West.

One Million Dead in Iraq: Our Own Holocaust Denial

The Muslims are way too ignorant, disorganized, ill-informed about each other to take any active measures. It does not take even 400 million Riyals to kill 4 million Americans. That should be a starting point.

Somebody who calls for deaths of hundred million Americans and vows to "obliterate" the US, and calls it "justified" does not have the credentials or authority for any reasonable discussions in the matter.

Faulty logic at best. Planning for all contingencies is one of the smartest things to do. "Obliteration" of the USA and eliminating the terrorist elements in there that have waged a war against Muslims worldwide for more than a decade now can be important components of a contingency plan. Justifications are used by politicians.
How is that an official source? That claim has been debunked already, anyway.

Those websites are whistle-blowers made for gullible people like you to fall on. Anybody can make such a website and start publishing sensational stories to up their rating. Are they credible? Plus, that website is full of assertions with no "proof" whatsoever.

Now your beloved Information "clearing/faking" house is begging for your donation. Be gullible enough to "help'' them?

Please Help - Our Situation is Beyond Critical.

Donations Are Down 80%

I can not do this work alone. I need your help.

Please give today $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100- To Use your debit/credit card or check click here:

Faulty logic at best. Planning for all contingencies is one of the smartest things to do. "Obliteration" of the USA and eliminating the terrorist elements in there that have waged a war against Muslims worldwide for more than a decade now can be important components of a contingency plan. Justifications are used by politicians.

US has already made it very clear that the war is against radical extremists like you who want to "obliterate" US and "kill hundred million Americans", as you stated a few posts before (Didn't Osama have the same dream?) . You are the kind of person with whom US is in war with. I know it hurts you to see radical terrorists being killed like rats everywhere but extremism will never prevail over the long run. Extremists will only prevail till the time it takes to rack up a bomb up their chest and go to the nearest market to blow it up.
Those websites are whistle-blowers made for gullible people like you to fall on. Anybody can make such a website and start publishing sensational stories to up their rating. Are they credible? Plus, that website is full of assertions with no "proof" whatsoever.

Now your beloved Information "clearing/faking" house is begging for your donation. Be gullible enough to "help'' them?

US has already made it very clear that the war is against radical extremists like you who want to "obliterate" US and "kill hundred million Americans", as you stated a few posts before (Didn't Osama have the same dream?) . You are the kind of person with whom US is in war with. I know it hurts you to see radical terrorists being killed like rats everywhere but extremism will never prevail over the long run. Extremists will only prevail till the time it takes to rack up a bomb up their chest and go to the nearest market to blow it up.

1. That is not the only source of information. Your beloved "official source" (Iraqbodycount) is also begging for donation.

Donate :: Iraq Body Count

None of that has anything to do with the legitimacy or otherwise of your claims.

2. USA has already openly taught that they wanted to use nuclear weapons against Makkah and Madina, and this is just one of many examples which totally refute your baseless claim. Also, it is USA that has already killed millions of innocent Muslims around the world and carried many other criminal acts, not me.

I know that it hurts you to read about the possibility of hundred million American dead but these issues must be explored inevitably for the sake of global peace. Western terrorist extremist radicals can cry all they want, but they have to be faced with comeuppance.


Taliban take over American base

I agree with the principle that eliminating western radical terrorist Americans for the sake of global peace is inevitable.

I do not have much time now, maybe I can refute the Western Zionist terrorist propaganda in praise of their violent extremists at a later time, if Allah (SWT) wishes so.
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No need for personal name calling. Answer with proof/evidence, if you can. Considering the contents of this thread alone, my post is very well justified, not to mention the numerous other unreported and concealed instances of criminalities of the USA in various form.

Doesn't matter what proof or link he would post because you would simply dismiss it as western propoganda. Saddams atrocities have been well documented in histroy. as well as the factional violence taking place in Iraq. It wasn't the US blowing up multiple car bombs in markets. It wasn't the US Funding, arming, and training Shia miltia groups. Even Amnesty international (maybe you consider them to be western propoganda tools to?) puts the death count at 400k for the whole war. and 90% of that is factional violence.

Your blind one sided hatred is evident to all. I also notice the links you provide tend to be blogs.
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